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Posts posted by itch

  1. Wel Well Well don't I feel like a Fort celebrity not only did my ugly mug get recognized I got a shout out in a trip report ! Kelly you ROCK it was nice seeing you again and meeting your DH. Your table at Raglan was right behind where we sat, we were right in front of the small stage. The bread is an Irish Staple it's called Soda Bread and my Dad says it's the closet thing he's had to the bread he had in Ireland. The oil was a Guiness reduction you can buy some in the gift shop. Wholly crap that beer flight was only ten bucks I sured missed the monorail on that one, I think I spent 25 on three beers. Z has great taste after Finn got done with his solo he said she talked to him and was on cloud nine. They played Galway Girl and he sang the whole song ( it's one of my favorite songs) to get the whole meaning you need to hear the lyrics look up Steve Earl his redemption is one of the best!


    Great trip report keep it up !

  2. Welcome to the Fiends your one of us now !!

    As far as the cable box thing goes you are exactly right the right hand is not in contact with the left !!!

    Your best bet like others have said go up to the front desk personally or you can call guest relations and have someone stop by your site, or make friendly with a ranger while they are doing their rounds stop em make small talk they can always get you what you need or get in touch with their radio !!

    As far as eating take out from Trails the pizza is hit or miss we have had great and bad , but. The Giddy Up and Go Chicken is THE BEST, we get it a couple times a trip while we stay.

    And as far as the parking pass we have never had a problem in the 30 plus years we have had up to 6 sites and sometimes the wrong pass was on the wrong site they have never said or did anything about it.

    So glad you didn't let a few little things bother your family's magic, it's always best to BE the duck that lets the water run right off it's back.

    Look forward to more of your obersrvatons those of us who have been going for so long become jaded and disappointed since we see some of the best things that used to be at the Fort disappear.

    I like to hear first timers impressions !!


  3. Bring on the fiends more the merrier !

    So today we lazalie ( is that a word ? ) took showers and get out of town breakfast because we had tickets for the Tigers vs. Braves.

    We arrived at the beautiful Wide World of Sports and valeted for 20 bucks that's right 20 bucks instead of walking 6 city blocks you bet ya I paid 20.

    The ball game was great Tigers Justin Verlander pitched outstanding 5 inning ball til the monsoons opened up and the game was called because of rain.

    I type this as we are getting ready to go get some Giddy up and go and sit at Merle's. Updates coming post dinner might even try to get some pictures uploaded.


  4. Well after an almost perfect drive down we arrived to a two hour wait to pick up the rental, no worries we went and picked up groceries and at lunch. Why not relax we are vacation, no worrys. On our way to the Fort with our secret stellar back way my wife caught a picture of an eight foot gator in the shore of one of the drainage ditches on Bonnett Creek crazy to think he was so close to the Fort. I know I know the are in the cancels inside the Fort but I have never seen anything that big, I caused me to yell out Choot em Elizabif . We arrived to a semi busy outpost and were assigned site 324 perfect just were we like to be, more pixie dust. Yeah go team Itch !!!

    While setting up a fiend sighting had already been had KimmieSki stopped by while she and her man were on a bike ride, very nice surprise. I sure hope they can stop by for some adult pops. After setting up the tent and pitching our clothes line . Having not showered in over twenty four hours we did what every logical Fortfiend would do. We went swimming , it was nice the sun was setting and the kids loved it.

    We came home to change and would it figure Finns bed had a leak, it just seems that it's not a vacation at the Fort without a trip to WallyWorld.

    Upon our return our karts were delivered from storage what a great job and a fantastic thing Fiends helping Fiends.

    After showering we set the kids to bed and called it good.

    What a wonderful feeling falling to sleep listening to the boats

  5. Well we are one the road wireless wifi on so buckle up grab a drink it all begins here, I'm going to recover my photobucket when we stop for dinner in Lima Oh.

    So welcome and keep all arms and legs and small children inside the vehicle , we left home to run errands of coarse the trip doesn't begin until we go to Walmart for one forgotten thing. We are now stopping to get our first gas we put 25 dollars in at 4.15 a gallon in Battle Creek. I just payed 66.00 for 13.7 gallons the pixie dust is starting early.

  6. TCD as usual stellar job on the TR.

    The POINT is where when I was chasing girls on spring break it was the place to go after the chase was done. The hump of the hill hid you enough from about every direction and you could see who was coming from the beach. (Julia Trilla)

    Advice on the the drinks if you stop and Ohana and buy a shot of Malibu Rum and pineapple juise(3.00) you can spike two Dole Whips and make adult floats to enjoy.

    And sir I salute Yuri and yourself for a fine job.


  7. While there this year my son and the other boys tried pool hopping the were asked to show i.d. and were asked to leave all three

    Lodge,Poly,GF, they were asked at CR but were allowed to stay for two hours .. I remember the days of on Monday were laying out at the Poly and on Tuesday were laying out at GF (my fave) ........................I remember all guests got I.D.'s but today they give enough for the reservation holders


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