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Nicki aka Rebelstand

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Posts posted by Nicki aka Rebelstand

  1. You definitely need to take some time the next time you're at a lighthouse to read the plaques and hear about the history.


    The lenses themselves are fascinating.  Think about how much work went into creating one of those.


    Also, think about the fact that lighthouses originally did not run on electricity.  That meant someone had to carry fuel up and down all those steps (or come up with another way to get the fuel to the lens) and clean the lens of soot and perform other maintenance on a daily basis.


    I don't know if your gang has stopped in St. Augustine yet, but there's a lighthouse there, and a Fort, and a ton of "America's Oldest"  things to see in the city.



    I plan on reading the plaques from the pictures and I have looked some stuff up online.  The lenses are amazing.  The thinking that went into designing them is as well.  As for the work, how many of us think of lighthouses with rose colored glasses but let's be honest, it was a lot of work.  Many of the lighthouses are in extremely rugged terrain and the families were often cut off from civilization on a good day and on a bad one.... completely on their own.


    We have tried to make it to St Augustine many times, this trip included.  However, our forays into Florida usually coincide with the snowbirds making finding affordable camping almost impossible.  We want to go there so badly too but a week there would cost us about the same as the Fort or more.


    Great TR! I love that lighthouse, been up and down those stairs more times that I could count. I spent at least 2 weeks of each summer staying right here for many years:






    ***Purple crayon a trademark of TCD


    I bet the view from the island of the lighthouse is a nice one too.

  2. Nemo is my all-time favorite.  I walk out of there with those songs in my head for weeks.


    Also love Festival of the Lion King and the Flights of Wonder bird show at AK.


    Still haven't seen Beauty and the Beast - it's on the list for this year.


    I enjoy Hall of Presidents and American Adventure too.

    So you have been lying to me all this time.  You have drug me onto that monstrosity more than once and it's not even on your favorite lists.  YOU HAVE SOME SPLAINING TO DO!

  3. Some Lenses, History, and OY the Legs Hurt


    Now we are off to take a look at the building they have some extra lenses in.  I have to be honest this was an impromptu visit and IH had a phone call to get home for so we were kinda in a hurry so I just took pictures of all the plaques to read later.  Then he ended up having to take it while we were there so the hurry ended up being for nothing, yet the kids I were to done at that point (shaking legs) to want to go back and really read all the plaques.


    So this last updates includes the plaques, if you are interested in reading about it.  








    This picture makes me think of an Owl...










    An old Anchor.  There is a picture of another but it was too blurry...working with just my iPhone..




    I am missing a picture of one of the keepers (blurry photo)













    She looks fierce.




    To be honest, there is a wealth of other knowledge to be explored here.  Since it was impulse, it was a quick visit.  However it was fun.  Having said that...OY!  My legs are worse today than they were yesterday (not surprising as I know it is always the second day that the lactic acid builds up the most).  For the record, the gift shop lady, who has only climbed the tower twice (not sure if that was in one day or total) said that the maintenance guys sometimes climb it 3 or 4 times a day..... and on that revelation it's time to end.  Short and sweet but I have another visit to make.....

  4. Great job so far, Nicki.




    This is my problem too.  The last lighthouse I climbed was the one in Key West.  The stairs are made of wrought iron.  Like patio furniture.  You can see through the steps.  It was awful going down.  My kids ran down without a care.  I was gripping the handrail the whole way.  We still laugh about it.  Only it wasn't funny to me.



    I missed your post yesterday somehow.  I will admit that it was nice to be behind slow ID as i could take my time.  Going up is much better than down.  These steps were metal but you couldn't really see through the holes anymore.


    Definitely harder on my arthritic knees!


    stairs are killer on the knees

  5. Of course, I also wanted South Florida's team to be named the Snowbirds after all of the tourists that arrive every winter.  Our logo could have been a Quebec license plate.


    My second favorite name was the Humidity.  That would have been appropriate and a nice pairing with the Heat.

    all of that is funny...and true

  6. I subscribe to TPs too, and many times their advice jives. BUT when I compare estimate wait times in park, Josh always wins.


    IP also uses historic date that doesn't always look at other factors. Good example.... TP suggested the MK as their most recommended park on July 4th. I'm pretty sure all fiends know that they would be (and was) the ONLY park closed for capacity that day. Far from a best park from a crowd standpoint.

    well sometimes common sense needs to work too and TP doesn't require me to read much.  


    My idea of night time EMH is Kathy's coffee under Bob's awning. And my touring plan is looping with Fiends!

    that is some good EMH


    Rick and myself use late EMH quite a bit.  Every once in a while, I'll use early EMH by myself for the E-Rides that Rick won't ride.  I'm out the door while he is still snoozing, and I'll hit the coasters and be out of the park by 9am and back to the Fort.



    great idea

  7. I still think they should have been the Lonestars when they moved from Minnesota and had to change the North Stars name.



     Agreed.  But they should have never moved.

    you both a have a point about the lonestars but you should see how much they opened up the sport to texas....



  8. I still think they should have been the Lonestars when they moved from Minnesota and had to change the North Stars name.



     Agreed.  But they should have never moved.

    you both a have a point about the lonestars but you should see how much they opened up the sport to texas....



  9. Are you trying to sound like Lou? I guess since the grouch doesn't post anymore, you can take his place. Look at the Kenny the Pirate charts.... the longest waits are at the EMH parks. Always. Sure, if you're going to hit and run, you can.


    Actually, I challenge you to find ANYONE more efficient than me with touring. I know some don't like plans, but I don't like eating at crappy restaurants and not being able to see the attractions I want.


    I use Touring Plans for the ride waits now.  


    I have done the plans too.  I have been known to ride Buzz, Cups, Dumbo, PP, Snow White, IASW, Carousel and walk on HM just as early EMH was over.  Ride wise I have been known to ride everything we wanted before lunch time.  Then hit the attractions later.  




  10. Love the pics!!!!!  Even the ones from up top.  While the heights wouldn't bother me, my calves would scream too!!


    the funny part is that we have been walking daily at the West KOA in Ashville and from our campsite it's downhill, uphill, downhill, uphill, downhill, and back up again... once and sometimes twice a day.  I would have thought my legs would be ok.... I was wrong.


    Great trip report so far..Now I want to visit that lighthouse and climb to the top!



    Me Too!!



    Me too

    What a view! Wow!



  11. Mike and Cherie. You are a wonderful example of what a true FrIEND is all about. You and the others who blessed Jason and Sil, not just delivering the pup but blessing them with the gift of friendship. Thanks to all of you guys involved in this endeavor for reminding me what it means to be a friend. God bless you all.

    Ma & Pa are awesomeness

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