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Posts posted by Katman1356...Jason

  1. Okay continuing on. I have lots of picture to pick from for the first day at Yellowstone. A lot are pretty similar so I will try and share the best or most unique ones.

    We headed south from the canyon area headed for west thumb. There are a lot of green rolling hills in this part of the park so I will share some pics of that.





    Our first herd of buffalo




    Continuing south



    We stopped off to look at some of the thermal features on the way. For those of you that don't know Yellowstone is actually the caldera of a supervolcano. It had not erupted in something like 100,000 years but there is a big pocket of magma underground that creates all the thermal features around the park, such as Old Faithful, but more on Faithful later. The are lots of mud volcano's and hot springs and other thermal features.

    The important thing to remember is to stay on the boardwalks they have built. The nature of the thermal features is that they can dissolve the ground while leaving a crusty layer that looks like normal earth. If you step on it though you could go right through it into a thermal feature. They are well above the normal boiling point due to the altitude and mineral content so you Will be burned, badly.

    Stay safe please. No need to act out this lovely cartoon provided to us by the National Park Service.


    Okay back to looking at the thermal features. One other thing to keep in mind is that due to the volcanic nature of the thermal features there is a lot of sulfur in the air. Think rotten eggs or Dave's O'hana's.












    Moving on we were following the Yellowstone and saw a picnic area by the river. Sil wanted some more picture so we stopped.






    Continued in next post.

  2. Wow ... just wow! Love the pics!

    33 degrees in July is unbelievable. And the closeup of the buffalo? Scary!

    Yeah its was a wee bit chilly there. And i will freely admit my blood pressure and heart rate went up more than a little seeing that guy so up close.

    All I can say is Wow! Seriously!

    I sure hope we can take a trip like that some day!

    I hope so too. It is totally worth it.

    Jason the photos are just breath taking.... Thanks for the heads up on the cold at 10K... I'll remember that when I head out that way. And now I also know why I like you.... We share a common experience. I too caught my wife Jen during our wedding ceremony when she almost tripped on her dress. I thought we were the only ones that had that experience but it must be far more common than I thought.

    <---- :jumpforjoy

    I don't know how common it is. I know my wife is a clutz too that didnt help that she couldn't see the chair she was trying to sit back down on. Glad my info will be of help to someone. and I am always happy to be liked. :-)

    Wow...What an opportunity!

    Enjoying your TR!

    Your pics are awesome!

    Thanks. Glad you are enjoying the journey.

  3. Jason

    We had the same experience with the vistas. We thought nothing could top glacier no then we went to Olympic np. Nothing could top the redwoods then you go see the sequoias. You can get addicted to seeing the next great vista.

    We certainly did. Even now we long to see another one. Thats why we went 6+ hours out of our way coming home from the Fort in July to hit Shenandoah.

  4. I have to tell you, your post touched me..........peace to you.

    You just never know what can offer healing and hope.


    She said it better than I did. Thanks Heidi.

    I'm still following along Jason. How many time can one say beautiful, amazing, breathtaking, awesome, wonderful......?

    Your trip is all of the above, I just feel silly saying it 50 times. 8)

    I'm guessing you didn't cuddle with the buffalo? Buffaloes need love too!

    It funny Stef that you would says that about the how impressive thing. While I had seen much of this once before, for Silvia it was all new. I was just as impressed the second time but the real joy for me was watching Silvia's reaction to these places. She said a couple of time's on the trip that she thought she had seen the most awe inspiring thing that day only to have to be amazed by what she saw the next day. Don't feel bad that there aren't enough words to use a different one each time. Nature has a way of doing that.

    And no. I was not cuddling with a buffalo. I did however look a little longingly at that nice thick fur coat he was wearing while thinking about the previous night.


    Finally caught up from Disneyland.

    Your trip is reminding me of the 3 week tour I had with my folks and bro when I was 9. We headed the southern route from SC to the west coast, catching the Grand Canyon, Vegas, Hoover Damn, Denver and into San Fran, we then headed North to BC and back through Yellowstone. It was the best trip ever. We only stayed more than one night in one location twice. This was all in a pop up. By the time the trip was over we could have that sucker up and down in less than 10 minutes.

