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Posts posted by devores

  1. Before the party ends.... Josh says that's the best time to ride without FP+ on a regular day. I think the party will give you more of an advantage. And, you won't waste party time waiting.

    Solid logic, but party nights are hard close at 12. So they shut the line earlier so the last guest exits the ride at 12. All doors are locked and lights out.

    So I'd get there early and ride during the 4 to 7 time frame.

  2. Is the Disneyland and WDW Photopass still on the same system? Will my 1st Gen Photopass card still work?

    Also, I'm guessing none of the Magic Band technology is out at DL? So if I link my Photopass to my Magic Band, I'll still need the card out at DL?

    Also, I'm planning on purchasing the two-coast AP this year, so I'll need the actual card out at DL?

    DL is currently using WDWs old system. When you goto the Photopass website it will ask where your memories were made. You select the coast and it takes you to the proper server. You will need a card at DL because they do not have the technology installed there. You will also not be able to view all of your photos from both WDW and DL together as you could in the past. Memory maker does not work there either.

  3. Just to ease everyone's minds, all of these acts/shows are equity. Meaning, they are not WDW employees so to speak. They are under contract with Disney. Contracts have end periods and foreign contracts have visa limitations. So, just because an act is leaving doesn't mean Disney canned them. The act themselves could have chosen not to renew. Their visas could be over and must leave the country for a period of time. It could be any number of things. And equity is done at certain times of the year so it is not uncommon for all of these acts to be up at the same time.

  4. I am not sure if the return time test is still being conducted, but the direct to table test (FP+ for lunch at BOG) is slated to end Sept 11, 2014. There is no word if the direct to table option will become permanent or not or if it will be another FP+ you can select. 

  5. If that's the case, then I think what you want to do is use the group to spread out the FP+ reservations.  Just one or two guests should use the FP+ for each of the rider switch eligible rides, and get the rider switch passes.  Those passes can then be used by four members of the party later on.


    To see Tinkerbell the best, you want to be on the bridge to Tomorrowland or in the FP+ viewing area.  He will fly right over your heads.



    Your logic is flawed a bit. To use rider switch, you have to wait in line just like normal or use a FP+ just like normal. You have to have 3 people to be eligible for a rider switch. One rides and one stays behind with the non rider. Its not an instant FP that you didnt have before. Just asking for a rider switch doesnt get you a pass. They will verify that the person waiting with the non rider has a FP+ or is present and waited in line.

  6. Another tip: I have never seen a Rebel Spy wearing 3D glasses-so don't put yours on until the CM tells you to.

    Twin #2 has been the Rebel Spy many times- way more than anyone else in the TCD gang. Her secret is to get seated and buckled in quickly, and then sit up straight, smile and stare straight ahead. The computer must look for clear photos. People who are fussing with their seatbelts or looking around are not going to make the cut.


    You had to exit and walk all the way out and then back through the queue each time, right?

    That must have taken a while.


    Not really. It was the soft opening and the wait was 2 mins max. We rode 10 times in about 2 hours.

  7. There are 11 different segments randomly selected to give you 54 possible combinations for this attraction. So you can ride multiple times in a row and have a different experience each time.


    I often pop over to studios and ride over and over (there's usually never more than a 15 min wait).


    The selection for the rebel spy is completely random, but there are tricks to help increase your chances.


    The the flight attendant will step out the door to your right (the doors you will exit out of), sit extremely still facing forward. You will hear a chime. This means the photo has been taken. The attendant will then do the seat belt check. The computer selects the best photos and offers them to the attendant for choosing once they step out and back to the console.


    My record for riding is 10 times in a row. After that point my stomach couldn't take anymore and I needed a break.

  8. I guess its time to resurrect this thread.


    Everyone should already know about the video for ToT by now.


    Guests with a memory maker linked to their MDE and wearing a MB on ToT will get a video of their experience automatically added to their account.


    You must have memory maker and you must be wearing your MB when you ride. There is no way to go back after the fact and add the video.


    Here is the video in case youre curious:




    I will think of this every time I ride now. Some random person is going to have a video of you.


    There are more rides adding this feature coming in the very near future, some of which never offered photos to begin with.


    Starting today, there are a few extra magic magic shots. Again, only available for memory maker guests.


