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Posts posted by mitz361

  1. Went to meadows pool on Tuesday and was told that they would no longer fill up the mug for life. I got the cast member to call the manager who informed the cast member not to fill it up as there was no such thing. I asked the cast member to ask the manager to come by which she did. She told me that Disney would never sell anything for life and asked me for proof that I had brought them with a forever use. I told her that I had been using them for the last 20 years and no cast member had ever said anything.. She said that was because the cast members were never trained right. She would not back down and left after about 10 minutes. I then went to the front desk to complain and talked to a cast member who was in charge that day. I started to tell hime about the mugs for life when he stopped me and said that he knew about the mugs and yes Disney did sell these mugs for life. He told me that he had heard that they were putting a stop to them. He said that he would get someone to call me. I talked to another cast member later who said that they had just seen a email sent out by the higher up telling all cast members that there was never a for ever mug and not to mention this to the guest. I got a call from Doug Lord 2 hours later who told me that there was never a forever mug anf that I was very lucky to use it for so long. He asked me what I did for a living which I didn"t think had anything to do with the matter. He even asked me who sold me the mug back in 1991! He would not back down and gave me the impression that he couldn't care less if I never came back or not. I ran into someone eles at the pool with one of the mug for life and started to tell him about my story. He told me that he remembers that when he bought his that there was a sign by the mugs saying that they were good for life but dissappeared after a couple of years. this event happend over two days and the only good thing to come out of it was finding fort friends after talking to a friend in the 700 loop. I was wondering what had happened to all the oldies on the other site and now I know.;D

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