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Posts posted by Heidi-meetsTCD@TSM

  1. TCD,

    So happy you could use the Space Mountain FP's. Awesome that you and the twins were able to do back to back rides! Thanks again for the spike!

    Loved seeing the dorm room! I was surprised all over again to see the private bath and little kitchen area. We pay over 25k for our son to go to our state university and believe me his dorm room is NOTHING like that!!!

    Hope all three girls are doing well and you and Mrs. TCD are adjusting as best you can. Hopefully another trip is on the horizon for you!

    As always a great read and I look forward to the next one!




    Agreed.  The same thing happens at Disney World.  I'm sure we've all heard people in the parks speaking to CM's trying to understand the concept of Fastpass.  Seriously.  They spent all the money it costs to take their family to WDW, and they didn't do the most basic of research?  I don't understand it.





    I have to add to this comment,, about doing some basic research! On our recent trip, I overheard two conversations that totally blew me away. One was a lady asking the CM at the check-in counter about which park she should go to. She was only going to be there for one day and was buying a one day base ticket. She had absolutely NO clue which of the four parks she should bring her kids to!!! Here she was about to spend around 400.00 on 4 one day tickets and hadn't even bothered to look into what the parks offered to pick one that would interest them!!!


    The other one, was in Epcot. I was sitting on a stone wall/bench near Test Track waiting for my kids. A lady and her two kids came and sat next to me and were going over an Epcot guide map. It was around noontime. After reading a bit, the women said to her kids, "there is ride here called Soarin........you get in a hang glider......that sounds like fun.......lets go ride that" At this point I believe the wait was 90 minutes, not sure what was left for FP's.


    A few years back we went to Universal for the first time. I spent hours and hours researching all of the rides/attractions. We went to the park with a plan and had an awesome time!! For us good planning is the difference between an awesome vacation and an ok vacation!

  3. TCD,


    I am home and just finished reading this trip report in one sitting! I have the same feeling that I had after I read about your cruise last summer.........I NEED to go on a Disney cruise!!  It all sounded so perfect and fun!  I was VERY glad you posted that photo of yourself with the beads of sweat on your face from your bike ride on Castaway Cay.........I am pretty sure that is what my face looked like when I met you a few weeks ago in the MK!! Thanks again for sharing and doing all of the work to post these trip reports!!



  4. TCD,

    Thanks again for the bonus report!! I was actually getting excited when you said that the twins wanted to see the Disney Fourth of July fireworks.......I figured that you would go too and we would get another trip report......bummer!

    I have to say that I do gather strength every time that you write how well you are doing with the transition of having two kids gone and your third gone soon. My oldest went to college two years ago and I did pretty good with it. My youngest will be going into his last year of high school and I am absolutely DREADING the thought of him heading off to college in a year!!!

    On a brighter note, we were lucky enough to be at Disney for the Fourth of July twice. In 2004 and 2006. We were able to see the July 4th, 360 degree firework display on Main Street right in the hub. We also saw it from the Polynesian Beach. Both shows were incredible, but the one from inside of the park blew us away!!!

    The river that your family was on for the Holiday......are there alligators around there? Being a northern girl, that was all I could think of when I saw those photos!!!

    Hope you get that next trip planned when both twins are home!!


  5. Kim,

    Really enjoying reading your trip report! I too, felt soooooo bad when I read about the whirly bird fiasco!!!! I would have totally freaked out had that happened to me when my boys were young!! Bravo to little H for watching out for Gabe, when he was frightened himself. Looking forward to reading about the rest of the trip!


  6. TCD,

    I fell behind, but just finished! As always thanks for writing it up and sharing it with all of us!

    It sounded like a great trip and as always you certainly know how to pack a lot into a day!

    I think I already sent my congratulations to your girls, but it can't be said enough....CONGRATS to all three!!!

    I did chuckle when I saw the photos of your daughters room....of course being a girl and having two boys, I know firsthand how different boys and girls are....it was obvious your daughter put a lot of thought into her room and decorating it.....the tree on the wall and all of that pink!!! When my son went to college two years ago, he couldn't have cared less about ANY decorating. He didn't even want me to buy him a new comforter or sheets (I did) He brought just the basic necessities and was happy with that!! Just so funny how different boys and girls are!!

    I am sad that your Fort trip reports will not be as frequent, but will be looking forward to reading about you visiting your girls, football games and any little getaways that you can manage!



    Of course Heidi has a thing for me!


    Even though that photo is like looking in the mirror, she knows that's not me, because she met me in person.


    So, there.



    Yes, TCD and I met in person right in line for TSM!! It was a highlight of my trip!!! I am not kidding, it truly was!!!

    Four weeks prior to that trip, I had been a healthy "normal" 44 year old lady. I had gone in for surgery for a harmless pre-cancerous condition.......I came out with a double cancer diagnosis.....I had four weeks, before I was scheduled to go in for a major surgery to look for more cancer......we went to Disney for almost two weeks while waiting for the surgery......I was sad and scared.....I was at Disney trying to have fun with my kids, but it was hard.....fast forward to that fateful morning of going through the line at TSM.....I glanced behind me and saw a familiar face.....it was TCD......I had followed his trip reports on the "other" site and then on this one......we had a super quick introduction.......for me, that meeting brought me out of my funk....yea, I was still sad and scared, but that simple meeting gave me something else to think about beside my uncertain future......heck, I had met the FAMOUS TCD!!!!