    I wish Tony and I could schedule 3 weeks off together, I would love to do something like this.

    Thanks so much for sharing!

    Both times I did this trip I requested the time off a year in advance. I was lucky enough that both times(different jobs) my request was granted. Sil and I love to do trips to new places and I love being able to take her to places in the world.

    The only way we were able to afford this trip was camping at least half and a few nights with some friends. I think all told for accomodations, food, gas, Disney, and souvenirs we spent about $3500. When you figure that was for 22 days for 2 people that means we spent about $160 a day. The nice thing was we had recieved a decent tax return which we applied to a lot of our reservations. This meant most of our accomodations and camp sites were paid for ahead of time. It was nice to have that out of the way.

  5. Oh, your pictures have me in tears! Years ago, about a month after DH1 passed away, my BF was working for a company that was doing a "family trip" to Yellowstone. She took me as her "family" because she knew I needed some healing and that was the only way she knew to help. Help, it did. That was the trip when I realized that being out in God's country is my thin place.

    I spent a lot of time crying, soul-searching, and gaping at the beautiful scenery. It really makes you understand how beautiful this world is, and how small you are in the scheme of things.

    I cannot wait to take my family on an Epic trip like this.

    And I promise to see the dinosaur fossils.

    And the buffalo scared the crap out of me, too. Back away was my motto, too...

    I am so glad that when you needed it you were given the chance to get away to Yellowstone. I can't think of any more perfect place to come to peace with yourself and the universe than there. I hope the tears are of joy and remembrance.

  6. So after leaving the area down the canyon we head over to the upper falls.

    These are much easier to reach.




    These are more powerful spray wise because they have a smaller opening to pour through so we did get a little bit misty.

    After this we headed south through Yellowstone. This map might help you to follow along


    We headed south from Canyon towards Bay Bridge and on to West Thumb


    I'm sorry I am going to have to interrupt this trip report. Some pictures I want to share apparently never got loaded to Photobucket. I will return with more later.

  7. These photos are breathtaking Jason! I know this must have been one awesome trip!

    We still think and talk about it all the time. The pictures I have been posting for everyone are a rotating background for my computer . Even if we do another trip of this nature this will always be our First epic trip together. Well right after her tripping and almost falling in the church when we got married. hehehe. Don't worry. I caught her.

  8. So when I last left off we had just arrive at Yellowstone..what's that you say? Pics or it didn't happen. Ok here you go.



    I was really hard posing for these pictures. For some reason this area was horrible with bugs. We didn't see many the rest of our time in Yellowstone but here you were afraid to open your mouth.

    We quickly hopped back into the car and headed north in Yellowstone. We stopped at the first camping area as we needed gas to make it to the one where we were camping.

    In case you did not know it Yellowstone is huge. Yellowstone is 3,468 Square miles...For perspective Rhode Island(Hi Mom! :wave1: ) is only 1,545 Square miles. Virtually every area of Yellowstone is different. We stayed there 3 nights. We still didn't see everything.

    Yellowstone Lake at Moonrise.


    We also saw an Elk


    At this point it was getting to dark for pictures and I was concentrating on the road as there are no lights out here.

    We got the the Campground check in office just as they were closing up for the night. We received a nice site towards the back of the campground.

    A brief word on camping at Yellowstone. Sites fill up quickly and you must know the size of your camping equipment when you make your reservation. Since we had a tent we did not have water or electric on our site but the comfort station was close by and we did have a power inverter for the car to charge our phones. Cell phones by the way pretty much do not work if you are not in the main lodging/camping areas

    We set up pretty easily, we had done this a few times by now, and fired up some dinner on our camping grill. After dinner we got changed and headed to bed...and nearly froze to death.

    Last time I was in Yellowstone it was July and the temp one night only got down to about 42. My friend and I were unprepared for that. I ended up sleeping in the car that night turning it on periodically to warm the car back up.

