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Posts posted by jmaul

  1. We Broke The Bus


    It's Wednesday, April 16.  Today, Epcot.


    I think we managed to get up at the crack of 9am.  Have I mentioned that 3/4 of the family are not morning people?


    IIRC, we made it to the park around 10:30.  All the FP+ were for the early afternoon.  Plan was to look around, hit the rides, then Showcase for the afternoon/evening. 


    Mama Deuce's Nephew, who works for the Mouse, met us for some of the time til he had to go to work.


    Quick trip to Spaceship Earth:





    Met up with Nephew and proceded to Innovations East.  Saw the line for the virtual roller coaster ride and had no want to wait.  Did the smart house tour.  Just wasting time.


    Next, Mission Space.


    Not sure if you've noticed, but Mama Deuce is not a fan of thrill rides. 


    Tea cups, yes.  Carousel, yes.  Pirates, OK.  Nothing beyond that.


    So, we had FP+ for Mission Space, but she's not going.  Enter Nephew.  He took MB and went with us. 


    Thing is.  If you notice, when you tap the Mickey with the MB, your actual name comes up on a computer screen where the CMs stand. 


    Nephew goes in, Mama Deuce's name pops up.  Not sure if they would enforce it, but it's possible they could deny access.  I liked MS. 


    Off to Club Cool for free soft drinks.


    Had to say goodbye to Nephew at this time.  I think it was around 2pm or 2:30pm.


    On to The Land.


    Ate at the quick serve.  Then Soarin.  Mama Deuce was going to do this.  She made it all the way in and just before loading in the chair, asked a CM if this ride goes high. 


    Fail.  She bailed.  I think she would have liked it.  I wasn't impressed.  A bit outdated and did not like the way the scenes jumped from one to the other.


    Then Captain EO.  Had to have the kids experience that.


    Last FP was for Nemo.  We decided to bag it and go into the Showcase.







    Buterfly Garden:









    Made it around to the Canada side.  Grabbed a regular Dole Whip for the kids and one with dark rum for the adults..


    Got thru Canada and England:









    Next 2 pictures are for TCD:





    We detoured and went to the Boardwalk.  I have never been, and probably will never be again, so figured while we're here, take a peek.


    This is where Nephew  works (for now):



    Made it back to Showcase.  Kids were complaining about being tired.  We knew our time was running out. 


    Skipped France, ate a few items in Morocco ( I forget what), then headed to Japan.


    Shopped a bit then figured we'd call it quits.  Did not want to stay for Illuminations and deal with everyone leaving the park at the same time.


    I forget what time it was, but we just missed the last boat back to Future World (7:30?).


    Also, not sure why I didn't take any more pictures.  I must have been beat as well.




    Made it out of the park and to our bus stop.  After a few minutes, bus rolls in.


    There are 2 electric carts that need to be loaded.


    Driver goes to the back door, proceeds to open a control panel and press/turn a bunch of buttons/knobs.


    Nothing.  Ramp doesn't move.


    Driver then goes to the ramp and starts pounding it with his foot.  Back to controls.  Nothing.  More pounding with foot.  Back to controls.  Nothing.


    He then starts to try to pry one area of the ramp.  Nothing.  Calls for help.  Goes back to controls.  Nothing.  More pounding with foot.


    Now, I'm not sure, but I don't think that beating a ramp with your foot is in the Official Disney Tranportation Specialist Operating Policy & Procedures Handbook.  I could be wrong.


    Help arrives.  More control fiddling.  More pounding.


    Finally, one of them is able to pry up a section (looked like a manual override latch) and voila, the ramp opens up.  Cheers from the guests waiting patiently to load.


    Now, here's the kicker.  They load one cart and then get it in their heads to fold the ramp back up before loading the second cart.  Guess what.  It folds up just fine, but doesn't unfold.


    Back to manual override.  Knuckleheads.





    We make it to WL where the cart folks are getting off.  All works well.  I guess whatever failed/came loose fixed itself on the ride over.


    We were beat.  Parks sure take a lot out of you:



    Next up.......Animal Kingdom.


    Will we make it there before noon???




  2. You got a lot accomplished at MK!


    It was better than I had ever imagined.


