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Everything posted by motherwild

  1. I think I am buying a Ford Escape. I looked at a Jeep Liberty yesterday and was not totally thrilled with it. I will be test driving an Escape tomorrow.
  2. The time has come for me to replace my car. I am looking for something that can be flat towed behind a motorhome. What do you tow behind your motorhome?
  3. http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/389967_2295820320488_1398489806_31893210_725162312_n.jpg
  4. I would love to plan another trip. I don't see it in the near future. I need to win the lottery. That way I could just stay at the fort and never have to leave.
  5. unfortunately things didn't go according to plan. My husband was not feeling well and was up all night. I called this morning and cancelled our reservations. I gave him some medicine and told him if is isn't any better by 9 am I would take him to the er. He went back to bed and woke up feeling better. We hung out for a while and then went to Bass pro shop and a few Character outlets. Bass pro shop now has a type of vacation resort. The hunters and fishers can go hunt or fish and the rest of the family can stay at the resort and do resort type things.. Not a bad deal 5 day 4 night for $99 and
  6. We had a wonderful breakfast with Lilo & Stitch. We came back to the fort and Grandpa & I took the kids to the pool while their mother finished packing to go home. We dropped them off at the Magical Express and then went to DTD to meet friends, Our friends took us to Golden Corral and back to DTD. We rode a boat to Port Orleans looked around there for a while and then back on the boat to DTD to get our car and back to the fort. Tomorrow we are headed to MK for the Steam Train Tour
  7. We packed a lot in yesterday. My grandaughter and I went on an adventure while everyone else went to Walmart. We walked up to trails end and she rode a pony. Then we took the boat to the contemporary and rode the monorail then back on the boat back to the campground. We made our way over the the Grand Floridian for tea.The kids and I rode the monorail and boat back. The kids and grampa and I made it to the campfire . Then my grandson decided to stay with his mother and the rest of us went to see the electric water pagent and fireworks. WE are off to have breakfast with Lilo & Stitch
  8. We are in site 331. I dont have a sign, I printed one out and I am sure it is back in NY with a bunch of other stuff that didn't make it into the motorhome. And I am always telling my husband where to go. It is not the first time we had a gps fail.Last time we were in Salem Mass and he just started driving I had to call my daugter in Kansas to get her to direct us using mapquest. Today we will go back to Walmart and have Tea at the Grand Floridian. Tomorrow we will be having breakfast with Lilo and Stitch.My daughter and grankids go home tomorrow afternoon. Time seens to fly by so quickly he
  9. We arrived at FW on Sunday. I had family to visit on Sunday. So we didn't do much beside get set up. Monday I took my grandkids to do crafts in the morning. We went over to Beaches and Cream and had the kitchen sink. I am always happy when I can have ice cream for a meal, I would post pictures but I am lacking in skills to do that. When the valet brought the car he asked my husband if he needed directions, He said no that was the kiss of death to my gps. It will no longer turn on. We managed to find our way to Downtown Disney and back to the campground. Today we went to Islands of adventur
  10. My dog has a collar with her name and my cell phone # embroidered on it . She also has tags with my and my husbands cell numbers. This came in handy ad on of our neighbors replaced his fence and took out one of the post from my fence. this was in a corner of the yard with a lot of bushes so we did see it and couldn't figure out how she was getting out. I had gotten a few calls. Glad she has her id\
  11. We had done this back in march 2009. We took my Aunt. There were 6 adults and two kids. It was a nice afternoon. We are doing it again on our next trip.
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