    This time I checked weather forecasts, typical high/lows and we came with some fleece sheets and a blanket and some warmer clothes for sleeping...It dropped to 33... We huddled as close together as we could and slept as best we could. The problem was the air mattress. We made it through the night but at aroun 4 in the morning Silvia woke up and said to me, " Has anyone ever frozen to death in Yellowstone." I told her we were nowhere close to hypothermia. After all we were still shivering. The next morning when we went into the area with the restaurant and shops we picked up another layer of warm clothing and that was enough to get us through.

    Moral of the story. Be prepared for it to be much colder than you thought it could be in July.

    Okay back to the fun.

    The next morning, once our shopping was done, we hit one of the restaurants to have some breakfast and hot beverages, I don't drink coffee so Hot Chocolate it was for me. Breakfast was good with enough food to fill you up without being to expensive. Sorry Dave no pics. They probably would have been blurry from the shivering anyway.

    Oh we were in Canyon Campground by the way.

    After breakfast we headed over to the Lower Falls of the Yellowstone river. At night it is quiet enough that you could hear the roar of the falls in the distance. After we parked the car I walked around the side of the van I was next to and saw this.


    This is not zoomed in or cropped in anyway. If you have never seen a buffalo live and in person they are massive. Think small car and you are pretty close. There are signs everywhere at Yellowstone about not approaching the buffalo because they can charge and yes they do run faster than you can. This one was just on the other side of a guard rail that probably would have done nothing to slow it down. I took the picture quickly and backed away slowly.

    We then proceeded to head down to the Lower Falls. The river over time has carved out what is known as the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. It only take about 10 minutes to walk the paved pathway down to the falls. It take a lot more to hike back up. It is steep and you have the problem of less oxygen.. That's right kids Yellowstone is at almost 10,000 feet above sea level. You feel out of breath and tired a little easier than normal in this environment so be sure nad take it easy till you get used to it.

    Heading down the trail you get a view of the upper falls. We will be there a little later.






    Looking up the river just before the falls.



    Behind Silvia is down the canyon after the falls




    We then made the climb up and moved down the canyon a ways.




    In this picture you can see the platform we were on when we were at the lower falls.



    We then headed to the upper falls. That will continue in the next post.

  9. First up thanks again for all the love for the pictures. While I know we do fairly well taking pictures, the scenery is waht makes the shot.

    And now for a couple more replies.

    I have a few photos of my boys standing under that elk horn arch. In fact my youngest thought those horns were so cool, he bought one in one of the gift shops!!

    We didnt spemd too much time at the Grand Tetons either. But we did visit the visitors center, which was hands down the nicest visitors center we have ever seen in any of the National Parks!!! We also did the float trip down the Snake River right next to the Tetons.....it was amazing!!!

    Great memory for me of you describing the Dinosaur National Monument........I went there with my family as a kid on one of our cross country adventures and you described it just as I remember it. Thats a bummer that it was closed when you were out there.


    Thats was the one thing I was really sad about on this trip. I really enjoyed that stop last time and as you can tell it left its mark on me.

    We spent a week in Jackson Hole to ski there and I think took the same route you did thru Idaho to ski at Grand Targee which I think was on a Indian resevation. We also did a snowmobile tour thru Yellowstone I think it was aroound 90 miles out and back, now I want to get out there in the summer time to see it without snow. Great pictures!!!!!!!!!!

    We would love to get back to Yellowstone and maybe see it in the winter time. But if you think this visit will be without snow well you are in for a surprise. as were we.

    A while back, I remember watching parts of a Ken Burns series on PBS about the National Parks. I remember that it was called The National Parks: America's Best Idea.

    Seeing how you can leapfrog from one park to the next while crossing the country made me think of the title of that series. The National Parks are a great idea, and I am thankful that our past leaders had the foresight to create them.

    Jason- I am amazed by your statement that you had a two hour drive inside of Yellowstone just to get to your campsite. Amazing!


    Silvia and I watches all of the episodes in that Ken Burns series before the trip. It gave us lots of ideas and a deeper appreciation for the hard work and dedication that went into the preservation of these places.

