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Posts posted by brerroadrunner

  1. I have a problem with cyclists who feel the the road is theirs.. It often times creates hazards for the cyclist, the car passing and the the oncoming traffic. Just because you can doesn'e always mean you should. I have seen a dad with a small baby in a bike carrier on back and asmall child on a bike in front of him all on a very busy road. Now if the child in front should take a fall, there is not much a dad could do quickly to help and a nasty accident could result. Another instance an entire family with young children were riding on an unmarked country road downhill on a curve. This was very dangerous. Just because you can doesn't mean you should! Both times I wanted to report the parents for child endangerment. When a child is hopitalized or killed because you had a right to be on the road, well it's not worth it. End of soap box.

  2. Need a little information from some of you fiends and I am sure Carol will probably have the answers.

    Heading to the Fort over the holidays. We will have our MH and set up camp. The kids will filter down with their wife/girlfriends. We will have a total of 10 adults and a 1 year old. Should I leave the 1 year old off the reservation to avoid going over the 10 limit? Or does that matter? She won’t need a key card. Can she be included in EMH without one?

    Secondly, we usually put up one tent, but it has always been us and my five boys. Now with some girlfriends, we may need to put up a second tent. Will I get away with this over a busy time of year?

    I am so looking forward to this tradition that we started for Christmas. We missed last year. This year is going to be special with the granddaughter. :mh1:

  3. Is it stil possible to get passholder rates at the campground. I use to always be able to get them throughout the year but have not the past several years. Do they even offer those rates at the Fort anymore. Going to be there for about 2-3 weeks in Dec and woold like to get them for part of the stay. I don't know if it's even worh trying. I already have my reservations and I used to be able to just have the discount applied in the past.

    Let me know what you have expericenced with AP rates at the fort in recent years.

  4. Remember, TIW is also good at all the lounges. We use it at the bar at Poly and Prime Time. Unlike your AP discount it is good on ALCOHOL!!!!. so for a romantic trip, you can visit a lot of places you wouldn't normally go with the kids. They have added more places it is good at, I think some counter service. We like to use it at ESPN on Boardwalk too.

  5. It is always this way unless you bbok early....but just keep calling every day -shorten your requested days and then add on as they become available. I have started with just one night and kept calling till I would get my three weeks. Tenacity and patience has always paid off and I have always gotten my dates over Christmas at the Fort for the last17 years that we have gone. Good Luck and maybe we will see you over Christmas!

  6. Sorry about your loss. I think taking your regular trip is a wonderful idea. You will no doubt have many memories of you wife from your previous trips. You and the kids will walk past something and say "Remember when mom did......." Embrace those memories and make many more new ones. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your kids.

    Enjoy your trip and that Beautiful New Motoe Home!!!

  7. I've also pondered OP question myself. I like all the responses. How often is the Fort booked to capacity and how many campers are turned away at those times. I tried for a year to get a site for the 99-2000 celebration and it wasn't until around Thanksgiving that I got it. I kept thinking, if they are booked solid a year out, they would have had plenty of time to add more loops so I could get my ressie! I suppose a lot of people canceled for the Y2K fear and that is why it opened up. We stayed two weeks and it really wasn't terribly crowded. That was our best vacation.

    One reason I love staying at the Fort is because it is so peaceful and quiet. You would never know you are in the middle of a huge resort and just across the lake can be up to 90,000 people.

    More loops mean more infrastructure, I suppose. I just want cheaper rates and more availability. Is that too much to ask? :unsure:

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