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Posts posted by trushdisney

  1. On 5/6/2019 at 9:05 PM, DaveInTN said:

    Whatever it is, part of it seems to infringe on the back of some sites in 100.   There is an existing canal of sorts there already, but I agree this doesn't look to be a canal.  


    On 5/6/2019 at 8:53 PM, Tri-Circle-D said:

    Does anyone have a guess what is depicted in the top right corner of the plans?


    I don't think that's a canal. Is it a road?  For deliveries to the Trading Post?  Or is this for golf carts or something?


    Hi guys, been following for a long time but haven't posted... until all this sad news about our peaceful Fort being encroached upon has come up. My hubby and I studied this picture for a bit yesterday, and I may be losing my mind, but at the very top center of C-106... is that not the Hoop de Doo and Trail's End? With the Settlement Trading Post across from it (it's very light, turn up your screen brightness)? If so, I would imagine that the very top right hand corner is depicting a new path to the right side of the marina (marina is at the top of the document, just out of sight), which would be our relocated beach.

    I say all this to point out that if I've interpreted the map correctly, we won't lose our settlement, as some are claiming (though we may lose the peacefulness due to higher traffic, which is still tragic). I've seen a few comments, especially on other sites that have posted about this, that we are losing the settlement, which I don't see in the plans here. I can see that the stables and settlement depot will have to be relocated, but I am hoping that's not true for the rest of the Settlement.

    Is this how you guys interpret it too?


    I hate that all these changes are coming to a place that my family has used as an oasis from all the hustle and bustle. 😞

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