    As for the 2 hours drive into Yellowstone. Last time I stayed in Yellowstone I was in the first area into the park. They didnt have availability so I had to go another one. The first area was still an hour into the park but I had forgotten how long it would take once in to reach our campground. Yellowstone is huge. I will illustrate momentarily.

  10. We had just crossed into Wyoming but I want to hijack my own trip report for a second. When I did this trip back in 2002 I stopped at another national monument known as Dinosaur National Monument. Unfortunately it was all but closed for this trip while they were doing renovations and building a whole new visitor center. If you are into Dinosaurs or have kids into Dinosaurs this should be a must stop if you are in the are.

    This National Monument is one of the few places in the world you can see a massive collection of Dinosaur bones that have been left in the earth. The story goes that back in 1909 Earl Douglas, a paleontologist at the Carnegie Museum was exploring the are and found some dinosaur bone sticking out of the ground. This would eventually turn into a dinosaur quarry and later the National Monument it is today.

    Back when the Dinosaurs were roaming this part of the Rockies was flat. A river ran through the area and as dinosaurs died in the river they were all washed to this area. As time went by they turned into fossils. Now as time went by the flat river bed became the sides of the hills and mountains in this part of the area. Rain gradually eroded the hillside and man did the rest once discovered. What is cool is that in the visitors center one wall of the center is actually the hillside with the exposed Dinosaur bones there for all to see.

    I could not find a picture online but here is a virtual gallery provided by NPS.


    Okay now back to our trip report. We had just crossed into Wyoming and now it was time to turn back west...yes we came all this way east to see Flaming Gorge. It was one of the more striking things from my last trip and I really want SIl to see it. So we headed back west on I80 till we hit SR30 which headed northwest. We took that actually into Idaho for a brief time.

    Leaving Flaming Gorge area




    On SR30



    Here's Idaho


    More metal creature sculptures


    And back in Wyoming and on US89 heading north


    We passed through Jackson, Wyoming



    At certain times of the year the Elk shed their antlers. The local boy scouts collect them and they are used to make arches and other things all over the place up here.

    And then we arrived at the sign for Grand Tetons National Park. The nice thing about Grand Teton and Yellowstone is that since they are right next to each other you pay one entrance fee for both parks for the week. We only drove through the area of Grand Teton as our campsite was in Yellowtone and we still had quite a bit of driving to do to get there.


    There was a family there taking pictures but always with one person out. I offered to take a picture of them all together and they were kind enough to return the favor.

    The Tetons in the distance


    The river that runs along side the road



    This was where Silvia had THE MOMENT she had been waiting for. The wow the world is totally awesome moment. This was just outside Yellowstone with Tetons in the background. This was not the last moment either.


    She had been impressed at other points as well but this one just resonated with her. I think the setting sun and the snow on the mountains in July and everything all together just really spoke to her.

    Next up we arrive at Yellowstone. It's 7:15 and we still have 2 hours to drive IN Yellowstone to get to our campground.

  11. More gorgeous pics! Love it!


    This report just keeps getting better and better, Jason.

    Thanks for sharing it.

    I think Heidi's observations and question are very good. I would normally be in the school of thought that you need to stay in each of the places you visited for a few days. But, I see the benefit of keeping on the go- you can see so much more that way, and if you find a place that you really like, you could always come back for a stay in the future.

    As far as I can see, you did an excellent job planning out this trip.


    Thanks TCD. I am glad to be sharing it. And I am glad you like the way the trip was planned so far.

  12. 9:45 like clockwork. Only exceptions are usually if there's something special going on at MK.

    It pulls right across the length of the beach, and the front end parks to the right of the dock.

    I like the view from that side or way left of the dock - only because there's less interference from the lights on the dock.

    Sound is loud enough that you can hear it anywhere... including the 300 loop! :rofl2:

    Lou will probably tell you that the best view is from Epcot. :rofl3:

    I will say that when we were there for the Fourth we heard it in the 1700 loop.

  13. Jason,

    I havent been able to get on-line for a few days. so just got caught up today!!

    Excellent trip report and I am really having so much fun reading it!!!

