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Posts posted by BassMaster

  1. It's the BassMaster, believe it or not.  I opened up this 8 page masterpiece in the works, and couldn't put it down.  Best of luck to you, Jason.  Maria will take good care of you as she is very fond of fiends...as am I.

  2. Holy crappola, who'd a thunk that the BassMaster moniker would cause such a commosh? I was going to go with Ocho-cinco, but that was already taken, and then given back, I think. I have a good mind to start a Change BassMaster's Name thread. Actually, I don't have a good mind so that won't happen. This TR has gotten smacked, jacked and hacked by a bunch of "Fiends Gone Wild".....and I'm diggin' it. I'm almost ready to change my name to "Where's The Fish". That should start a whole new posting frenzy of planetary proportions.

  3. Now, I must talk about Josie. I love her. Some time last year we needed Benadryl and she gave me directions to the Walgreens near the fort. My son and I ate breakfast there at TE and I talked to her for about a half hour, about all kinds of stuff, especially how long she had worked there and the changes and the people; great stories. I ran into her this past July trip and said hi. I thanked her again for those directions to Walgreens that she gave last year. She didn't remember my name, but definitely the stash.

  4. You tell 'em, Dave. We should have a grand gathering of fiends at the main lobby and offer a grand mooning during high traffic check-in time. Heck, I'd even put a pair of Snarky tatoos on my butt cheeks to make sure that they knew who they was messin' with. You guys got me pumped now.

    Oh, yeah, check it out. I AM A FORT FIEND, so don't you dare call me JR, anymore.

    Dat's right. I am a double-naught fiend, fer sure.

  5. Holy crappola, did I start this thread? I thought it got deleted because I was such a newbie at the time and I hadn't learned much about how to navigate these waters. I still don't know much. In fact, I just found the "My Content" button this evening. After 6 months of thinking I was being ignored, I come to find out I was being ignorant. Thank you all so much for the help, and the "Shiners", and the jabs. I am SO at home here.

  6. I'm thinking that may be one of the best ways to welcome in the new year; building a portfolio of pics for a brand new TR. Yep, "Let's do this thing".

    I'll remind you all again; and if you ain't whistlin' or hummin' this tune for the next several days, you don't have a pulse or you haven't had a healthy BM in at least a week (and I don't mean BassMaster).



  7. 2nd and backing up a few pics, I swear to you that when I first saw the B&W of RC, Gilligan's Island came to mind. Then when I read your later post, Twilight Zone came to mind. If we keep drinking Magic Hat #9 together, you may start talking rocket science in your TR's.....dude, that's crazy talk......I think I need another beer....I hear a HEX calling me.

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