    I am in and enjoying the trip!




    What a great day at the MK !  It was really cool that Stitch got to meet a real character like Harry !.   I loved the faces...   Wow that was some storm.   The photo from Tomorrowland looked like a complete deluge...     I hate those storms cause you get soaked and then chilled.   Nice job on fastpass use and kudos for staying till then end of extra magic !!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


    They both have a Stitch plush.  The one character they wanted to meet and it was a breeze.

    That rain just didn't stop.  There was at least 2-3 inches all over the ground.  Not the first or last time, I'm sure.

    The R&R at FW was our savior for allowing us to make it to 1am.


    I'm late, but awesome trip so far!!! Funny, when I first saw that "beard" on your son, I thought of the Duck Dynasty guys, not ZZ Top.


    I am also gaining a huge dislike of DC area traffic, having to drove all the way across from Centreville, VA to Columbia, MD a few times this last couple of weeks.


    Didn't think of Duck Dynasty.

    DC SMB.


    You had a great day in the MK!


    Thing is, only planned one day.  Found out later that K Bear said to Mama Deuce that she wished we had another day.  Had I known, I may have made that work.  Oh well.


    OK- I just got caught up after a really busy weekend.


    Great job on photographing the evacuation from Splash Mountain- I'm surprised that CM's didn't jump on you for snapping pics.


    I've never seen one of those "Thrill Collection" re-entry passes.  I'd love to get my hands on some of those.  That was very nice of you to pass them on.


    Looking forward to more.




    The only way that photographing worked was from reading on this forum.  I knew is was a no-no, so I stayed on the down-low.


    I figured we were going to get some sort of FP for our loss.  Didn't know they were new.  Maybe due to the loss of the legacy FP, these will take the place of what was given out prior?


    Pay it forward.  We didn't need them, nor were going back to MK.  I did talk later to a CM to see if we could trade for another park.  No Go.

    Besides, when Harry and I were walking  our loop one day, another camper offered us 2 rider switch passes for HS.  More on that later.


    Enjoying your TR. Congratulations on low wait times. I don't think that happens much any more.

    Love the ZZ Top photo. Spanish moss is so versatile. Now I'm wondering what the picture is on the t-shirt with the Gingerbread Gone Bad caption.

    Got stuck in that DC area traffic one time with 3 kids under the age of 5 after we'd already been on the road for 5 hours and they were not happy campers in their car seats. We got pulled over after I ordered DH to drive on the shoulder to the next exit. Luckily the cop saw how frazzled I was and just followed us to the exit where we got off and let them run around at a park.


    I was pleasantly surprised at the low standby waits.  Pixie dust.

    Nothing crazy on the t-shirt.  Just one Gingy stabbing another with icing.  Here's another pic that shows it better:



    Glad the cop was understanding.  DC SMB.





    So I somehow survived deep sea kayaking and snorkeling, and it's off to Castaway Cay, the Disney island.





    You look sooo happy in that boat.....


    I did not mean to take us to Alaska vicariously through a trip report.  I meant, quite literally, TAKE US WITH YOU TO ALASKA.  


    I'm with DIT.  Alaska is on my bucket list, and if I can have someone take me, I'm in.


    I can go to hell about ten minutes from my house: http://www.gotohellmi.com

    You got ripped off.


    Sometimes MY HOUSE is Hell.  Don't even need the 10 minute ride......

  4. We Broke Splash Mountain



    3/4 of my family are NOT morning people.  That being said, we must have been on a Disney high when we left the camper at around 9am for the boat ride to MK.


    I originaly had Fast Pass + selections for the morning, but somewhere on this board it was recommended to setup the FP+ for later in the evening, when wait times were higher.  Great tip.  I changed the selections for later that eve. MDE app actually worked for this.


    Plan was to hit the park, enjoy what we could, then return to FW for some afternoon downtime, returning later in the eve to take advantage of extra hours.  MK was open til 1am and we wanted to be there at closing.


    Off we go...Magic Bands and all:




    Selfie on boat:




    Harry making the face I sooo love.......




    The sheep coming from the MK parking lot:




    Wasn't sure how busy the park would be. Was planning for the worst, but pleasantly surprised.