    Lumiere can now be found back by be our guest. Guests can hold Lumiere in their hands. Chip has gotten the boot, he is no longer available.


    Anyone can hold Lumiere, but if you have a memory maker entitlement, when you view your photos online at home, Lumiere will come to life and dance his way into your photo.


    There's another one at Studios where you get photo bombed by Sulley from the different sides of the photo. Again its animated.


    As of now, these are the only two as they are still in testing, but more are planned.


    Good news starting today as well. We can associate photos to any park media linked to MDE. So theres no need to carry and search for extra cards. We can use MBs, park tickets, memory maker card, or if youre feeling nostalgic, a photopass card. Sorry CMs, still cant use the maingates. We are told sometime this year. But weve heard that a few hundred times now.


    One day we CMs will be able to take advantage of these features.

  9. If he has his own account the pass needs to be linked to his own personal account in order to make FP+ selections. Then you just link your accounts together.

    Since you linked all your APs under your account, it kind of created a sub account for him under yours. He cannot make FP+ selections from his account.

    You can proceed 1 of 2 ways.

    1. You can keep it the way it is and just give home the account password and use the one account as a family account.

    2. You can call disney and have them unlink the ap from your account and relink it to his.

    An account has to have a ticket linked in order to make FP+ selection.

  10. Havnt seen this mentioned yet:


    Last year it was just one ship. This year its the entire fleet. We have a 6 day booked 1 Oct and this is all in addition to the regular events such as pirate night and formal night. Going to need a bigger suitcase.






    Location: Fleetwide

    Discover treats, tricks, magical mischief and spooky surroundings as you celebrate Halloween on the High Seas! This new experience is available on most itineraries departing late September through Halloween.

    Thrills and chills await you at every turn with Halloween-themed parties, lively entertainment and elaborate décor—including an evolving Halloween Tree that eerily transforms throughout your cruise.

    Sail Dates

    Ship Sail Dates Disney Magic September 27, 2014 - October 26, 2014 Disney Wonder September 26, 2014 - October 31, 2014 Disney Dream September 07, 2014 - October 31, 2014 Disney Fantasy September 06, 2014 - October 25, 2014

    Other special experiences include:

    • Mickey's Mouse-querade Party, an atrium party scare-a-bration (in addition to Pirate Night) with ghoulish games, trick-or-treating*, dancing and some favorite Disney Pals in their Halloween attire
    • Halloween-themed activities for all ages, including mask-making and pumpkin-carving**
    • Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas Sing and Scream, an interactive movie experience where you’re part of the action, followed by a meet-and-greet with Jack and Sally
    • Haunted Stories of the Sea – a campfire-style storytelling experience on the deck 
    • Halloween Isn't Just for Kids – an adults-only party that includes a costume contest

    And more spooky surprises await you onboard!

    With so much to see and do, you won't want to miss this Halloween celebration at sea, now offered fleetwide. Be sure to pack your favorite costumes and get ready for happy haunts.

  11. That sounds really cool. I just read the 7DMT might be coming too. Oh Devores... where are you???


    I can discuss a bit, but cant say too much at this time.


    Just an FYI, You MUST have memory maker to get the videos. You also MUST be wearing your MB when riding. There is no possible way to go back after the fact and add the video to an account.


    There will be more rides added later plus some special stuff only available at the hard ticket events like MNSHP and MVMCP. Some of the rides added will be stuff previously not containing photos.


    As an added note, we can now associate photos to any park media linked to a MDE account. So those green park tickets can now be used like a photopass card. No need to carry all those cards anymore.

  12. Photopass ID#?  Where do I get that?  The CM just scanned my MB.


    I know that I did not make any obscene gestures.  I can't speak for Twin #1, but she better not have.


    As for the Gator shirt, I wasn't wearing one. Twin #1 may have been.


    Go Gata.



    Oh, ok. I can add it to card for ya and send you the number or you can send me the number on the back of the MB. Up to you.


    And maybe the whole no shirt thing made them hide it.

  13. Don't go to a lot of trouble, but I am curious to see if you really can find it.


    It was probably a few minutes before 11 am on July 19th.


    It would just be me and Twin #1.



    Trouble? Ill look tonight when I get in. Send me your photopass id number in a PM and Ill even associate it for ya. Unless you were making an obscene gesture and forced our QA folks to hide it. Or were wearing a Gators shirt.........

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