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johnnyb aka John

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Posts posted by johnnyb aka John

  1. You guys and your little tiny dogs, try sharing the bed with 2 bed hog German Shepherds, with a 3rd well on his way to liking the bed too, I don't know what to do when he moves in, I am thinking about kicking Erica out!!!

    By the way, he is a little over 8 weeks old and is already pushing 25lbs!!!! OMG he is going to be HUGE!!!!

    After a weekend with us and all 3 dogs, I am sure Bill and Becky think we are total loons, but hey, the dogs go with us hand in paw... LOL

  2. Well, the TT finally moved out of it's spot in the driveway after a year and a half. But we weren't sure we were gonna make it at all.

    Wow what a great/weird weekend, the great part was we got to meet Bill and Becky, and the kids (wak648) and we got to go tubing/kayaking down the Youghagheny river. The bad part is that up until 2pm on Fri, we weren't even sure we were going. I was getting tests etc all morning to rule out endocarditis, which they did, but now they are saying sarcoidosis.

    I will fill in the details tonight, but wanted to get this started to see if I could get Bill to post some of his pictures as well. I even have some pood forn for those of you that are into that sort of thing!!!

  3. You're going to WDW, I'm always the last one to find out.

    Uhhh OK??? LOL

    Close but no cigar John. It's the 11th thru the 17th.

    Yeah that's it!!! I am getting old and suffering from CRS, plus I still have a 101 degree fever AGAIN!!! blech

  4. That's awesome John!!

    When did you end up booking for?

    I knew someone was going to ask... LOL how sad is the fact that Erica hid the letter from Matt and I can't find it or remember the exact dates... LOL

    I want to say December 11th through the 18th/????? But don't hold me to that.

  5. Just thought everyone might like to know....

    We got our conformation from DVC, so it seems a lot more real nowl, we are going to Disney!!!

    You guys will never know how much this means to us, we are so happy we could just burst! I will keep everyone up to date as things move along and we get closer to our dates!

  6. I think Jen sent me a question on FB asking if I would be mad if they opened a forum like mine, but just about FW. I said that I was letting RVUsa.org die and go ahead. The "two" I came to find out, were mad, because they were being loyal to me and the old site, and thought that Jen and Chris were trying to put me out of business. I started RvUsa when we all started going into chat, over at the other place, and were getting into trouble for it. So I opened the forums about the same time they finally open the community board, so my place never did take off. I was just trying to have a place were "we" could all be ourselves and not get into trouble over "there". I guess I was not the marketing genius that Jen and Chris are, and my place faded away.

    I am glad we are all still together but I am upset that Jen and Chris are making all the millions of $$$$$ here, and not me!!! <_<;)

  7. If you just happen to know some one that worked at WDW, you could send them the tickets and they could get them checked out.

    Know anyone?

    My cousin used to work there... but he quit and moved back here... soooo, oh wait, I do know this guy who drives a bus there! :D

  8. Over the last couple trips we have gathered up a bunch of tickets, it always seemed like we would miss a day because of rain, or sickness etc and now we have 4 ticket cards and no idea how many days are left on each one. I am pretty sure that one has 4 days because we bought it for my Aunt and then she couldn't go because her twin sister broke her ankle and needed some help... LOL There is probably only a day or two total on the other 3.

    The question is, how can we find out what we have, I called 407 wdisney and couldn't find out by phone... any ideas? If there isn't an easy way, could a friendly Fiend that is going to be near the "world" take them and check them out for us?

    So bring on the ideas!!! Can you tell I am getting excited about our trip?????

  9. The campground called me yesterday, and said they were releasing the sites that weren't reserved. But they will still be available until someone else reserves them.

    I can't wait for the middle of Aug, it is going to be lots of fun!

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