    I have to ask you.......when you planned this trip, did you have people tell you that you werent spending enough time at each place? ??? We have done three western trips, and travel similiar to you and your wife (although on our trip a few weeks ago we did spend more time at each place) EVERYONE we would share our plans with would always discourage us......tell us we were doing to much driving...not spending enough time at each place etc. Ugh, it gets so tiresome. While it would be fun to stay at El Tovar for a week, who has the time, when you want to travel and see the country!!! We spent a day at the Grand Canyon and people told us we were outright CRAZY......that we must stay for 3-4 days at least!!!

    Even on our more recent trip, where we did soend a few days at each National Park, I had an uncle tell me that there was "no way" we would be able to keep our schedule!!!!

    We did!!!

    Just curious if you ever got that reaction. I do have to say that in most cases the most vocal people were people that either didnt travel or hated to be in the car for too long.

    Looking forward to the next update!!!


    We did get some of that reaction but we had gone into this with the idea that we wanted to see a lot of the country. We plan on returning for more in depth visits to specific places at a later time. A lot of my wife's family can't stand the though of being in a car for that long. They won't even do the drive to Florida from CT, but for us the drive is part of the fun. You miss so much if you just fly to a place. By driving you really get to see the environment that makes the people that live there who they are.

    Never really gave much thought to seeing the west...but your TR is making me want to go see for myself!

    I firmly believe that everyone should do it at least once. It is something you will never regret and absolutely never forget.

    It's been a dream of mine for several years to take the girls out west before they "grow up". Actuallly, there were several trips I have always hoped to take, and so far we have done most of them. I keep thinking the "BIG" trip out west would be too tough for 7 of us, considering how long we would be gone. But your TR is inspiring me. You only live once!

    INC and I took a trip out west for 3 weeks when we first met. Badlands, Black Hills, Yellowstone, Seattle, Vancouver, Canadian Rockies...it was awesome! I want to show my girls some of those places, but also show them Utah, Colorado and the Grand Canyon. I need to start planning!

    If you need any help with planning it I have completed 2 of these 3 week trips now. While we don't have and children and probably will not be having any, it was important to us to get out and experience this country and the places that make it what it is. You kids will remember it for their whole life and have stories and memories to share that some people never have.

  14. DSC05948.jpg


    Heading down form the plateau


    and on the road again after stopping in the gift shop


    We are now headed north to Provo, UT. Our friend Ben lives there with his wife. Ben is the person who introduced us so we had to pay him a visit.



    Sad to say we didnt take many pictures in Provo. We rolled into town. Had dinner and dessert with Ben and his wife and then went to our hotel to do laundry and sleep.

    The next day on the way out of town we did grab some pics as we passed through the mountains.



    Today is a long drive day. We started in Provo and we are headed to Yellowstone. But not in anything approaching a straight line.

    So we headed east towards Flaming Gorge Recreational Area.

    Some sights along the way.







    Entering the flaming gorge area







    And now heading into Wyoming.


    We will break here. Lots more to come.

  15. So lets try this again. We left the campground the next morning headed north to Arches National Park.


    You start seeing arches before you get to the park.






    We made it!






    So in addition to the arches for which it is named there are also fins and towers. At one of the towers there were a bunch of people stopped taking pictures of the scenery. It was nice in shady next to the tower so we though we would as well. While looking around and Sil was taking pictures I noticed some people had climbed up the tower to the point where it goes pretty much vertical. I decided I wanted to head up there and check out the view. I also deicded not to tell Silvia cause she would worry about me.

    As I was working my way up she realized I wasn't near her any more and finally found me half way to my destination. Once I got

    as far up as I was able to go I had a great view. Course Silvia had the camera so I don't have a picture to share. Sorry.

    So Pictures of this...here we go




    Surrounding area



    I made it!


    This was quite a ways up in all honesty and I was fairly tired after doing this so I didn't get out of the car to much for a little while.

    Continuing through the park.

    The Windows as they are called












    We spent a couple of hours here. On the way back out we stopped to see Park Avenue, There was no parking available on our way in so we were glad there was some now.



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