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Everything posted by SnarkalicioustheFairy

  1. This thread made us decide that there just might be an interest in cooking and recipies, so "Poof" the AuburnLeaders created a new board. This gets to be the threadthat starts it all off! :jumpforjoy
  2. OK, so here I am minding my own damned fairy business, passing gas, and drinking a beer. Then, somebody carelessly bumps this thread to the top of the list, and now I can't return to my state of nirvanna without figuring out what the hell I changed the name to. After several beers, three pole dances, and a couple of Aleve, I have dredged that awful memory from my vast cranial stores. It stands for What In The Sam Hill Did This Thread Start Talking About? By the time I did this I believe you were all under the influence of more than beer or wine, you were lost in the mad throes of power and the
  3. Not being prudish, and Lord knows I've used the word a time or two before, but please be careful with your language. Some of us have word filters at work that would bar any future access to this site if it was noticed. Now, on with the festivities.
  4. Sorry TJ, I renamed it (again). The reason for changing the name was to prevent key word filters at work from denying access to ff.net. In that regard, "lust" is no better than "pictures of kitties." We just need to keep the title sounding clean enough to not raise a flag.
  5. Mine all say "for life" but they are all from the local mental hospital. Think they're trying to tell me something?
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