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Posts posted by Scallywag

  1. Sure, I just took a pic of two Iron Man helmets I've printed. They are small-ish (bookends or maybe cat helmets) but I'm working on a full size one. The other stuff I've printed isn't very interesting: Dremel holder, some plastic replacement parts, pegboard accessories, etc..


    But these are what I show someone who asks about 3D printing, just because I think they're cool!


    The one on the left was partially painted, but needs to be redone (and you can see some sanding on it where we knocked down the paint a bit, the plastic is green on that one) while the one on the right is acetone finished and primered just waiting for paint (white ABS).


    (I'm not sure how to post images without them being fullsize (other than manually creating thumbnails) so...)



    Please ignore the mess behind them, lol.

  2. Lou     I use primarily ABS plastic, though I can print in PLA and some of the other experimental materials as well (wood, flexible, etc..) I model in OpenSCAD, which is math/programmatically based modeling, so very good for structural and functional parts but not so much for artistic pieces. I'm getting better and better at understanding what will and wont print right, and how I need to make my models to match the capabilities of my Makerbot Replicator clone. As far as a need, it really was more of a want/need to create. I've been following 3D printing and rapid prototyping for quite a while, always out of reach but very fascinating. I finished a project I was working on for a client and had some disposable income that was going to go towards some repairs/replacement of some things that I had never gotten around to. That's when it hit me, I could do that myself with a 3D printer.


    Fast forward a few months and now I'm essentially building my own Makerspace. I have the 3D printer and now I'm working on a simple CNC machine (Shapeoko 2 with some modifications). It's been so much fun putting things together and learning how everything works that I wouldn't trade it for the world.


    I'll post pictures of the cart decorations as soon as I am able.


    BigTom     If you would be so kind as to measure the thickness/diameter of the front brush guard/bumper (I think it's 2") and the rear passenger handrail (the one that comes from the rear seating area, center of the cart) I would appreciate it.


    Thanks everyone,


  3. Thank you everyone.


    mouseketab....Carol Thanks for the suggestion, I actually did just that last night before I posted. I found some information but wasn't sure if it was accurate to the Disney carts.


    Lou... We're going to do something simple and Disney themed this year (at least until I get to scheming again, lol) All told, there will be roughly 6 or 7 carts with my extended family, and most of us are planning on decorating. I've got quite a bit of Tron blue EL wire for my cart (if you see where I'm going with that...) while my Mother is putting together a Mickey and Minnie logo/head set (from painted baking pans no less) that will also be EL-wire lit. I'm not sure what the rest of the family has planned.


    MillerMouseketeers That's a great suggestion, and I agree, Mom's are superpowered!


    nacolesiver Can't wait to see you there. We're in the cabins, with my younger brother the lone tent holdout.


    BigTom Omg, thank you so much. I will get a short list of measurements for you. I really appreciate it.


    Scruffy212 That will help, thanks. We have a bunch of pics from past years (been doin' the Fort for 20+ years) with the carts and having those measurements will make eyeballing some others much easier.


    BradyBzLyn...Mo I will post some pics when we get back, should be fun!


    AuburnJen Only if you count impromtu, late-night, glowing, family parades!



    Thanks again everyone, some backstory on why we really need these measurements. I have recently purchased a 3D printer, that I must say is the coolest thing I've ever owned, and we want to print out brackets and other odds and ends to help attach everything to the golf cart without damaging the cart or resorting to a bunch of zip ties like in previous years. I'm getting pretty good at functional 3D modeling and printing, so I'm hoping to create some kind of pipe clamp to EL-Wire inverter/battery box that we can install on the cart and keep everything nice and secure until we go to leave then just unscrew the clamp and go. Obviously I didn't know I would have a 3D printer by this time, the last time we went, so unfortunately I didn't take the measurements when we we're there.


    Thanks again,


  4. Hey everyone,


    I'm in need of some information regarding the Disney Golf Carts, specifically I would like some measurements so that I can prepare decorations for my cart that I have reserved for the family Mother's Day trip.


    We love the Fort, and can't imagine not renting golf carts and this year we're determined to decorate the carts and hold our own unofficial cart parade.


    I would appreciate any info anyone can offer, but I think I would need someone who is actually staying at the Fort currently (though if someone has the goods from a previous trip, I'm all ears.)


    Mainly I'm wondering the size of the tubing on the front brush guard/bumper of the carts. I'm thinking it's 2".


    Any other dimensions would be greatly appreciated.


    If you are at the Fort and can either take exact measurements (with a tape measure or something) or can at least provide size references (such as a soda can, or cell phone up against the cart in some pics) I would be forever grateful.


    Can't wait to just get away to the Fort in May. Hope to see some Fiends there!




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