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Posts posted by Timsmith7

  1. Sooo, the picture issue was I have been trying to use Google Photos! I used Google Picasa for the longest time with no issues but Google Photos (Picasas replacement) does not like to share very well. I moved the pictures to Photobucket that I want to share and it seems to be working. Sorry for the picture issues.


    1 hour ago, hedg12 said:

    Those look awesome - beautiful work!

    If you don't mind my asking, what software are you using to create the nc files for these?

    hedge12 I am actually using .tap files but .gcode or .nc files work as well with my cnc. As far as the software, I am using ArtCam Jewelsmith to create the reliefs from pictures and such. For basic machining and aluminum stuff I either use SketchUCam with SketchUp or Fusion360 to generate my tool paths.

    The basic workflow fpr image reliefs is to load the image to ArtCam and create the relief and then create the tool path. I then upload the tool path to Chilipeppr (online cnc control) which then talks to my TinyG controller through a .json server.


  2. I am not sure why the Apple users cannot see the pictures.....Come on over to the evil side (Android) we have cookies and pictures!

    Here are a couple of drawers ready for stain. I just need to come up with one more to complete the drawers by the sink.


    This will be one of the larger drawers we have above the sink. I am really liking the way the Disney minimalist posters are coming out. this one is Space Mountain. The pictures do not show it very well but once I get it stained I will repost.


  3. 3 hours ago, CCIntrigue...aka Gwen said:

    Love the drawer front, but it looks like a lot of work!

    Actually, quite the opposite. The same goes with the Musket Mickey signs. Fasten piece down, start program and walk away. Once the carving is done I get a text on my phone that says nice job! That drawer took 17 minutes on a conservative speed. I was in the house pouring some WL Weller 12 and having a couple sips before heading out to start the new ones.

    Once I get to some of the bigger cabinet doors I will begin to recreate the Attraction posters in wood.


  4. The skull is the Punisher skull from Marvel Comics but I have put mickey Ears on it. Sort of the same lines as Darth Vader with Mickey Ears, this is the Punisher with Mickey Ears....Sometimes you have to get creative as a guy to put a little manly influence into your Disney addiction.....


    It does get quite a few comments and is now commonly referred to as the Punisher Mickey.

  5. As a father of a child with a severe allergy who has 3 times now been given medical assistance while eating in a Disney restaurant I can say the allergy menus are nice but don't quite cut it. There has always been a allergy menu of sorts available if you asked.


    The real issue that needs addressing is training and awareness of cross contamination. You will find most exposures are due to cast members using the same utensils or prep areas for the food preparation. 



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