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Mr Whipperwhirl

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Posts posted by Mr Whipperwhirl

  1. Devores, it sounds like we may have crossed paths, and I am sorry if it was us. My two cents for what they are worth... I have taught my children the rules of the road, and I frequently look behind me to see what they are doing. One safety concern I have with both riding a bike and a golf cart on Ft. Wilderness property is that golf carts have no horn or signal light capability. The only time I heard the person that yelled was when they were passing me, saying "Get off the road". Electric golf carts do not generate a lot of noise. I agree that there are many children just "cut loose" on the Fort, and I do not want to be considered one of those parents. If you happen to swing by our site again, Whip and I would be more than happy to meet you!

  2. OMG, Having to see that hairy full moon! Where is the brain floss to get that mental picture out? lol. Bill, we had a great time and the trip home was uneventful (thank goodness) despite the winds. We did find a little damage on the trailer, but nothing that will stop us from camping again. I just have one request for next time, can we not put in a double or triple order for wind?

  3. Wow, lots of good stuff on the home school front, some good, some bad, some indifferent. There is LOTS of stuff on the web about home/road school. I think what we may go with is an online school where they attend an accredited school (I think even now in the 21st century there is a negative stigma on home school). So many things to consider, it should be a real experience! We will keep you all posted on our progress!

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