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Posts posted by Cyberdeb

  1. My daughter has bipolar disorder.  Before she was diagnosed, I used to get upset that we would go camping and all she wanted to do was nap in the camper.  I finally figured out that if that was what she wanted to do on vacation, then why not?  After her diagnosis, we started doing less as far as commando raids on parks and activities that would overstimulate her.  More time at the camper, in the quiet, going for walks etc.  It sure made things a lot better for everybody.  Fortuneately, we live in a time where medicine has advanced as far as diagnosis and treatment.  She is now stable on her medications, has a job and can hold a conversation with adults.  While she cannot handle full time college, she did finish a psychology course at our local community college and got an A!!!!  That was a big accomplishment for her.  I gotta say, I probably wasn't the most patient or sensitive guy when it came to dealing with disabled people, which I am not proud of.  If anything good has come of Chris' disability, it is that that aspect of me has changed.  However, it has made me more aware that there is a lot of misunderstanding and fear in the real world when it comes to dealing with disabled people.  As terrible as a mental disorder is, and I can't imagine the struggle my daughter went through in life before she was treated, I can't imagine the difficulty in dealing with physical disabilities, or combinations of these, but I am trying to understand.

    I have a kid with Bi-Polar too.  Mine is 25 and now working in the mental health field as a Youth Support Parnter.  I also have one with Scizophrenia.  It wasnt a picnic, but it taught me a hell of a lot about compassion and what is truly important in life. 

  2. Many, many years ago when my son was younger, we took a very rare trip to the mall.  We didnt venture out much due to his disability.  It was just too embarressing and too stressful.  Anyhow, we were walking through the mall and just left a pet store when i asked my son to hold my hand.  He told me he couldnt, because his hand was full.  I looked down wondering what it was full with and was mortified to see a fish that he scooped up out of a fish tank we had just walked by in the pet store.  Unfortunately it was too late for the fish. 

    The same kid asked me what moles were.  You know not the rodent animal, but the brown spots on peoples skin.  Knowing this kid would keep asking why, why, why and want a more detailed explaination than i could give him, i told him they were kisses from God.  He looked at me all discusted and said that maybe god should wash his mouth before he goes around kissing people. 

  3. Wow, so glad to see this catagory!!!!  I too have special needs kids.  Well they arent kids anymore - all adults.  My two oldest have mental illness and my 18 year old daughter is just a teenager(nuff said)  :)  I also work in the mental health field and a family advocate.  Glad to see you all here!

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