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Posts posted by TurkeyPants...Nicole

  1. OK, why on earth didn't you just hop on an AoA bus if they were empty? I know sleep deprived and all that, but riding sooner and a walk to your destination is tons better thand standing in a fume filled bus line!

    Awesome report ya'll!


    Walking to Pop from AoA was not an option - it was bad enough to walk from the POP bus stop to our room. I wish we had a picture of us waiting in line at the bus stop. LOL :waiting2-smiley:

  2. Playful spooks have interrupted our tour. Please remain seated in your Doom Buggy. We will proceed in just a moment… Like NOW!


    So when we left off, a week ago (sorry!), we had just finished watching Wishes. The ladies and I have been going round and round for the last week about what happened after Wishes. We honestly cannot remember what happened next. Our brains were mush that night – we were lucky to make it back to the hotel. So after much debate – this is what we are guessing we did:


    We headed over to Tommorowland for a spin on Nicki’s favorite ride:




    As with It’s a Small World, Nicki wore her head phones for the entire ride while Mo and I were absolutely enthralled in the completely new material on Carousel of Progress. Or not. Seriously, most of the stuff on this section came out before I was even born:




    It’s a great big beautiful 30 year old Christmas tree with a girl wearing acid wash jeans that are tucked into her white tube socks. Way to demonstrate big dreams for the future. This is more of  history lesson than a view into tomorrow. It’s a little depressing…


    After that wonderful blast from the past, we headed over to the PeopleMover. To give you an idea of how busy it got in the park after Wishes, this is the line:




    Yep. We waited a good 15 minutes to ride the PeopleMover. Delirium is a funny thing. Coincidentally, I don’t think any of us slept on it that first time. Mostly because we knew we would have to get off of it because of the wait. I always get a little nervous on the part where the PM goes through Space Mountain as I have heard many accounts of the PM jumping the tracks and taking an unwanted plunge into the darkness that is Space Mountain.


    Following our (all too brief ride) we headed over to Stitch. I have never been on Stitch and the ladies’ enthusiasm for the ride cemented my decision not to go on it. If they don’t like it, I won’t like it... unless it’s a tea cup or a B. Spears song… but I digress.


    We don’t have any pictures of Stitch. Nor do I have pictures of the wench that walked into me and then told me to watch it while I was standing next to a wall waiting for Mo & Nicki. Stupid turds. Do they not realize that I am not responsible for my actions after 18 hours in the park? Do they not realize that yelling at me for standing still may cause me to lose my sh*t? Hmmmm?!?!!! Fear not, she was safe. This time. I was too tired. She was lucky.


    We then headed to the Laugh Floor. I LOVE the Laugh Floor. I laugh hysterically. Every. Single. Time. They had new material this time. You’ll have to see it for yourself because I am not giving it up.


     After the Laugh Floor, there was a fiend sighting!


    Uh… ladies, where is the fiend sighting photo? It was right before Mo got assaulted by Tigger… shudder. That was a close call. I almost lost it on Tigger. Does anyone else think it is unacceptable for an over-exuberant adult in a Tigger costume to sneak up behind someone and hug them from behind? I think it should be a crime. Honestly. Some of us would absolutely die of fright. It’s hard for me to even talk about.


    Somehow, we went from Fantasyland all the way back to Adventureland where we ate dinner (at 2 a.m.) at Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Café. While I don’t remember many things from that time of night (morning?), I do remember being distraught because I didn’t get sour cream with my taco salad but Nicki got some with hers. My feet hated me for going all the way back up to the counter to get some.


    It was after our fine meal that we did the Jungle Cruise (maybe). I hate wasting any part of my life waiting for the Jungle Cruise. On this particular day, I said goodbye to 20 sweet minutes waiting for a seriously awful ride. Plus there was the issue with the hipster bloggers that may or may not have gotten their panties in a bunch. (See my previous TR entry if you don’t know what I am talking about.)


    Up next, a new ride for TurkeyPants:




    The Magic Carpets of Aladdin. Apologies to the random people that Nicki took pictures of – you aren’t even What the Fort?! worthy.


    This is not a terrible ride – but the random “hopping” motion catches a first timer off guard.


    This is where you will see excessive amounts of delirium setting in. From the Magic Carpets, we headed back over to Tomorrowland which had calmed down a little bit.


