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Posts posted by Seals

  1. Really enjoyed this TR. Thanks so much for sharing your cruise. My husband and I drove to PEI in 1995, when the bridge was under construction but not finished yet so we took the ferry. I wondered what would happen to the island after the bridge but I guess the toll may help keep the riff raff out. I loved how beautiful and peaceful it was. And my grandfather was born there but moved to the US as a teen. I would love to go to Nova Scotia and Quebec too, even more so after seeing your pictures. I can't imagine not going on a shore excursion on this type of cruise. But I guess that's not for everyone. Were they comparable in cost to the DCL shore excursions? Oh, and my favorite of your pictures is definitely the ceremonial goat. He looks like he's saying "respect the goat."

  2. I've only slightly kept up with how all this is going to work. Too many posts "out there" with guesses and rumors and things that are being tested. I like to wait until something is definite before I stress my brain by learning about it. Especially since I won't need to use it any time soon. However, in June I "invested" in 8 day non-expiration tickets for our family of 5 from Undercover Tourist at the pre-price increase price.  They will cover as of now unplanned trips over the next 5 years probably.  Will these tickets ever be able to be used with the new system?

  3. We'd be driving not flying in (couldn't afford the cruise if paid for 5 airline tickets also) so we'd be seeing a good bit of not pretty anyway. I was wondering about the terminal experience -- easy to get to?  relatively inexpensive places to stay nearby? safe to leave the car?  same check in experience as leaving from Pt. C? 


    Never sailed Disney out of Miami but I have done other cruises from there. I can say this much...it is much smoother sailing from Miami than it is Port Canaveral. 

    Smoother would be good. Our Dream trip from Port C last Dec. was pretty choppy the first night from the wind.  The captain said the next morning that it was worse than normal.  I was up most of the night listening to the closet door slam in a cabin above and because I felt it more when I lay down than when I was sitting up. That was the only time, though. 

  4. Any thoughts or suggestions about leaving from Miami for a Disney cruise? Comparisons to Port Canaveral. Reason would be more convenient time and price. And I've never been to Miami, but maybe that's not a reason. Although I'll admit I'm 90% daydreaming at this point. But every trip starts with a dream...

  5. Really enjoying going on this cruise with youand remebering our 3-day cruise last year. When we went the week after Thanksgiving the water was pretty cold at CC so I only went in it up to my knees and stayed in until I couldn't feel my feet. I didn't get to try snorkeling. So it's nice to see what I missed. Even my hearty DSs thought it was cold and only went on Pelican Plunge a couple of times. I think the only people out were a few Canadians who probably thought it was tropical. There had been a big storm the day before so I don't know if that made a difference or if that was typical for the first of Dec. Pro: lower prices and Christmas decorations / Con: not as much water time. We did enjoy biking all over CC, within our hour allotment because we didn't find out until after we pedaled hard to get back that they really didn't enforce the one hour time limit. Island time, I guess. That's good you mentioned that so others will know.

    Every time I passed the gate to Concierge I was tempted to press my face against it and put my hands through and yell "let me in." The gate does seem pretty silly.

    I love the story about Twin#1 and rock, paper, scissor. I can totally relate as I am known to be horrible at that "game" too. I over think it and I'm sure she does too. But what a moment for her to pull it out in the clutch like that. She'll think of that every time she puts in those ear buds.

    Cabanas is really the best. I was surprised at the variety and healthiness, if one so chose, of food available. I liked getting up early for breakfast and sitting outside to eat. Then I would clean up my table and go back through and get some more and sit in a totally different area as if I hadn't just finished one breakfast. As far as people around me could tell I was a totally newly arrived eater snarfing down those Mickey waffles. We had fewer young kids on our cruise so I didn't see any problems with unsanitary behavior.

    We also had issues with table mates at dinner. I had actually called ahead and asked to be seated as just our family of 5 and they said ok. But when we got their the first night we were seated with a family of 3, who had been on many cruises. I said something quietly to the head waiter and he didn't seem to understand me and my DSs were mortified so I dropped it. Of course they didn't feel obligated to make small talk with the other family like I did. The other family ordered and ate really quickly and the wait staff seemed put out that we weren't ready to order or ready for dessert when the other family was. Finally the 3rd/last night I just ate as slowly as I wanted and they finally went ahead and ordered dessert and left. And that ended up being our most fun night since we could talk in our weird family type of conversations and we even joked around with the waiters.

  6. Another Charleston fan here. I second the James Island county park campground. I've not been yet but hear that it's nice. Also second the recommendation for The Wreck, one of my favorite places to eat and watch the boats on Shem Creek. We also like visiting Charlestowne Landing State Park and Fort Moultrie on Sullivan's Island. And Patriot's Point if you like big ships and/or military history. And Sunday morning is a good time to go biking in the downtown/historic area, especially if you get up early. Sullivan's Island is also a nice place to bike in the off season/weekdays.

