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Pirate Jeff

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Posts posted by Pirate Jeff

  1. Thanks for the TR -loved it

    The crowds won't be anything like this in Oct. and if you can add a couple of more days to your trip you can go to the MVMCP too.

    See you in OIct some where in the 700 loop--- I hope.

    1 thing I found to helput the dark ride photos is to adjust the white balance of your camera. I carry a white peice of paper with me and set the white balance to it while standing in line. it makes my POTC go from very dark and yellow/ grainy to good photos.

  2. Only 400! I took over 1000 on our one week trip! :) Great job on the pictures! Who does the little black dog belong to? That one is definitely not one of your little while fluff balls!

    The little black dog is mine. Her name is Shadow. The white puff ball Dogs (Bischans) belong to the other Jeff and his wife Cheryl (4mickey2) their names are Thelma, Louise, Dale and Barkley.

    here is their photo


    woo hoo!!!! great pics jeff. you guys were going, going, going on this trip. i hope cathy's friend had a good time.

    She had a GREAT time

  3. Yes TCD We are heading down to Clearwater TG morning to spend it with hubby's sister. Then to Holiday to spend Friday and Sat. with my new Twin Granddaughters and the other Grandbabies. my son is moving his family to Pittsburg on that Sunday. :(:( :( So I won't have any time for shopping just lovin on them babies!

    Pittsburg as in PA ? Does he know that it's cold there,real cold-- burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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