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J&J Adventuring..Julia

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Posts posted by J&J Adventuring..Julia

  1. Hello!! I have not posted in ages and it feels good to be back!


    I hate this post has to be written. I will not be traveling anymore out of state until the baby arrives. Dr's. want me to stay within a few hours of home for these last few months. So, I have a site available. It's a tent site but still one is available. Let me know. :TantrumSmiley:


    I will miss each and every one of you. I love you all dearly and miss you all terribly. Hopefully next year we will make it with a little one in tow. Think of us as you all enjoy the event.


    :(  Missing everyone

  2. I will never forget the first time Josh tried the Nescafe. We were at the Fort and he needed a cup. I warned him. Then his face contorted and Nescafe flew out of his mouth. Some words were said and I was ROFLing. Kinda similar to his Beverly experience. One day he will learn to trust me.

    At our mini Batwit, he had some of Joffreys and really liked the stuff. I even remember it being good. The only reason I remember is that we started in Canda and I was still somewhat sober.

    Josh is doing a happy dance at the thought of no more Nescrap!

  3. As much as I've been planning and looking forward to WWW , I am going to have to cancel. I am in my 12th week and still sick. We took a two hour trip yesterday and it was awful. I was sick most of the trip. Josh told me I will make it next year but I'm still down about it all.

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