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Posts posted by Heidi-meetsTCD@TSM

  1. Heck, in those early days, there wasn't even Primeval Whirl or Triceretops Spin, and the girls were too short for Dinosaur (then known as Countdown to Extinction). When people complain that there's not enough to do in AK, I always laugh. They have no idea.



    Our first time at Animal Kingdom was April of 1998. The park was open, but hadnt "officially" opened........we saw that on TV after we returned home. On that trip all that was open, was "its tough to be a bug" (The Bugs Life movie hadnt even come out yet, so we had no idea who Hopper and Flik were!!!) A boat ride, (not sure what it was called, but it was BORING!!!!) I think it closed within the first year. A "Jungle Book" show (I think that was where Tarzan Rocks went later and now where the Nemo show is) Countdown to Extinction wasnt open the day we where there.......we were crushed......we had read all about it and it sounded like the most exciting ride EVER!!!! The Boneyard was open and we all liked that. There really wasnt much at all. So many things have been added since then!

    As far as Animal Kingdom being a half day park. If you truly did every single ride, show and nature trail/walk and have a meal.......well, that would most likely be the longest half day ever!!!!!!

  2. TCD,

    So glad you like O'hana. We have always loved it too! On almost every trip, I would always make an ADR at O'hana, Boma and Breakfast at either Chef Mickeys or 1900 Park Faire. The last few trips, I havent been able to get an ADR at O'hana unless I took one at 9:00 or after, which is way too late for us to eat a meal like that! I need to get us back there on our next trip....your photos looked yummy!


  3. Dave,

    Add me to the list that has never heard of sponge candy!!!

    Too bad about the bad meals at the French Quarter.......believe it or not, its one of our favorite places to eat on property!!! We stayed there for a few nights way back in 2001, now we make a point of always eating there at least once per trip. My must have meal is the ribs and my husbands is the pot roast. In the last 11 years, we have probably eaten there at least 20 times and it has been excellent each and every time!!!!

    Oh and count me as odd, but I always loved going to the Boneyard when the my boys were little!!!! Of course, we always had a plan!!! We are a rope drop family, so after doing a couple rides we would go to the Boneyard, when it was still early and the place was deserted. We would sometimes have the whole place to ourselves and the four of us would all run around together. When they got a little older and we werent worried about them so much, my husband and I would hang out on a box/ bench thing in one of the corners and just chill together, while they ran around. Now my guys are 19 and almost 17, I truly miss those days.........

    All right, ready for the next update!!!


  4. Yippee!!!! More trip reporting by TCD!!

    My Mom and son were at Disney from the 8th-15th and could agree with you about the warm weather you were having!! They werent expecting that in January. Of course, now that they are home they are back to reality............its 12 degrees as I type this!!

    They also walked by that character meet in Canada. I have a question about that. You mentioned a snow machine. Was it an actual snow machine or one of those "snow/soap bubble machines like what they use at the Osborne Lights? Just curious.


  5. Great update!

    Good to see that the hop scotch has been repainted. That has been there forever.I remember playing on that when I was 9-10. I'm 45 now, so its been there a longgggg time. I always think that they will replace that walkway and the hop scotch will be gone like so many other things that are only but a memory at the fort.

    Looking forward to more on Monday!


  6. OK, I'm ready for the next update, and will get that up soon.

    But, I forgot something important from my Hollywood Studios visit.

    As we were on the street taking in the Osborne Lights, a lady came up to me and said hello. She said she recognized me and is a big fan of TCD trip reports. I asked her if she was a member of FortFiends.net, and she said no, just a lurker. She said she was from Oklahoma, and she wasn't staying at the Fort.

    The girls are always amazed when something like this happens.

    They can't believe that I have anything to say that other people find interesting.

    So, lady from Oklahoma, thanks for saying hello.

    If you are reading along, which I suspect you might be, why don't you join up and say hello?

    It has happened before.

    And it is always fun to have a new Fiend!


    Yes, "it has happened before" I too met TCD at The Hollywood Studios..........in line for TSM.

    It is funny to look up and see someone that you feel like you "know" because you have read all the trip reports and seen so many photos. I remember when I first saw you, TCD, I looked around for a TCD twin, to make sure it was really you!!!! Once I saw them, I was like, "OMG, I am going to pass the FAMOUS TCD in line!!!!" Pretty exciting!!!

    Then when you mentioned me in that trip report, I finally joined fortfiends...........hopefully the lady from Oklahoma will too!

  7. TCD,

    Great start!

    We havent been to the Fort for Thanksgiving for the past two years, but had been there for the previous eight. It is my favorite time to be there.

    I noticed the lanyard to the right of the Thanksgiving Mickey and Minnie.Of course,having been big into the pin trading for many years,I recogonized the two pins in the photo as being "hidden Mickey cast member pins"

    Love the fort Christmas Tree.I have quite a few photos of it too.

    Ready for more!


  8. For some reason my whole comment didnt print...........

    Reading about the grown men who carry notebooks with plastic sleeves ful of cards, makes me think of the grown men who carry around books loaded with pins.........maybe they are the SAME men!!!!

    My boys used to be big into the pin trading, we have well over a thousand pins. There used to be a big pin trading event every Friday night at the Contemporary that we always went to when we were down there. I was always shocked when I saw all the grown men (and ladies) with their lanyards and books overflowing with pins. Most of them were quite serious about their hobby! At any rate, my boys loved it and we ended up making several good friends with CMs that we still have to this day, all because of pin trading.

    Will you be going to the Fort for Thanksgiving like last year? I hope so, we can have another trip report to look forward to.


  9. Whew.........all caught up!!

    Wow, you three can certainly pack A LOT into a one day visit!!!! Very impressive!

    Love, love, love all of the photos of the new Fantasyland!! Thanks so much for sharing. It will be great to see it in person, but for now, your photos will hold me over.

    How exciting that you were able to dine in the new BOG restaurant!! Your daughters will certainly have soooooo many fun memories of time spent with you.


  10. Carol,

    I havent got caught up yet, but had to make a couple comments.

    We saw that cute little cabin/camper a few years ago. I thought it was the cutest thing I had ever seen!

    I LOVE all of the carousel of progress photos that you shared. I have always loved that attraction and it was fun to sit in my living room tonight and see all the different scenes.

    I noticed that Rick is wearing a Fort Wilderness coat while riding the TTA. I have never seen one like that before.


  11. Thanks, Heidi.

    October is right up there with our favorite time to visit the Fort and the WDW in general. The Food and Wine Festival in Epcot and the MNSSHP in MK are two things we really enjoy. If you can ever swing it, you should visit in October. Late October gives you a chance for some cooler weather too.


    I know we would love an October Disney visit. Between the Halloween party and the Food and Wine Festival, it would be so much fun. Hopefully, in a few more years, we will be able to be at Disney at that time. Our problem over the years has been that the kids dont have any school breaks in October and its just too expensive to fly down from NH for a long weekend. Our youngest is in 11th grade though, so we wont be tied to school schedules too much longer.

    Loved the latest update with your early morning at the fort. Course now, I am REALLY missing the fort!!!


  12. TCD,

    What a nice surprise to log on today and see a trip report from you!!!

    The new Fantasyland looks great! Can't wait to check it out.

    For the past few years, I have been dying to go to the Halloween party. The timing doenst seem to work out for us.....someday though. In the meantime, I can enjoy your photos. Thanks for sharing!


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