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mommy rainbo.....Bo

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Posts posted by mommy rainbo.....Bo

  1. I'm in! This is really different! Way Cool!

    A little different but cool way to go.


    I'm in too!!

    Great start. I'm always fascinated by the auto train. I've never rode a train at all other than WDW's.

    I can't wait to hear about your daughter first trip. There's nothing better than seeing Disney through a newbies eyes, especially a childs.

    We had a some misadventure in this trip so I hope you like it.


    I'm in also, you made great time getting to Lorton from home must not of hit much traffic, lucky you!!!!!!!!!!

    My driver is a near professional(if you listen to him) and we did have great luck with traffic.



    I'm in! Can't wait to read more of your adventure!

    Doodle, yea. Doodle is reading my TR. Again I say yea!


    I'm in! Wonder if I made the first page?

    Yes Marty you made the first page. Thanks for coming aboard.


    That is an interesting way to travel. Is there a size limit on the vehicle? What is the cost structure? Looking forward to reading more about this trip.

    Yes there is a size limit but I am taking my Suburban next time and saw a few big passenger vans come off the train.

    I also read you can bring small trailers(not sure on how small or big off the top of my head)



    Good start! Can't wait to read and see more!

    Thanks Southern Blessings, I hope to write more today.


    I'm in. Never heard of a auto train. Please give more details about it.

    I hope I finally made the first page.

    Yes, you made the first page.

    I will hopefully give you details in todays trip report. I am pulling out the paperwork on everything to get my facts right.


    I'm in and interested to hear more. DH and I have talked about travelling by train but never have. Can't wait to hear more!


    The train is a great way to travel. I would and will be going this way again.


  2. Can't wait to read more!!!!

    I am determined to write at least one installment today...

    Thanks for coming along


    I'm here!

    Im Glad.


    I'm in I always though it would be cool to take the train

    It is or was. I will have a few pictures to share..


    I'm in too (although that reminds me I need to get my TR started).

    Get started. I will read it, promise.


    I'm in... We always take our trailer or fly... but I've often wondered about this train.

    Wonder no more. Hopefully it will be todays post.


    I'm in. Cant wait to hear more about the auto train

    Welcome in and aboard..


  3. I'm in!

    You are off to a great start.

    Thanks for including the Auto Train part- it's interesting to hear about it.

    Looking forward to the rest.


    Ah, The master trip report writer has graced my TR. Thanks. It is harder than I thought, but I will keep wanting yours to come faster and faster.

    Thank you.


    Looking forward to hearing all about the train trip!

    Thank you for hopping aboard. This trip report is about to leave the station....


    first page braggin rights

    Yes, You made the first page, brag away.


    I am paying close attention for our July autotrain trip.

    I think you know as much as I do Jason, but welcome aboard.


  4. 1/6/13 I updated the title to reflect the total idea of the trip.

    Welcome to my first ever trip report and my 5 year old daughters first trip to Disney. We are heading south by way of Auto Train and wanted to document what I could for you. This trips cast members are Me- Bo as some of you know me, Hubby -G- and the cute daughter -J-. We are from NJ near Philly for time perspectives. This trip was bumpy, sway-y and clickity clackity. I will be giving the good, the bad and the inbetween...lol I am just going to jump right in.

    I had packed the car the night before so we just had to gather up the last of the necessities and GO!!! It is Tuesday morning about 8:45 and we are on our way to Lorton Virginia to pick up the autotrain. We stopped for Dunkin donuts to get hubbies caffeine fix and less than 2 ½ hours later we arrive at Lorton.DSCN0006_zps99ebd150.jpg

    When you get close there are signs letting you know you are in the right area and where you are heading. It was only a few turns of the main road. The GPS did not take us on 95 south for the whole trip, but took us another way starting in Baltimore. We came home by 95 and this was quicker with steady moving traffic. We will follow the GPS on the next trip and there will be another trip.


    One more turn, and we are at the Lorton station. Again It was easy to find and traffice was not bad. Now the waiting begins. Have I said yet how good -G- and -J- are about waiting.... More on that later. We start getting our ID's ready and gathering up the tickets and what not. When you pull into this road you will see on the right a guard looking booth, with cars lined up if you are early, and on the left behind the booth area a parking lot. Your choice depending on when you get there is whether you will want your car again to leave and get lunch(early checkin) and booth if you are ready to stay.


    We see trains.. Well actually just one train broken into its separate, car parts and people parts. They were still unloading the last of the cars and reuniting them with there owners. Pretty smooth operation from the looks of things but be careful, Not all the drivers are watching for you to cross the road, they are kinda feeling rushed to get out of the way....(also there are a LOT of seniors in this pack of cars). It is 11:10 and there is a line at the booth waiting to check the cars heading south. I believe that check in doesn't start at the earliest at 11:30 (a lot of snow birds take the train to florida with their cars and they arrive early to get on the train) We park in the lot and go inside to check us in. We don't want to check the car yet. Wish I had gotten pictures of the front of the building for you. Really nice people work the desk and the booths, it was done easily and relatively quickly.


    The (God's) waiting room is wide open with seats everywhere, once you check your car in you are stuck. There is a very tiny store that can sell you an overpriced soda or newspaper, but that is about it. So, if you get there early(before 1pm and want to get something to eat keep your car, by not going thru the booth and park in the left side lot and walk into the building to check yourself in then check your car in at the booth around 2) The building was hot due to the fact the heat was on and it was 64 degrees out side with a heat wave. All the outside park benches were already taken. So we alternated once we came back from lunch.

    Here are some facts about the auto train is a non stop,(except in the middle of the night to switch engineers and refuel). It is know as the worlds longest train(of some sort, i think it is auto/people mover. I was distracted when this was announced) It was a nice way to travel. So its pretty cool.

  5. I just got done a 8 day rental with Kenny. HE IS GREAT!!!! He called us when we were on our way down. When we checked in I left him a message that he returned pretty quickly telling us where our cart was. We picked up the fastest little golf cart and had a great time. He called us the day before we checked out and let us know what to do. He stopped by early in the morning and rolled up the rain covers we had left down due to the rain. The amount charged was super reasonable and one of the easiest things about this trip. I will be using him again.

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