    My favorite part of this session in Tomorrowland was this:




    We liked it so much, we did it twice in a row without getting off. (teehee) It was beautiful. Except for going through Space Mountain. :panic:


    We then slept on CoP and we have no pictures of that either. Sorry. We were tired and it was 4 in the morning. We were 22 hours in and entitled to a nap. If you have an issue with this, you can PM me. I dare you.


    After our sleepy spin on CoP we decided we needed to wake ourselves up a little by going on Buzz again.






    Yes. That is my actual score. The secret to getting that score is to stay awake for 22 hours in the Magic Kingdom. You will be discombobulated and unable to spin your cart around correctly leaving you desperately trying to hit any target you can see from the most awkward angle possible. Try it. It’s amazing. The little gun even gives a little vibration when you hit the right target. Too bad I didn’t know which laser was mine so I don’t know what target I hit!


    After Buzz, we hopped on the Carousel:




    I am not proud of this, but it happened and I need to keep things honest on here:




    We then headed to Mickey’s PhilharMagic and this happened:




    And then there was this laugh until you cry meltdown:




    “I’m fine. Really. Not crazy at all. Honest.”:




    After that spectacular show that had me on the edge of my seat (it literally did because I thought things may jump out at me), we swung around to Haunted Mansion and did the last ride on that at about 5 am. No pictures and I fell asleep. That is my favorite ride and I fell asleep. :gaah:


    From there we were in the home stretch. We headed back to the front of the castle where a dance party was going on… woooooooo! For the sake of everyone, it’s a good thing Magic Kingdom is an (almost) dry park or I might have been encouraged to imbibe and dance a little. I am an excellent dancer, you know?


    The home stretch went like this:


    First we saw TCD and the twins:




    Not only did we get a sweet picture of TCD, but we also got a sweet picture of this stranger’s ‘stache! This was seriously the highlight of the whole 24 hours in MK. I met TCD. And I got a hug. I think it was because he was in awe of my awesome. (I like to think that is what it is at least.)


    The last few minutes:












    Fists Up!




    Mass exodus:



    Inside the train station:




    And still inside the gates – WE DID IT!!!!:




    24 Hours before and after:


















    Nicki aka Rebelstand




    After: (Not really after, but she was the picture taker and this was more than halfway through!)8877567545_f4ee4d33c3_z.jpg


    I still can't believe we actually did it. But I would do it again in a heartbeat. I seriously love these two ladies and I can't think of any two other people in the world that I would be willing to attempt this with again. Next 24 hours - Disneyland maybe? or Paris? or Tokyo? We shall see! Future trips are in the works. :jumpforjoy


    Still to come - the hours after...

  3. Sorry we didnt even get a pic of the picture of me Wanting to die during The Drop. I didn't know about the other drops and kept trying to figure out how I could get out of those infernal lap bars...even if it meant having to leave the park. 


    Definitely separated at birth. You are officially my themepark brother from another mother. Sisterly advice: don't ever go on ToT. Even if 5 year olds are coming off of it saying how awesome it is - they are too young to value their lives and you don't need to prove yourself to anyone.

  4. Ok, having a moment of clarity...


    We went to Tomorrowland, did Monsters Inc and Stitch (10 minutes of my life I'll never get back but hey, "ride everything" means everything), napped on CoP and rode Buzz where Nicole maxed out the score.  I think Nicki has the photo to prove that one.


    I have that one!






    That's a 900,000 point improvement over my score earlier in the day!

  5. Well, I guess it’s my turn. Mo’s SIL, Nicole, here. This is my first time writing a TR entry – so I’ll do my best!


    After our train ride, we got off the train in Frontierland and headed over to PotC. It was after 6 o’clock and my friend Melissa started her shift in the Pirates gift shop at 6. We hoped to tick off a ride and a long distance visit in one shot.


    I guess I should explain why Nicki and Mo are referring to PotC as “Nicole takes a plunge.” I love Disney. I love the castle and the food and the generally magical ambience of the park. I hate things in costume – there is something about not being able to see a person’s face that makes me instantly weary of them. This made for an interesting situation around Pooh Corner in the wee hours of the morning on this trip. Honestly Tigger, you are lucky I don’t have a concealed carry permit. You don’t just sneak up on a lady like that! Moving on… I also hate rides that have any kind of drop – roller coasters, SM, and, coincidentally, PotC – a drop in the dark + animatronic people in costume = perfect panic attack material.


    Ready for the big picture from our PotC ride?