    The story continues.....we came home....I had my surgery...I had a tough recovery, while I waited almost two weeks to find out how the pathology came back.....I was only awake for short periods, but I was able to read TCD's trip report from his recent trip, where we had met....even my husband was reading it....TCD mentioned our meeting and went on to invite me by name a few times to join fortfiends.....every night my husband would ask me if I had joined yet and we would talk about TCD's update of the day......Once, I got good test results back that no more cancer was found, I joined fortfieds........to say TCD is  my FAVORITE trip report writer is an understatement......meeting him, even briefly and reading his report while I recovered were bright spots in my life during a bleak time.


    So yes, I have a "thing" for the TCD!!!!!


    Ok Heidi, fess up. Do you have a thing for TCD? You seem to only post in response to his TRs.


    This is what he really looks like, so don't get too infatuated.



    LOL!!!!! Too funny!!! Its true that I don't post often, but in my defense, I have posted on other trip reports......Dave's and Stef's to name a few!!!!

    But, yes, TCD is a favorite and I will be bummed when the twins are gone to college and there are less of his reports to read!

  9. TCD,

    Thanks as always for another great trip report! I am sooooo behind on my fortfiends reading!!

    Glad to know that I don't need to try the beet lollipops!!! I am another Yankee who has never had grits, maybe I will have to try them the next time I travel south!

    Hope you have another trip coming up soon!


  10. TCD,

    I just got to finish your trip report! Outstanding as usual! I am here sitting in the ski lodge at Mount Sunapee while my boys are skiing. Its fun to read about the warmth and sunshine you experienced, while I sit here shivering a bit!

    We have stayed at the Pop three times over the years. Our first time was soon after it had opened. We were in the building directly across from where you stayed. When we came out we looked at the big Mickey phone. Back then that was NOT a preferred building. I remember a few years ago they included more buildings into the "preferred group" at all three All Stars and the Pop.

    On that trip we had two experieinces that we still laugh about to this day. The first is that my eldest lost his tooth while swimming in the computer pool. Both of my boys tried to find it with their goggles (for the tooth fairy) to no avail!

    The second one had some similarities to your trip. We were at the computer pool and there were three ladies that were on the opposite side of the pool as us. All three had light colored thongs on. It actually looked like they had NOTHING on their bottom at all. My boys were convinced that they actually had nothing on! After the shock wore off, we got the giggles and couldnt stop!!! However these girls were thin and in good shape, so it wasnt as gross as your pictures......but still it was strange to be there with my kids with what appeared to be three naked ladies across the way!!!

    About the race. Did you have a chip or something on your sneaker to give you an accurate time from when you started the race until you finished? Back in the day, I ran in quite a few races and in the largest ones, we were always given a chip to wear.

    Congrats to eldest daughter!!!


  11. TCD,

    Congrats to twin #1 on getting into the college program!!! Thats quite an acomplishment!!! Good luck as you continue the process with twin #2, and congrats to older Daughter for her acceptance into Auburn!!! Must be a lot of excitement in the TCD household!!!

    I was wondering, that pic you have from the Pop of Goofy and the red car........is that still a water play area? It looked pretty dry in your photo. We stayed at the Pop soon after it opened and my boys played there. The last time we stayed there was three years ago and the water was still running then. Just curious if they have shut off the water. It would be ashame if they did.


  12. TCD,

    I have read this whole trip report today!!!

    Thanks for posting it! It was fun to follow along on your fun day trips. You sure can pack it in.

    I noticed you asked on your last report about when I was going to post my report from last summer........I will......or at least I will get the Crater Lake pics up.

    Looking forward to the next one you are starting tomorrow!


  13. Stef,

    Loved, loved, LOVED the trip report!!!

    First of all many thanks to Jordan for his service. Our country is fortunate to have young people like him, that are willing to serve our country.

    My oldest son (19) and my Mom, were down at Disney for the same exact time frame you were there!!! They arrived on the 8th too, and flew home on the 15th. They stayed at the Pop Century. They couldnt get over how warm it was for the entire week......actually it was too warm for my Mom!!!! I was surprised to see Jordan in his jeans and what looked to be boots in most all of the pictures.........he was probably comfortable and here my Mom was in shorts and t-shirts saying how hot it was!!!!

    I wondered the whole time, I read your report, if your path would ever cross with my son/Mom. But you guys were always at different parks then they were. The closest you probably came was on Sunday, they went to the first showing of the Hoop-Dee-Doo and you were at the fort until you boated over to the Contemporary.

    So glad that you all had such a good time! The party for Jordan sounded great. What a terrific thing to do for him!

    Hope you get back to the fort soon!


  14. My first time at AK was May 2001. I'm not sure what was open, but I do know that I did not come away with a good impression of the park.

    Me too........there were many trips that we never bothered going and would just stick to the other three parks (and the water parks, we always spend 2-3 days there too) However, when Expedition Everest was open, my boys fell in love with it and Animal Kingdom was back in the park rotation!

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