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Everything posted by PJ

  1. I've been reading up on the natural remedies you suggested, and they sound promising. We decided to take Koda to a vet tomorrow while we've got the RV in for service, and hopefully we'll have some things to try. Thanks to everyone for the great suggestions!
  2. I'm new to the boards but read this with interest - our accident 8 weeks ago didn't have as happy an outcome - we lost Abby, one of our sweet Australian Terriers, and the other Koda, wasn't physically injured but hasn't been the same since. DH had just dropped me off for my last day at work before retirement, and before being scheduled to leave a week later for our new lives as full-time RV-ers. Abby (9) and Koda (7) were riding (unrestrained) in the back seat of the Jeep, when he was rear-ended at a stoplight by a woman going about 50. Jeep was totaled. When I arrived on the scene to get t
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