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Posts posted by FtWildernessFamily...Holly

  1. Hey guys.

    Can any of you recommend a nice campground on the SC or GA coast? We have never been camping in that area and don't really know what is down there. What I am looking for:

    *On or across the street from the beach

    *Sites that can accommodate a big camper (ours is 36 ft)

    *Prefer paved sites as opposed to sand but this isn't a deal breaker

    Have any of you been to Pirate's Cove in Myrtle Beach? Thoughts on it if you have.


  2. We did HDDR on Christmas night and we thoroughly enjoyed it! Every time they left the stage, the Princess would say "are they coming back??!" ~ she didn't want the show to end! I will say that one of the performers ~ Flora ~ appeared to be simply dialing it in. She didn't seem so interested in being there. Hubs said she was probably upset that she was relegated to HDDR when she had her sights set on the Beauty and the Beast show at DHS. :)

    The salad was GREAT (loved the dressing), the food was good and the dessert was wonderful. Our first time there and all in all, a great experience!

  3. Here's the scoop. Got to Meadows around 12:45, they still had nothing but the shirts/sweatshirt. I asked one of the CM's if they knew when they were expecting the merchandise, she said they got a shipment this morning but it contained no FW merchandise.

    I go back in there around 3:30 to buy a Corona and they had about 20 of the ornaments out. I bought one. Jen, if you don't want it let me know and I will put it up for whomever does want it (first one to let me know besides Jen gets it!). And please do NOT expect to pay me for it. Consider it a Christmas gift. :)

  4. Did he work at the plant in Cartersville? My husband used to work for the local Anheuser Busch distributor and I remember when the plant opened, they all got to go up and tour the place. He really enjoyed seeing it.

    Hey Holly....it's the other Holly (maybe that will be my nickname here...Other Holly), also in GA.

    Yep, he worked at the brewery in Cartersville. Was there 11 years. He left in August. :)

  5. Yeah, the beer is Bud, and maybe Bud Light. Sangria from red wine. I don't remember much about it. Is that a good sign?

    I think that's a REAL good sign. When I told the Hubs that there was unlimited beer, his response was "HELL YEAH". I think he, too, was planning to not remember it...then I reminded him that we leave the next day and he'd be hauling us back hungover. I think he changed his tune just a teeny bit.

  6. Let's get right to it.

    Unlimited beer and sangria at HDDR. This is our first time at this dinner show. Is the beer awful? Any idea what brand it is? And the sangria - back story, I am not a wine drinker. However, I had my first glass (well, my first TWO glasses) of sangria last weekend and it was fantabulous. I've seen sangria at parties before and have only ever seen it made with red wine. The stuff I had was the dry, white wine. Any idea what the stuff at HDDR is made from?


  7. My DD came into the bathroom - SCREECHING - this morning because she heard either on the news or GMA that the Biebs was going to be performing at Disney for the Christmas parade. Bless her heart - she was cute and confused because she of course thought this was going down ON Christmas (she watches it every year and thought it was live from MK that day) and was so thrilled because she thought she would see the Biebs. I told her that they FILMED the parade to show it on Christmas day and.....here was the kicker....Biebs was supposedly at DisneyLAND, not World.....

    She was crushed.....

  8. I currently have an iphone for personal and a blackberry for work. Despise the blackberry, love the iphone.

    I am in the same boat about a tablet - ipad or galaxy. Hubs works for Google so he is pushing the galaxy. Not sure what I want in a tablet so I guess I better figure that out before I invest the $$.

    Wondering if he'll ask me to switch to a droid when my iphone contract expires. ;)

  9. We tried DDP for the first time in Sept when we stayed at Pop Century. We'd been saying since our first trip, we would like to do it. We found it to be worth the experience but I don't know that we'll do it again. It was challenging to be a slave to a dining reservation every day when you're not used to doing it. We did go to several places we wouldn't normally go to paying OOP - Chef Mickey's, Crystal Palace, etc - so that was nice. (and not that we wouldn't pay OOP for those places, as we normally have at least one TS reservation during each trip, but it was nice to try those for 'free' to determine if it was something we'd want to do in the future.

    Our fave TS are Whispering Canyon and, believe it or not, Cinderella's Royal Table.

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