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Posts posted by LORNADUCK

  1. I just got an interesting piece of information. One of my bosses is on the boarding line now for the Dream. He called me to tell me that where they check your carry on luggage there is a sign no firearms and NO LIQUORE. everything that I have read says you can bring liquore in your carry-on - whats up with the sign?:banana:

    Also he said the lines are very long, even thou you will have to wait a long time to get there early.

  2. Thanks for all the comments. That's why I like this forum. Meeting people I've interacted with here will add a whole new dimension to camping at the fort. Now I'm all fired up to make some reservations and take the motorhome on its' maiden Fort Wilderness voyage. Also, now that I know what to look for, "Fiend Spotting" will become a new activity for me. Don't know when I'll be able to go, but I'll post when I get the reservations made. Looking forward to meeting some of you kind souls.  If you fiends are anything like your forum personalites in person, I'll probably have to bring a big box of Depenz cause you'll keep me laughing too hard.  :rofl2:

    I'm also considering selling or trading my Harley in order to get a golf cart. Now that's pretty bad, huh? ;D

    I was thinking about possibly going for our anniversary (Sept. 11) this year. Last year we went to Washington D.C. for a week. It was great. Got caught up in a Tea Party rally on the mall. Pretty funny.  I checked the calendar and it looks like if we do this, we will just miss Lil Lisa and Big Bruce by a few days. Darn. We'll just have to see what happens.

    Try to check in a few days earlier, a bunch of us are coming back from the cruise on Thurs and are checking in to a hotel or like us going to the fort for the weekend.

    I agree with Lorna!  I'd love to meet you!  BTW, Lorna are you still planning on being at the Fort the night before you leave too?  Please say yes...    ???

    Yes Lisa we are coming in Fri before we leave for the cruise staying until Sun morning, putting the MH at that getto site we stayed at a few weeks ago (but they are hardly charging us anything to keep it there with electric on, for the 4 nights we are gone) and then checking into the Fort again on Thurs and staying until Sun or Monday morning.  :bugeyes:

  3. Love your pages. I downloaded Make the Cut and tried working with Snarky not east. I am going to download the trial version of SCAL it looks a little easy. The thing I read was that MTC has free upgrades and SCAL doesn't. I will see how I feel after I try it.

    BTW I love all my cricut carts, but do I use them noooooooo, I need to make some time to do something for me. Maybe If I stayed home and didn't go camping I could do something.  :rofl2:

  4. Rick & I have on purpose used each others passes with no problems.  I think the finger scan thing is a bogus contraption meant to scare people into being honest.

    Rich and I have done this also. I think the scan would work if 2 different people used it on the same day.

  5. I've had my Kindle for about a year and a half now.  Right now it is full of hundreds of books that I've downloaded for free.  The book I'm reading now (and have been reading for probably a month...no free time) is called Summer at Willow Lake.  It was another freebie and so far I'm enjoying it when I have time to read.

    I read that whole series and loved it.

    Does the series have the same characters?  I didn't realize that it was part of a series.

    Yes they do, wish I could remember the name of all of the books. If I get a chance later, I think I have them in the house someplace I will post them.

  6. I was afraid to do it, that being said we used 2 of the fiends passes last summer and they worked fine. We only had seasonal at the time. Well after New Years, I now knew it worked so I loaned ours out to 2 fiends and they had no problem. Also loaned them to another fiends friend in Jan and she had no problem.

  7. I've had my Kindle for about a year and a half now.  Right now it is full of hundreds of books that I've downloaded for free.  The book I'm reading now (and have been reading for probably a month...no free time) is called Summer at Willow Lake.  It was another freebie and so far I'm enjoying it when I have time to read.

    I read that whole series and loved it.

  8. I take it Dave's bringing the weed so whoever wants can get stoned at the mountain. Yes?

    No Donnie, it's BYOW. 

    But we are having a Pot Luck!  :banana:


    And what are we going to cook in it????????

    Between the BYOW, POT luck, Carol's toasted almonds and the Jamaican Rum Pecan Pie I am planning on bringing  we should be a happy bunch of fiends.  :)


    But just so nobody is worried....the only pot I'll be bringing is my dutch oven.  :banana:

  9. back row the one with the grey hair would be me Lorna, then Lisa and Fudge, the Bruce you know the one who doesn't like to wear his sleeves.

    Bottom in from of me is Rich my DH with Buddy (ours not Lou's) he calls himself Lorna's Bitch!!, then is the famous BusMan Lou and his lovey Wife Gail.

    Yes Lisa I can't wait to do it again, we had a great night, good memories and good Fiends.

  10. Depends on the trip.  For the most part, the camper stays packed year round.  For this upcoming trip on the 8th, I'll get in from travel on the 7th, Rick is going to lay everything out he can on the bed (we only need clothes). I'll load the heavy stuff in the truck, we'll hitch up and put the clothes in the drawers.  I have to go to work on the 8th for a couple of hours to plug the laptop back into the network and fill out my travel voucher(s) and timecard, and then we're off!!  When we get up on the 9th, we'll find out which Fiends are gonna be around and find out if we're doing any cookouts, then make a Wal-Mart run at some point.  Our trips are no longer about the parks, it's about chillin out and enjoyin the Fort and the Fiends!!!

    Your are coming on the 9th of March?:rofl2:? How long are u staying. May have to make a day trip to vist.

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