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Posts posted by TurkeyPants...Nicole

  1. Hi there! Just curious if you all will be using a chartered bus or if you are in individual cars? If you have chartered a bus, it would be easier to take the bus in because it can drop off and pickup in specific areas and you don't have to worry about parking at all. If you are taking individual cars, your best bet is the Metro as there is very limited space for public parking at the Capitol.

  2. I'm with Gwen on this one. We have gone two years in a row and gotten Park Hoppers both times. While we both love the Fort, we are planning on getting Park Hoppers again this year.

    We like the flexibility to go wherever we want whenever we want. When we go, we spend only a few hours a day at the campground. With the amount of money a ticket costs - we want to get as much use out of it as possible.

    We like not having to plan every single day in advance. Usually, we choose which park we are going to based on the Park Hours. During F & W we will go to Epcot for 5 or so hours in the late morning/early afternoon - then we will go back to the campground, get ready for dinner, go to somewhere like Kona for dinner and then head over to Magic Kingdom until 1 or 3 in the morning. We are never ready for bed during vacation before midnight. We feel like we are getting the most out of our vacation this way. DHs biggest complaint about last year was that "we sat too much". He is going to regret saying that this year! :)

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