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Posts posted by KeepSwimmingDory

  1. It's over? I'm a little slow...teeny...I get it now.

    Well I'm watching for any and all Halloween reports. Don't know when I'll be back at the fort so I'm living through y'all for now. If I could figure out how to move Texas closer to the fort I would've done it already.

    I enjoyed your trip & love that you bring your mom along.


  2. Great trip report (which was new to me) so glad you bumped it! Your children are beautiful and looks like they had a wonderful time. Thanks for taking the time to write it up back then & sorry to hear it was deleted elsewhere.

    Love your group photo from the totem pole at WL.


  3. Enjoyed the photos and your "Dory" moment. I have done that so many times when I take my camera off the pre-set auto settings. There are lots of things I enjoy at Animal Kingdom, but not when it is hot and we usually only stay a couple of hours. I like all the details, but it definitely lacks rides.

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