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Nicki aka Rebelstand

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Posts posted by Nicki aka Rebelstand

  1. Also, I have heard that travel agents are able to make and hold "dummy" reservations which they are able to offer to their future clients.  I have heard tales of some that hold hundreds of reservations for holiday periods.  There's a rumor flying around the Fort now that this practice is why it's currently impossible to get a reservation during the upcoming Christmas holidays at the Fort.  I am sure this does not sit well with Disney, but supposedly it is happening.




    While i can't say this is a verified fact, I can say I am pretty sure I have seen it in action.  

  2. Thank you for this!  One of my favorite places!


    We spend a week @ the beach in Daytona every summer, not far from this light house.  So many people think it's just about racing but there is so much more to do and see, and the beaches are great for families.  It's a great place for a laid back, relaxing time at the beach, as long as you're not up by the pier and Main St.


    We've visited the lighthouse twice, but only half of our family made it to the top.  Those stairs are daunting.


    We didn't have time for the beach.  And to be honest, the lighthouse was done on a whim (100 pictures later).  I just looked at it and knew I had to climb it.  No matter what I had to get to the top.  Yes, the stairs are daunting but I didn't think about how many.  Just one foot in front of the other and I am gonna make it to the top.

  3. Around The Top We Go -


    So we finally made it to the catwalk under the actual lantern, so for those of you afraid of heights... you have been warned.


    Here is a 360 walking picture tour from the catwalk-


































    Those who have vertigo look away NOW -

    To give you an idea of just how far up we were there is our red truck in the parking lot.  Matchbox cars anyone?



    Now time to check out the lantern.  Sadly for us but happily for the lighthouse, this lantern is still an active rotating light.  So as you an see in the picture below there is a plastic sheet separating you from the lantern, which also meant you didn't have to climb 215 stairs.




    And now we need to get back down to here -



    Easy right?  Well we go down in the order IH (to catch anyone that falls), IS, ID, and lastly me.  By the way, we always go in this order anywhere.  IH, ID, IS, and me.  Parents bracketing the children.  As anyone who has traversed up a lighthouse will tell you the steps get smaller as you go up.  It probably took 10 minutes to climb up and about 20 to climb down.  IH and IS, while they aren't flying they are moving good.  ID, well it was right foot down, left foot next to right, right foot down, left foot next to right, right foot down......etc for 203 steps.


    Finally this-









    Next Up - Some Lenses, History, and Such

  4. Very pretty, but I couldn't have made that climb either!



    I think the climb down would be worse.  My sense of balance is all out of whack.  Heck, I even wear the sissy assistant strap on Soarin'.

    Love all the photos.



    OY - my calves this morning

  5. Fish and Chips are always high on the list - with lots and lots of tartar sauce for both. 

    Sister from another Mister!


    Fish and Chips are yum.

    Pizza Planet - I know some people aren't fans but with allergy boy this is always an easy stress free place to grab a bite

    Veggie Burrito at Tortuga - is another must for me.  I don's care for any of the others just the veggie burrito


    (personally I found the pork sandwhich, which i had heard some many fiends rave over, yucky)

  6. Very cool.


    Lighthouses and NASCAR.......what's not to like?

    Go INDYCAR!  Lighthouses just call to me.


    Why did you keep looking down if you were afraid? Lol

    Great pix and welcome back to Florida

    I wasn't but ID was.


    Why did I double post?


    because you could?


    My legs ache just looking at all those stairs.

    they shook for several hours after coming down 


    Why did I double post?

    KFK's Ghost got ya..

  7. How many Stairs are there?  Mama... when I look down I want to puke.


    How many stairs are there?  This many-

    1375258_181029455417004_338253111_n.jpgif you want the exact count 203 going one way from here up.  


    The Climb-





    Mama...When I look down over the railing I want to puke.  




    (which just happened to be halfway up)  Baby Girl... just look at your feet and the steps!






    Hey Mellisa and Loretta, it's haunted-














    Next up - Around The Top We go

  8. So SURPRISE or NOT, but Rebel and the Rest are back in Florida.  Shocking I am sure.  We are camped out somewhere in the Daytona area and decided to take lunch at this place called the North Turn Grill.  See Rebel's sister is a huge Nascar Fan and Rebel prefers Indycar but sister infected IS with Nascar fever so we took him over to Daytona Beach to see this mecca of memorabilia.















    And well I think you get the picture.  After eating (sorry no pood forn), we decided to drive by the local lighthouse.  Just to take a look.  Looking wasnt' good enough.  I must conquer that mountain.  I must see the view from atop that gleaming beacon.  I must lose what little brains I had left but walk climb off that burger I just partook of....















    Nellie the famous cat.  Really she has her own books.









    The three Lighthouse Keeper's Houses-








    Next up - How many stairs was it?  Mama... when I look down I want to puke.

  9. I was out of town for a few days, and I'm behind on my ff.net reading.  I just had a chance to look at your photos.


    Thanks for sharing these.  I've always wanted to stay in one of the treehouses.  I always get stuck at the price.  They look very nice.



    so waiting......patiently

  10. Well, I have to admit - I have reservations from December 4 thru January 2. In the next week or so I will cancel most of it (except the time we need). Trying to juggle three families getting together forces me to make this kind of reservation.

    Now, as others have said - look at longer time periods. Several times in the past I have wanted a specific time period, lets say 4 days. If I put in just those four days no luck - no available reservations. If I add days (sometimes before my days, sometimes after my days and sometimes a couple on both sides) the days are available. I have tried to understand Disney's reservation system but have had no luck figuring it out.

    I had a CM tell me that the fort was a tough one. Even hinted at minimum stay ressies, which is why you can often get three weeks but not three days

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