    Now, I'm not a fan of people. In fact, I think we all SMB. It's not that I feel clausterphobic, just can't stand stupidity and the 'Me' attitude. 


    As a matter of fact, the whole trip was fairly pleasurable, except for one incident at HS in food line (later on that).  I can't recall anytime being very busy.  I'll take that as pixie dust for me.


    Arrived at Main Street around 9:45.  Plan was to get in and over to Tomorrowland for Buzz and Space Mountain.




    The one and only character meet and greet:




    Rode Buzz, Space Mountain, Tea Cups, Carousel, & Haunted Mansion.  All before 11am.  Everything was standby 20 mins or less.  Score.




    A face only a Father could love.....






    My K Bear....




    After Haunted Mansion, time to scope out a spot for the FOF Parade.  TCD has mentioned in the past the cut thru from the waffle joint to the Castle.  I thought we could hang out there and check out the parade from a distance as it went over the bridge.  It was a bit hot out and we didn't want to bake in the sun.  This spot gave us shade and a view.  We waited:



    Harry was not a fan of waiting.  He has the need to always be on the run.  He didn't want to wait and stated that the parade was 'boring'.


    We got the last laugh:



    Parade was just fine.  Didn't criticize it like some on this board......


    Then, thanks to GaDawgFan.....Kelly I was able to get special FP+ reservations for BOG.  Sailed right in at our appointed 12:55 time and enjoyed lunch.


    Got out of BOG and it was starting to rain.  We went to the RR in Fantasyland to take a ride and get out of the rain.  Closed.  Seems there was a severe storm approaching.  Off to Tomorrowland.  Wanted to go to the Laugh Floor with hopes to be 'That Guy'.  Laugh Floor had a 30 minute standby.  Not.


    Then the skies opened up.  It rained.  And rained.  Option B, People Mover.  We had to actually wait a good 15 minutes for it, but it was dry...for the most part.




    Still raining after People Mover, we decided to get in line for Buzz again.  Standby weas 40 minutes, but I swear we were only in line for 20-25.


    Figured we'd call it quits and get back to the Fort for some down-time.  Skies finally cleared and we enjoyed the afternoon.







    Then back to MK for the evening.  I think it was around 8pm.


    We had FP+ for Splash Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain RR, and Space Mountain.





    Off to Splash Mountain. 




    All went well..... til the final drop.  About 1/3 way up, ride stops, lights come on.  Within 10 seconds lights go off, ride continues.  Then, it stops again.  Lights on.  May have happened 2-3 times til we reached around the middle of the way up.  Ride stops.  Lights on.  Message on PA that they are experiencing difficulties and ride will start shortly.  No Duh.  A good 10 minutes later, announcement that the ride will start immediately.  Yay.  Stuck for 10 minutes on a 45 degree incline ain't the greatest. 


    Ride starts.  We get just to the top and again it stops.  Crap.  Within a minute tho we are going and enjoy the last drop.


    We wrap around, just about to the waterfall and get log jammed with 3 other boats.  2 in front, one behind.


    The End.  A CM comes around and explains that we will be evacuated from the ride in a few moments.


    Here they are getting the folks out behind us:



    And in front of us:



    We had to walk the side all the way around and thru the service area:




    A bunch of CM's were there at the end handing out these:



    We did not need these for the rest of the day.  And, since this would be the only day at MK, we gave these to our neighbors on the 800 loop later on in the trip.


    After Splash Mountain, we rode BTMRR on our FP+.  Didn't need FP+, as we rode it again 2 more times, all within a half hour.  Score.


    Next, back to Tomorrowland, but not before just making the last presentation at Hall Of Presidents.  This was at 10:55pm.


    Not sure if I like the new format.  Did it for the kids......


    Customary shot of the Castle:



    Rode Space Mountain at least 2 more times (maybe 3) and then made it to the Laugh Floor.  Wasn't That Guy, but Mama Deuce was on camera being asked to think (and say) a number between 1-50.


    Free SM pic:



    Wrapped up the evening, making it close to our goal.  Could have waited the last 10 minutes, but we were beat and in need of rest.



    Not bad......





