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Posts posted by M2D

  1. Yes, I think he would be more comfortable in his own fifth wheel but do not want to annoy anyone if he does cry a little from time to time.

    The people next to us at our campground last year could only hear him if they really listened. They had two dogs themselves and were not bothered by him.

    They leave their cell number in their window in case anyone wants to call them about their dogs when they are out.





  2. I have been searching pet topics here. I understand that the kennel Disney recommends is now off site.

    I think I remember hearing that they had an on site kennel at one time.


    Have any of you used the off site kennel for daycare while you are at the park?

    If so what do you think of it?


    Do many people leave their dogs in their hard sided, air conditioned trailers while they are out?


    Has anyone ever had a pet sitter come sit with their dog in their camper?


    Our little guy is pretty quiet. At other campgrounds he stays with the a/c and TV running.


    We want to be good FortFiends. We must bring the dog because we are going on to our winter campground after our visit at Disney.







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