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Posts posted by B.B.

  1. FYI....i just spoke to Kenny who I have absolutelyno reason to doubt because he has been excellent with me at every turn.

    The poster was refunded 100% even though they waited to cancel right before the cart wasto be delivered.

    Maybe the poster forgot to cancel earlier? Doesnt matter they either got a full refund or the credit card company is processing the card refund/credit. What more could you want?

    If it was my company, there would definitely be some sort of cancellation fee if you wait to cancel when I am prepared to deliver the cart.

    Anyway, i think it is safe to close the book on this hogwash and Kenny will remain my go to guy for cart rentals! I have one reserved for February and will continue to use his service.

    OK....I'm the relatively newbie that got my butt handed to me on a platter because all the Dick Tracy's out there on this "public" forum "felt" like my 1st post was a scam also. It was not !! In fact, my EZ GO cart is still for sale ! The format of the "introduction" post is well hidden in a general topic title. I needed the link to find it! Thank you again Katman. I see others struggle with this also. And many get scolded for not introducing themselves 1st, as I received a lashing!

    Wonder what scam "feels" like..... ??? If you get that "scam" on you shoes, can you get it off? Or is it simply the feeling of various magnitudes of hypocritical pixie dust?

    Here's what I will add to this gossip, that, by the way, eventually ruins good forum boards. Nobody was on the alledged original phone call except the OP, and presumably Kenny. Therefore no body knows what was said or agreed to between them. If you don't believe the OP, then dis-regard his information. NO ONE can ever, under any circumstances (unless the call was recorded) verify, nor deny what was said....

    But now let's flip the coin for one second, only if you can imagine....... The lack of professionalism for Kenny to discuss a charge to ones' personal credit card, and the fact of refund information given to a third person that was not party to the original transaction is not only poor business practice, it is in viloation of the credit card merchants agreement contract, and against the law under the federal privacy act II. He not only did this with one "Dick Tracy" on this board that felt so compelled to prove a theory, he has done it with 2 different folks that we now know of. And the funny thing is, they both admit they called Kenny and asked this information openly and without shame. What do you figure is being said and done behind YOUR back?? Just ponder that thought for a moment if you will !! I would suggest any prudent person would see all the possibilties.......

    NOW....If anyone needs a cart and does not want to risk a cancellation charge, or not.......mine is still for sale !!!! LOL

    Have I worn out my welcome yet ???

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