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Just Whipperwhirl

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Posts posted by Just Whipperwhirl

  1. I need to apologize - I have been rediculous - avoiding the board because its too painful to face facts. Because our house deal fell through - we are suddenly extremely limited in our ability to travel this summer. Im disappointed and sad - I was really looking forward to hooking up with all of you fabulous folks in July and then onto TN in september - but there is just no way we can swing it. Paying a mortgage and seasonal campground fees on one salery has tapped us out. I hope you still love me.

  2. It pains me but I just needed to cancel this reservation - I had hoped that we would still be able to make it but the stars are just not aligning for us this year. I was sooo looking forward to seeing all of you in person - I hope that we will be in a better position next year to get together - Whip

  3. ooo - bed bugs - theres a fitting punishment for her. Honestly she is becomming increasingly unstable (I think its leagal for me to pick on her since shes not MY boss - shes my husbands) - she keeps handing projects to my husband that should take months and expecting them done the next day - something is up - wish we never told her our plans but its too late to turn back now.

  4. Some of you may have seen on FB that we decided to plunk down a large chunk of change on a seasonal site. Mr. Whipperwhirl's boss (an evil, mean person) kept changing her mind about her expectations and we felt like we needed to find somewhere to season while it all gets worked out. At this point Im not ready to cancel - I am hoping the ducks will align in our favor allowing us to still make our way south - but the time may come when I have to cancel :( - Stay tuned!

  5. We dont have that many - just a few laptops (4 actually). Do you have any kind of security ideas? Our camper is a 183L Rockwood Roo - the canvas sleeping areas make it less than secure even if we change the lock. We are really making alot of modifications so I was thinking perhaps a secret panel but perhaps thats too complicated and you might have a better idea. Thanks!

  6. Well - I just made our first full time - on the road reservation - and where are we going - a Fiend Grand Gathering - thats where - sign us up for site #75. We check in 9/16 - check out 09/24 - but I am going to place another reservation to stay at that park through the 29th if DH doesnt want to move the camper on a weekday. Very excited to join all of you - now keep your fingers crossed that nothing falls apart with our house deal!

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