    Next up.  We tackle Epcot and the Flower and Garden Festival.



  5. Next time I'm in the area I will swing by to pick up my prize!

    Speaking of in the area. It's time to start harassing you about bringing your family to the Easter GG. Will be somewhere in the Lancaster area most likely. Put it in your calendar now :)

    And in case you need convincing


    And last one



    Stop by anytime.  Just 4 miles from Seaside Heights.  You could stay in our camper.


    Been following that GG.  May just have to do it next year.



  6. I'm guessing MK for the first park


    We have a winner.  Hoping to get the next installment out sometime today.


    Ok ...  3 hours around DC  just plain sucks...   Thats why when I leave Pa.,  we take I 81 and then dash across  I 66 and finish on Va 17 and get on I 95 at Fredericksburg.   Secondly,   I already like Harry....  Sweet ZZ Top impression...  I'm sure he can be a handful...

    Free OJ is always a ritual with us too.  It seems you got a good site and the hammock looks very inviting.  My first park choice is going to be Hollywood Studios, only because SSBB took the MK.


    Coming from the Jersey Shore, I-81 is just too far away.  Yeah, Harry can be tough at times.  The hammock was inviting.  Wish I had more time to spend on it.  Between all the other activities and me getting sick (spoiler alert), only logged about 20 minutes on it the entire trip.


    I could feel your pain about the traffic. As much as I love going back to Maryland to see my family, I wouldn't want to live there. Way too much traffic. Well unless you live on the Eastern Shore. That's nice and relaxing.


    DC and northern Va.  on 95 SMB, we always use the 301 route from De. and get back to 95 at exit 104, one exit before Kings Dominion. You can go farther on 301 but this is what has worked best for us. Looks like a great site we are also thinking of the 800 loop for our trip this summer.


    301 all the way down was our original plan but it was closed just south of the intersection with route 4 at a railroad grade crossing for repairs.  Didn't want to deal with that detour.  We did take it on our return trip home.  800 loop rocks.


    Your ride was awfully long even without the extra three hours!  I'm guessing MK was your first park.


    You think?  I thought spending max 8 hours a day true drive time was generous.  Leave around 8am.  Simple stops.  Arrive at campground around 5pm.  It did take 2.5 days to get there.  I don't think any of us felt we spent too much time in the truck (except for the first day, uggg).

  7. Yesterday, we ended up waking up at 4:00 in the morning. 




    A 4am start?  I need you to talk to the other 3/4 of my family on how to do this.


    Sucks about the ice.  We had no problems in the 800 loop while we were there.  Score on the 'home delivery' tho.

  8. Tell Me Again Why I Am Driving 1100 Miles.....



    Left at 8:20am (plan was 8am sharp).  Can't complain.....not yet, at least.


    If you're familiar with the Northeast/Midatlantic area, you'll know that Baltimore/Washington area is a pain.  Also, towing with propane gets you a 'no-go' at the Balt. tunnels.  That said, I had planned to stay on the eastern side of the Chesapeake, coming over at Annapolis and staying east of I-95, meeting up with I-95 around Ruther Glen.... well south of DC.  A quick check a few days prior uncovered a planned closure of that route for the weekend.  Plan 'B', come across Annapolis, get on DC Beltway and head for I-95 just south of DC.




    These routes around and south of DC were an abomination.  Total stop and go.  All the way to Fredericksburg.  Even tried an alternate route.  Fail, again.




    In a nutshell, it added 3+ hours to our drive time.  Not a way to start a vacation.  I blame Obama.....


    Arrived at a KOA in Enfield, NC well past our planned time.  So frustrated from the drive, we just settled in.  No pics.


    Up and on the road around 8:10am.  We're getting better.  Plan is to get to Brunswick, GA for night 2.


    Now, one of the things we love to do when travelling with the camper is to count how many other campers there are on the road.  Yesterday produced 150 or so.  Today though, with the amount of snowbirds flowing north, we hit 500 at lunchtime.  Holy Cow!  We decided that we needed not to count anymore.