  7. Looks like a great adventure. Made even better by being successful (if at first you don't succeed...)   My 3 boys are scouts and my oldest son went backpacking at Philmont this summer and had a fantastic time. We got a great deal on his backpack ($65 for a pack that lists for $148 on Amazon) through scoutdirect.com.  Do you know that site? It's for scouts only and has great sales. [i have no affiliation with them and hope this is ok to post here]. 

  8. I'd never heard of Disney bounding, but it's the type of thing I find fascinating. There are so many colors and so many characters, I'm sure I can accidentally "be" someone almost every day of my vacation. And if this is a "promotion" will there be some sort of reward or prize for the best Disney side. Show up at park opening and get to be in the parade. A parade of people dressed this way (zzzzzzzz). I wonder. 

  9. Really temps me to want to take a cruise.


    TCD really needs to get a commission on bookings after reading his trip reports. It was just a little over a year ago that I read his cruise trip report and came up with the idea of celebrating DH and my 25th anniv./50th birthdays with a cruise (with DSs). Once I saw what it was about through his pictures and descriptions I really really really wanted to do one. Took a bit of DH convincing and a good rate (week after Thanksgiving = lower prices + fewer people) and we had a fantastic time. Funniest part was at the sailing away party when DH looked around and asked "how did all these people even think about the idea of going on a cruise?". 

  10. 2010 and 2011 we enjoyed F&G while camping at the Fort and my longing to be there gets really bad this time of year. I love all the colors. Unfortunately no trip for me this Spring so I have to experience it through trip reports. Although older son is going with his 8th grade in May. I can barely stand that he's going to see the new Fantasyland before me. I'll have to tell him to check out the men's room. Love the Monsters topiary in particular. Can't wait for the new movie.

  11. I try. ;D

    Loving this report! I believe I have eaten at Applewood Farms but for some reason I thought it was called The Apple Barn. Or did they change the name? As I remember it had the section shown in your photo and an older section which was pretty cool too. Wonderful photos! The kids look like they were really having a great time!

    I'll butt in to say, it is the same place. The Apple Barn is the store part. This is one of my favorite places to eat in Sevierville and we just ate there in the Farmhouse restaurant part in Oct. on a trip to Dollywood. In fact, to the right of the restaurant in the picture is the Orvis store and across from that is the Comfort Inn and Suites Apple Valley where we stayed in July and again in October.

    I'd never heard of the Roaring Fork Auto Trail. We will have to try that the next time we're there. It's been a while since we've gone to Cades Cove because it is always so crowded, but Roaring Fork looks really nice.

  12. I could definitely see my DSs setting up shop in TT and trading SOMK cards on a Sat. night. I still remember the old dude I saw manning a table in there when I was there in August. I made a mental image of him in case I needed to describe him to police. And he wasn't the same as your old dude. For what it's worth, the slightly creepy 20-something SOMK addict guy I talked to told me that there are 70 cards all together but 10 of them they stopped printing so they are rare. He was very excited about them.

  13. Hit both Character Premier outlets today. Both were pretty well stocked with lots of good stuff a day some decent bargains. Got a big bag full of goodies for what 3 sweatshirts would have cost us in the parks.

    What does it say about me that I'm more jealous of this than of anything else in your TR.

  14. We stopped at the Fire Station for our Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom cards. We still didn't get a Maximus. Fail. I had told the girls that today was definitely going to be the day when we completed our collection. They didn't know it, but I had a plan B. I had brought some cards to trade, which we haven't done much of, and I intended to try to track down a Maximus card that way. In case you aren't familiar with SOTMK cards, there are 60 in general circulation available to guests. We had collected 59. Actually, we have two sets of 59. We were just missing that Maximus card.

    Please tell me you didn't set up at a table in Tortega Tavern and become that creepy guy enticing little children to trade SOTMK cards.


    Love this photo. She looks like she's singing to her.

    I guess I need to actually watch the Little Mermaid before I go to MK next. Although sadly I have LOTS of time to do that. It's one of the few Disney movies I've never seen. I love Beauty and the Beast, though. No one smells like Gaston...

  15. The few times I've tried to surprise my kids the reaction hasn't been what I expected. When older DS was 5 we drove all the way to WDW and as we were going through the gates I asked him would he like to go to WDW sometime. He said yes, sometime. And then when I said we were there he said he wanted to go sometime, but not right then.

    Of course you also realize you are setting them up to never believe you about anything again!

  16. Well it looks to me like Triton is emerging from the sea with painted toe nails and wearing flip flops

    Just had to look up Triton because I'm not very up on my Greek gods. I thought of Poseidon because of his Adventure. Which now has made me remember the plot of that movie and now I'm even more nervous about going on a cruise. Ugh.

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