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Beckers last won the day on July 28 2022

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About Beckers

  • Rank
    Hero Fiend
  • Birthday November 30

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    barefoot in walmart
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  • Location
    New Jersey

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  1. Another fb group said scavenger hunt for the CM’s that got a free room
  2. We haven’t been to Disney since 2018. Honestly we have no plans of returning any time soon. The cost of a Disney trip is equal to our seasonal site, so for us it’s a better way to spend our vacation funds. I feel bad that Squish hasn’t gotten to go at a age where she remembers more of it but I also can’t see paying full price for a lesser of experience. Legoland is opening in NY this month and we will probably go there this summer for a short trip once their hotel is opened. We have talked about going to Florida at some point, but Disney won’t be the main attraction (Discovery Cove, beaches, i
  3. What’s this you speak of? Pretty sure it’s almost extinct.
  4. I filled out the warranty form last night so I’m just waiting to hear. We did figure out where the water is getting in so we will caulk the next one.
  5. Not on the ground. Was hanging correctly and covered! Im hoping they replace it
  6. So on Sunday my camper lost power for like 10 mins. I didn’t think too much of it. I left the campground Sunday night and came back today around noon. As soon as I pulled in I heard my ems surge protector humming, which has never happen and we lost power again. I assumed it was a problem with the campground and they came and tested everything and it was fine on there end. They discovered my progressive ems 50ptx (I may have the letters and numbers out of order) Had a bunch of water in it and fried it. Ironically talking to my neighbor they had the same thing happened but hers was the 30 amp on
  7. That’s awful 😭 I know a lot of people missed out on trips etc but the poor Wish kids who may never get to take their trips is beyond heart breaking
  8. I’m not a crafter but am a buyer, start posting stuff people 😂
  9. That’s 100% my plan. NJ is starting to open some things (like the beaches/boardwalks which is pretty much what NJ is all about for Memorial Day weekend) and they are crowded. We plan on just laying back and hiding at our campsite and waiting to see what happens with these reopening sand crowds of people. If in 2 weeks numbers don’t explode I’ll expand our outings. But I didn’t spend 8 weeks home to screw it up now for my family.
  10. Same for us but with Philadelphia’s airport. Pre Coronavirus you could sit outside and see them lining up in the sky for their turn to land and as quick as one would go to land another would fill in line. It’s crazy, reminds me of 9-11 times when the skies were quiet.
  11. I’d wait too if I was disney. They might find out that opening Disney Spingarn was a horrible idea, or have ideas of how to make things work better when the parks/resorts open. If they put a date out and then have to push it back people will complain.
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