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About tjlovespooh

  • Rank
    New Fiend
  • Birthday 01/01/1

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    Too far from Disney :(
  1. Well here is my first official review of a Disney restaurant. When we went to the Whispering Canyon the food was terrible, the service stunk, & it cost way more than the two were worth.
  2. I agree...wonderful review! That Citi mini really looks like it would work! I'm just so confused! Lol Well, since you said your DS is on the big side I'd go for something with a heavier weight limit and wide/taller seat. The mini is great - but it's also pretty narrow. In my research, the Buggster and I'coo Pluto have some of the biggest seats on the market. Even though your little man would fit in a smaller seat now ... try to think ahead to when he's about 5 and able to walk MOST of the time but maybe gets worn out on those LONG days out and about (WDW, zoos, museums, etc). Just someth
  3. Nope, no garage here! :welcome2: Not even one for the cars ... I don't own all those strollers right now. And if I like that I'coo I'll be selling the beautiful Buggster (it's lime green and DH told me that color is now BANNED from this house ... so I HAD to buy a new stroller, right? ).
  4. Thanks! :D And yeah, I hear ya on the $$ of these strollers - it's a tough pill to swallow :o But, IMO - worth every penny!!! Plus, I bought my BJCMD for an awesome deal when they first rolled out (I paid about $260 for my brand-spankin' new in '08 - still a hefty price, but significantly less than what they go for these days). All my strollers were bought at significant discounts - couldn't ever justify paying full retail for one of those babies
  5. We are?! :raspberry: When were you planning on telling me??? Oh, and here's a novel idea - how about asking me (your DW :rofl2:) which week is better?
  6. Here's a link to stroller #7 (in case it interests anyone) http://www.shnoop.com/yesterday.php I got the plum, of course
  7. I'm sort of a bit of a stroller junkie myself ( :wiz: don't tell my DH). Here's a brief history (perhaps it will help you from making some of my mistakes ): Stroller #1 - Zooper Waltz Loved this stroller when DS was a baby - no real complaints other than it wasn't very compact and ... not really good for pushing heavier kids. Stroller #2 - Combi Saavy (I think that's what it was called) Bought this one because I wanted something smaller than the Waltz for traveling. It had a carry-strap and I liked that it stood on all it's wheels when folded. Unfortunately, I hated the push of this strolle
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