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Posts posted by TikiRoom...Shay

  1. Great that you will be coming, and we had enough food to feed an army, newest member brings the food :jumpforjoy

    I hope you have enough room in that PU for all that food. :rofl2:

    really? really? REALLY?

    Guess you're going hungry, Bob!! :rofl2:

    I'll bring you some magazines with awesome looking food in it - does that count?

    Seriously - I will bring some yummies to share. Are there any food allergies in the group?

  2. This was moved from the members section because it will get better answers here. :)

    Jen - I realized I had done that after the fact - THANKS!!

    If you don't need full hook up, the 1500 loop is our absolute favorite. IMO the problem with booking a partial is that it's harder to be sure you won't end up on the cabin side of the fort in the 2000s.

    I don't care for 1800 & 1900 but 1600 & 1700 are great.

    1800-1900 loops can have quite a bit of standing water giving it that less than magical "after the flood" appearance if it's been rainy. The mosquitos and flies back there in 1800-1900 were so big last Halloween that they should have had flashing navigational becons attached to their butts. :fly-swat:

    Thanks, Pam! Good to know and didn't think about flooding! And I was going to request back of 1800 loop!


  3. HELP!

    I need input on which of these loops people recommend...






    and WHY?

    We were thinking the 1800 loop near the pet walk since we will have the two puppesters with us - but it looks like that is far from the comfort station, too. We have a pop up with a slide out if this helps. We are TOTALLY fine staying in a full hook up site, too. Anywhere we can save $$$!! LOL

  4. Site #13 Hillbillywisperer

    Site #15 Total Joker

    Site #16 Doodlebug- Friday to Tuesday

    Site #17 Carol- Thursday to Tuesday

    Site #18 Kim and H- Thursday to Tuesday

    Site #19 Bob and Kathy- Thursday to Tuesday

    Site #20 Dave and Linda (probably canceling)

    Site #20A Dave and INC Thursday to Monday

    Site #20B Lorna and Richie- Thursday to Tuesday

    Site #21A Shaela and Pat (+ our 3 boys) - Friday to Monday

    Site #30 Jen and Chris

    Site #31 Rita, Ed and the oldkoot- Friday to Monday?

    Site #32 Donnie

    Site #35 Judy- Friday to Monday

    Site #75 Jeff and Cheryl- Saturday to Tuesday

    plus Lou mooching throughout the weekend and other special guests

    Please copy and paste any additions or corrections

    Only 17 weeks to go!


    THE SCRAP3 CLAN IS IN SITE #21A!!!!!!!

    Can't wait!!

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