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liv luvs disney

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Everything posted by liv luvs disney

  1. It's been so long since our trip. It's a good thing Lance took a lot of pictures. It helps my memory...sort of. It seems I left off with not feeling so well, but having no problem downing ice cream. According to our pics, TT was next up. I stood in line with my family, but wound up not riding. I just wasn't up to it. Lance's dream car. IIRC, the price tag on that cat was over $60,000! :o That is one dream that will for sure NEVER come true! The boys set off for MS while Gretchy and I hung out in the shade. I was past done at that point. Our plans were to go back to the camper and co
  2. Gretchy got something else sweet, but because we don't have a picture of it and it's been so long, I can't recall what it was. Gage was bent on something savory first and none of us were overly impressed with the selection of the F & W menus. I did, however, get some creme brulee...LOVE that stuff! In the end, we headed back to get the usual. Deep fried fish and fries...just what someone who is already queasy and someone with gallbladder problem needs. Gretchy had a couple of my fries and Gage got a burger and fries. It's a good thing we paid attention in that "healthy eating" class w
  3. Disney's Home School Days. We've participated in this event for the last 3 years and have not been disappointed. They do a good job. Here are some more pictures of the room we were in at EPCOT and the speakers. The theme this year was healthy eating. After our class was over, we were free. We were so close to Soarin' we decided to go ahead and ride it before getting some lunch. I have extreme motion sickness...even on Soarin'. I don't know if it was because I was just exhausted or what, but I did not do many of the rides on this trip. I just had a yucky feeling for da
  4. I'll gladly post the recipe...after I've had some sleep. That's not the real reason and you know it. It's still not the real reason and you still know it. :rofl3: It seems to run in the family. :rofl2: After reading his next post, he best start kissing up to her! Uh-oh...somebody's sleepin' on the couch tonight.
  5. Oh mercy! :rofl3: 1. In this picture I am covered, but you should see the other 937 without being covered. No worries...I won't post all of them! :rofl2: I told Lance to stop too...it didn't work with him either. 2. Yep, there is rarely any left overs of ham rolls. That's what we call them. I like Glory Burgers better even though my family won't know what in the world I'm talking about. :rofl3: If Glory Burgers and your famous pie are being served at the next GG, I'll for sure be there! Lordy mercy, you're so sweet. Thank you for your compliments. I feel like I know you already too!
  6. First, I can't either. It's past my bed time right now and I can hardly keep my eyes open. I definitely want to do a morning race some time. Second, yeah I think my family rocks too...or at least that night I did. Just kidding...they rock all the time. Third, just cause I didn't pig out right after the race does NOT mean I didn't pig out the week after...or the month after. . Lunch was a pork tenderloin and orange juice...it was good! The beast. It's a constant source of ridicule in my house. Yvonne, yes I agree all tea should be sugar with a little water and tea mixed it. I don't a
  7. Look what we saw on our bike ride to the bus stop. Waiting for the EPCOT bus . Our plans were to head straight to our home school meeting place, but as soon as we walked in Gretchen saw Stitch. She LOVES Stitch! We couldn't pass this up. The line for our "class." Inside the room where our class was held. Darn. Gage needs the computer for science. I'll be back.
  8. That is a very good question! No wonder Lance wants nothing to do with it! :rofl2:
  9. Oh you have no idea how much this statement means to me. :hugs2: I know I don't get on here very often, but it's not because I don't love you guys. I'm just in a season of my life that I truly don't have the time. Hopefully we'll get another computer soon and that will help. I've been on here more in the last week than I've been on in 6 months and because of it my house is a wreck, we're out of groceries, and all the clothes are dirty. :laugh: It's addicting and it's why I TRY not to get on at all. I have a DIFFICULT time limiting myself!
