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Amy From NY

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Posts posted by Amy From NY

  1. Thank you. great advice.

    If this is your only planned trip for several years...I'd go for the 10 day like Steve said. Each additional day doesn't add much. If you think you'll come back within a couple years, you may want to consider the non-expiration option to get two trips out of it. But that adds substantially to the cost. And finally, if you think you will make at least 2 trips in the next 12 months, consider the annual pass. Even if you want to go again late next year, as long as your trip ends prior to the date you activate the passes this year, you can get another trip on those passes. We did the AP's once a couple years ago and got three trips out of them. Have now taken some time off of Disney trips...but that year was awesome!

    Oh, and WELCOME to the boards!!!

  2. I would like some opinions please. This is our first trip to Disney our girls are 7 & 8. We are staying at the Fort fo 2 weeks in December for Christmas. We would also like to go to other parks Universal, Seaworld ect. too. I know this is going to be a hard one to answer but how many days should I buy for the Disney park? There may be days when we just want to sit on the beach or our campsite and do nothing.

    Thank You


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