    Yep, that’s it. A fancy line number to commemorate my courageous act of riding PotC. Monique had decided that she was going to spray me with the water bottle every time I started to have a panic attack at the beginning of the ride as a deterrent training method. It didn’t help. Neither did the “FA-TANG” she yelled as we were going down the hill in the drop. Seriously, I was plunging to my death and instead of “I love you”, my loving SIL is yelling a rallying battle cry more appropriate for braving the crowds during wishes. I love you too Mo!


    After getting off of the ride that plunges one to their death, we were unable to locate my friend in the gift shop. We decided it was about time we had dinner so we got a highly nutritious meal:




    This was my first ever Pineapple on Pineapple Dole Whip. I figured it was a more balanced meal than a Root Beer Float. It was delicious.


    After finishing our dinner, the three of us had to make the second pit stop of the day at the first aid office where Band-Aids and Moleskin are free! I’m not kidding. I know most of you will need to read that again, but if you missed it, I said Moleskin and Band-Aids are F.R.E.E. in the first aid office. And they give them to you by the handfuls! Don’t ask for lotion, they don’t have any! Amazingly, there were only 3 blisters during this whole trip. I had remembered reading on DisneyTouristBlog that you could get Moleskin in the park, you just had to figure out who to ask.  For those that don’t know about this miracle product that can save your feet from untimely blister burnout, it looks like this:




    Special Request: If your child has a fever over 100 degrees, do not bring them to the first aid office to pump them full of Motrin so you can enjoy the rest of your day in the park. Your child is suffering from heatstroke. GO BACK TO YOUR HOTEL!


    After our feet were doctored up and our hands were left dry and cracky, we decided we were most definitely not going to be hungry for our 9:40 dinner reservation at The Plaza, we cancelled the res so we could get some more rides in.


    Next up is this one:




    We made it onto the last riverboat ride of the night with just minutes to spare. Hooray!


    This was an excellent rest for our feet and it provided a nice breeze to help cool off the melty lady. If you are having a memory lapse, I am referring to this lady:




    After getting off the Riverboat we tried to boogy over to the castle to get prime viewing spots for Wishes, but we got stuck, for the second time of the night, by the Main Street Electrical Parade. So, unless we wanted to walk all the way around the back of the castle, the cranky trio had to wait out the parade. After 15 hours in the park, our feet were not made for walking. So we waited it out.


    By the time we made it over to the front of the castle, there were this many people that had gotten there before us:




    What the Fort?! Don’t they know that we have been in the park for the last 15+ hours and that we might get a little stabby if they rub up against us at all?


    Personal Request: If you bump into somebody while watching Celebrate the Magic and Wishes, please APOLOGIZE and MIND YOUR OWN FREAKING SPACE. Don’t continually elbow that person in the back and pretend that you aren’t. Acknowledge that you were a turd KEEP YOUR BODY TO YOURSELF. If you don't, you are subject to a "FA-TANG" followed by some sort of bodily harm. Thank you.


    Requisite Castle Photos from Celebrate the Magic and Wishes:














    Alright, so the ladies have told me that after Wishes we did the Jungle Cruise and the Flying Carpets of Vomitland, but I am pretty sure we headed over to Tommorowland because I recall plastering myself to the side of a bridge to stay out of the way of the massive crowds. I also recall some woman walking into me and rudely saying "Watch it!" outside of Stitch's Great Escape (Uh, I am sorry for standing here as you plowed into me, I will be more careful next time, you Jack Wagon!) Regardless, we don’t have photos of either, but we did them, and they were both lame. The second longest wait for a ride for the whole day was on the Jungle Cruise. Some guy got his panties in a bunch because he was with a group (some infernal blogging group, we are guessing) and we got in line before the rest of his group made it down the stairs. Thinking back on it, I remember that this guy seriously annoyed me with his “attitude”, but quite honestly, I was 12 hours into delirium and he was probably perfectly polite and friendly. Sorry to infernal blogging guy, who may or may not have had his panties in a bunch 15 or so hours into the 24 hours of magic day at the Magic Kingdom, if you are reading this.


    Coming up:


    Some Other Stuff That I Can’t Remember Right Now

  6. Truthfully I am still not sure I remember the letter 12 reference. I know I was there in body but something's are just fuzzy and/or missing



    I believe we were waiting in line for...something and we were talking about uh... something? And I said something along the lines of "Today was brought to you by the letter..." and Mo said "12!" and then we laughed until we cried. Does that clear it up? :rofl2:

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