  10. It's Monday morning...rise and shine...home school day! This was the reply. So I went out to do my usual under the awning thing. It was getting close to the time we needed to leave so I put lunch on to give everybody a few extra minutes before the drill sergeant in me came out. I got this recipe from S70. (Thanks) I didn't have any root beer so I used TCD's suggested oj. (Thanks.) My banging and clanging around got everyone up and we were soon ready to head out for a theme park day. Breakfast: rolls with butter, onions, poppy seeds, mustard, worcestershire sauce, ham, and swiss cheese. L
  11. Yes you were missing from the picture and we definitely missed you, but we all totally understood why you were not there! We will get together some day and spend more time together...not just a goodbye in the pouring rain. (Well there was that quick hello at TE, but that doesn't count.) Thanks. I'm kind of partial to my family. You might not like us once you spend some time with us though. :rofl2:
  12. I love your noseyness! Grammy had some food in the cabinet and asked me to cook it so it wouldn't go bad as the camper won't be used again before next spring. There was some Velvetta Shells and cheese so I did make it to go with our GAG. One of the sides I ordered was slaw...for the boys. Gretchen and I aren't slaw people and I wanted something besides mashed taters and gravy and biscuits. So like I true southerner, I added another starch. I did not know cowboy beans were an option or I would have gotten them! They were not on the menu and I didn't think to ask if they had them. Sweet t
  13. I was told this year's F&W had over 14,000 runners. I don't know if that is true or not, but it sure seemed like it. Heck, it seemed like 140,000. :laugh:
  14. More BB photos As planned, I found a spot in the shade and went to sleep while my family roamed and played. I don't how long they were gone before I woke up hungry. Only a pizza would do for me. So, Sorry, Dave. I ate 3/4 of it before I remembered to get a picture. I knew as soon as I got something to eat, my family would be close behind. They went and ate and Gretchen brought me back some dessert. Okay, so she got it for herself, but she did share it with me. They all went and played a little longer and I slept some more, though there was this European family in the most awful fued th
  15. Me too! This is the first half I've ever done, but from what I've heard, Disney races are just crowded. Unless you're fast as lightening or slow as molasses, there seems to be a clump of people. A friend of mine, who just ran her ninth marathon, wanted me to run something smaller (people wise) and closer to home for my first HM, but I wouldn't hear of it. There were definitely times during the F&W, I wished I had listened to her. She says all of the bigger cities have highly crowded races. She ran the Chicago marathon while we were at Disney and said the same thing...the crowds never
  16. I just had a laughing fit when I read that! I didn't even realize it when I wrote it. I was droning on and on with negativity on one hand, but on the other, I did enjoy it...sort of. :rofl2:
  17. Good luck, Ed! I've already told you I'm aiming for the full in Jan. 2013. Just too much going on in my life right now and my knee is in a bad way to be training for another race. I do wish I was gonna be beside you though. After doing the F&W alone, I've decided I won't do another one alone. Mentally, I need someone to laugh with!
  18. Well amen, H! I figure if I wake up in the morning, He has given me another day. The least I can do is thank Him for it!
  19. So the kids wanted pancakes with their eggs and bacon. I wanted toast and honey, so I made both. I LOVE alfalfa honey. I get it at the same place that Lance's fried pie came from at the beginning of this TR. I had not had any honey in a couple of days so I was looking forward to it! A girl and her honey... The kids wanted to go to a water park. That was fine with me. I wouldn't have to do a lot of walking. My plan was to find some shade and sleep. Gretchen was pouty because she was the only one without water shoes. The kids thought Lance's set up on the bike was funny. Waiting on
  20. My after picture looks like "Hurry up and take the picture so we can get the crap out of here. I'm exhausted" Yeah, we've retold that story several times and we do all laugh about NOW. I didn't even share the story of what happened to Lance and the kids AFTER they gave the watch to me. He got turned around trying to get to EPCOT and somehow kept ending back up at the Fort. Apparently they were on a first name basis with the lady working the guard shack. :laugh: They got to EPCOT mere minutes before I got there. They drove it. I ran it. :rofl2: Don't let that get out. It might embarrass
  21. How come every time I reply to a post with a KFK quote. I get this message: You have posted a message with more emoticons than this community allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you've added to the message I thought Auntie was the queen of emoticons. Apparently not. Love you KFK! :raspberry:
  22. I'll have one of the kids look into Irfanview. They know more about computer stuff than I do. The Bible says we're all made in the image of God, so I agree we're all cutie patooties. We'll leave it at that. Yeah, you can't judge me on taking my time! Now that I got the race out of the way, the rest should be a breeze. It seems all we did was eat from that point on. :laugh: Trust me, Rita. I'm worried about Ed too! :rofl2: Just kidding. I do know what you mean though. I tend to be a worry wart too. It is something I'm working on, but I've got a long way to go! I'm confident we will
  23. After I finally got in bed, you would've thought I would have gone straight to sleep. I didn't. I lay in bed for hours, freezing to death and worrying I was gonna die of a blood clot. I did finally get a little sleep, but I was up and at 'em by 7:00. :banghead: So, out under the awning I went with my Bible. I spent some time with the Lord, rode by bike around in my jammies and called my Momma. By the time my family got up, I was ready to go back to bed and sleep all day. I don't remember what had Gretchen in such a whiney mood. Of course the beast was still alive and well and my family
  24. Thanks, Judy, we probably could have all used a hug after that ordeal! That's exactly how I felt...a week later! :laugh: I never did regain my "normal" self while we were at the Fort. I was nauseated and tired most of the time...except the day at MK when I had way too much sugar! That's coming later.
  25. So Lou and Gail left and I quickly got dressed. We decided Lance would just drop me off at WWOS and drive over to EPCOT to wait on me. We were kind of proud of ourselves for what seemed like a "no brainer" plan. Once we got out of the Fort, traffic was somewhat congested. It was making me nervous, but I was not completely panicked....yet. As soon as we entered WWOW property I realize I left my Garmin watch in the camper. Then I was panicked! This is our conversation: Me, hysterically screaming- Oh my gosh, honey, I left my watch in the camper! Lance, calm as a cucumber- Do you have to h
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