    I treated Mama Deuce to a surprise this day.  Her nephew lives in Myrtle Beach and I was in contact with him a week prior to see if we could meet for lunch.  Schedules worked out and we met in Lake City, SC for a wonderful surprise get-together and lunch.  Extra brownie points for me......


    Now, on to Blythe Island  http://www.glynncounty.org/index.aspx?NID=178 . This is a county park and campground, and may I say, is a gem.  Pull thru, full hook-up, $36.  And all acess to the park.  We set up and then went for a stroll. 






    You can't see it, but there's a conc pad on the other side with picnic table.




    Mama Deuce & K Bear enjoying the sites.




    Campsites just beyond in the wooded area.  Notice the pavillion.  There were several around the lake, each with running water and a prep sink.




    Harry doing his best ZZ Top impression.







    More shots of Blythe Island.




    Up again in the am....not sure when.  First stop, Florida Visitors Center.  Gotta get that free OJ, Yo.




    Travel was not bad, a bit congested in Orlando.  Finally though I found out what driving 1100 miles was all about.




    Yeah, not the main entrance.  Went the way of Epcot, I think....


    Got up to the MK toll and had a choice of sitting behind 2 or 3 charter  busses or squeezing in to the right.  I chose the squeeze, and what a squeeze it was.  Was afraid to go all the way to the attendant for fear that I'd knock the mirror into the booth.  At the same time, a bus to the left started moving and I thought it was going to take off the Driver's mirror....to the point that I could not even reach out to move it out of the way.  Crap, that was close. 




    Well, this is what we are all waiting for....


    Check-in was a breeze.  Enjoyed the interaction with the CM checking us in.  Very pleasurable experience.




    Our home for the next 9 days.








    This is behind our site.






    Looking back towards our site.


    We got our cart, spent some time at the pool, looped around for a short bit.  Just happy to finally be here.


    That's it for now.  Next up....we hit the first park.  Can you guess which one?



  9. Thanks to those who posted.  Congrats to all the page 1 entries (page 2 as well).


    Page one on a new fiends first TR is the new page two of a TCD TR.


    Second page one post.....almost got you an arrow down.


    Don't say I've never done anything for you.  


    Page one closing in 3.....2......1......


    You just had to do it.......

    REALLY close to an arrow down.....

  10. Holy Fort!  Thought it would never happen.


    As some may know from my post in the 'Introduce Yourself' thread, we've been planning this for some time.  Well, the stars must have been in the proper alignment.


    A brief introduction of the participants.




    There's my DW aka Mama Deuce, DD12 aka K Bear, DS9 aka Harry, and me aka Grumpy (but we'll go with Jeff).


    The plan was to take it easy traveling down and back, only logging 8 hours true drive time each day.  Then, 9 days at the Fort.  14 days total.


    So, grab a beer, sit back, and read along as I attempt to post installments in a timely manner.


    First installment planned for Fri eve and will cover trip down and arrival at FW.




    Here's the rig and camper 5 minutes before we pulled out Saturday morn Apr 12.




  11. Sorry, late to the party.



    These are just a few random photos with the cell phone of my afternoon so far:





    My office is in this picture, tho too small to specifically locate.  

    This is Brick, Mantoloking, Bay Head, Point Pleasant, Point Pleasant Beach.

    Can't see it in the photo, but still many mangled homes down there along the coast from Sandy.


    And I honestly don't think I'll complain about Disney prices too much  any more. My room is almost 300 a night, and it barely has room for a king bed, chair, and armoire


    It's amazing what they can cram into a 120SF space in those hotel rooms, huh?



  12. We will be at the fort in September, but it is never too early to get everything lined up. I've read recently that the Fort has stopped allowing outside golf cart suppliers (even Tee-time) to drop-off carts at the fort; you must meet them off property. Can anyone confirm this or is this one of nasty rumors people like to start?


    PM sent.



  13. I say go for it. Let you party know that the FP+ reservation may or not work.  I would bet that it works.


    You would be doing us all a service by checking.




    BOG FP+ worked like a charm.  Regular line was to the FP check-in.  We cruised right in.


    Maybe the other party didn't complete the reservation and thought they did, or was trying to pull a fast one.  Probably the latter.


    The MDE site is still glitchy.  Maybe the BOG lunch site is as well.



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