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Posts posted by Peanut

  1. Welcome!! 


    I am not really familiar with those units specifically, but I have a Keystone Outback which I have been very pleased with.  I'd suggest shopping several dealers and trying to hit an RV show.  Once you find units you are interested in buying, DO NOT buy until you thoroughly research prices online....there is a LOT of negotiating room in RV MSRP pricing....like anywhere from 20-40% depending on model year, floorplan, etc.  Figure 25-30% on average.  And like when buying cars, don't let them nickle and dime you with excessive pricing on hitches, brake controllers, etc.  If you husband is a mechanic there are some things he can do himself to save $. 


    Also read up on weights and the capacities of your Suburban.  Pay particular attention to payload capacity....that is where people sometimes trip up by focusing solely on a vehicles tow limits.  Factor all your cargo, passenger weights, pets, etc.  If you get to the point of having specific questions on that post them here. 


    Don't be intimidated about buying used.  There are specific things to watch for, such as water damage, but you can save a ton of money that way.  If you get comfortable with the components of an RV, it is possible to spend time going over a used unit and making sure it is ok. 


    Good luck!


    Thank you so much! We don't even know anyone IRL (and just one online...who told me about this site) who has an RV so just hearing that someone has had a Keystone and they enjoy it is reassuring.


    I will absolutely shop around and do my research...I'm one of those annoying type A people who has a spreadsheet for everything but it really helps in buying the big stuff.


    We were SOOOOO surprised at the vast differences in prices. We went to a dealership just for the heck of it without going online first after we dropped the kids at their Grandparent's on Saturday and that's where my husband got hooked. He was surprised how much he liked them and when we were told the 2005 TT (I want to say it was about 27' and slept 6) was $15,000 we thought THAT was a good price...I don't know what we necessarily expected before we went to the dealership but it was more than that...until we went home and got online. I found another dealership in our area that had a comparable TT which was brand new-even a little bit bigger and on sale for $18,000. The variations in prices between dealerships really surprised me!


    My husband is already looking into possibly buying an "EQ hitch" and installing it himself to save some money but he just told me that in order to install it, from what he's read so far, he needs both my truck and the TT to be able to install the hitch but I'm sure he'll do more research on that. Most of the mechanical stuff will go over my head. I can change my own oil, tires and get gas because I'm an Army wife and sometimes he's not here to do those things but to be honest, I much prefer him to do them and anything else that's necessary.

  2. Hi Peanut!!


    I'm camper shopping too! Where are you from?  Are you planning to go to any RV shows?

    I'm definitely not new to camping, but I AM new to camper shopping.

    My advice would be to make a list of what you NEED and what you WANT and get something in the middle. :banana:




    We live in Oklahoma and yes, there is an RV show coming to town next month-we're definately going to it and I love your advice. It's so easy to just get what you want because it's what you want or just what you need because it's cheaper but somewhere in the middle sounds perfect!

  3. Hello. My name is Brianna (aka Peanut on here) and I'm excited to say that our family is finally starting to look into buying a travel trailer. It's taken EIGHT long years to convince my husband to go to an RV dealership but over the weekend, we went and now it's safe to say he's hooked. We had a similar issue with Disney when I told him that's where I wanted to honeymoon and we've been back every year since. Maybe he'll start believing me now when I say something is awesome.


    We're wanting to start small-ish so we don't have to upgrade my Suburban 1500 too soon but still big enough to comfortably fit our family (baby 3.0 will be here in January) and a few friends from time to time.


    The two trailers we saw and are most interested in are the Keystone Summerland and the Springdale. We're looking at new 2013 models...although we're normally not a "buy new" kind of family because my husband is a trained mechanic and we're on a budget but to be honest, we're intimidated. Neither of us or our family's have ever had an RV or camper (is it called a camper or travel trailer more often?).


    So...has anyone had any experience with either of those campers? Or can you give me any MUST KNOW tips before we buy?


    I'm so excited!

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