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Lil Lisa

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Posts posted by Lil Lisa

  1. If you are tempted, don't bother with the corn museum in Mitchell, SD.  It is not worth the time.  :rofl2:

    Here are a few in MN

    The Jolly Green Giant Museum:


    The last bank Jessie James tried to rob:


    This one is a bit out of your way.  The world's largest ball of twine:


    Also if you would like, let me know when you are going to be at MOA.  I'd love to meet you!

  2. Man am I jealous. I'd so love to be there right now. A 10-day Fort trip would do the body good.

    Let's go!  We'll swing by and pick you up on the way!

    Now I need to know how to multiquote...  I'm such a 'puter dunce.

    When you are on the Post Reply page if you scroll down there is an "Insert Quote" link at the top right of each post.  As you click on them it inserts the quotes into the box on top. 


    Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it's the return of the sleeveless shirt report. I'm bettin Bruce wears one of those huge down vests in the winter lol.

    LOL @ Da Mayor!

    Thanks Lisa!  *worshipping smiley*  It's nice to know a 'puter geek.  I'm only a band geek.

    You're welcome!

  3. Now I need to know how to multiquote...  I'm such a 'puter dunce.

    When you are on the Post Reply page if you scroll down there is an "Insert Quote" link at the top right of each post.  As you click on them it inserts the quotes into the box on top. 


    Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it's the return of the sleeveless shirt report. I'm bettin Bruce wears one of those huge down vests in the winter lol.

    Nope, winter is when he buys new shirts so he has something to cut the sleeves off of the next summer!  8)

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