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Finally Retired

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Posts posted by Finally Retired

  1. Crime Lab? House in Miami?

    Do you know that red haired guy that always takes his sunglasses off and talks from the side........whats his name..........you know the one that always gets his man in an hour........Horcheo or something like that?

    Well yes I do. I was a consultant for CSI Miami for the first few seasons. If you are a fan of the Show, you probably have seen some of my work and ideas. A poster print of my left big toe print hung on the set for a long time, I have the original hanging in my den.

  2. I was a Lurker, Yes I admit it. I've been hanging out here for years. I have now opened up the curtains, turned on the lights and hung the Snarky sign in plain sight, just because of this thread. I retired in March from a one of the largest crime labs in the US. We live in SE Georgia, however we still have our Home in Miami. Can’t buy my Travel Trailer until we sell the Florida house and get our residency straighten out. I've really enjoyed the forum. Thank you for the invitation.

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