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  1. Upvote
    whatdimiss reacted to The Troll in The Trolls Run from Isaac!   
    Ha ha! You said it, not me!
    So glad you got the joke!
    I love that show. It's one of my top 10 TV shows of all time!
    Hi, Laura -- no, I will never come around! Once a troll, always a troll!
    So the folks who live at the Sanford and Son site actually work at Disney? Huh.
    Just huh.
    Disney doesn't do well with enforcing its rules -- well, its rules that don't have to do with campfire firepits without a solid cover, that is. Got a firepit with a mesh cover, they WILL find you. But then drive this:

    And no one will say a word to you.
    Yes, it's just wrong to see those things at Disney. It's fine to see them at a truck stop men's room, but my beloved Trading Post?! No, I say! No!
    The blueberry mango thing was pretty good. I don't think I could taste any mango, though...
    ...or rum, for that matter! I didn't feel any, either.
    Thanks, Nicki, for catching up!
    Thanks so much for joining the party! I'm glad you're enjoying the ride!
    Ha! So Donald was a douchebag even back in 1934? He wouldn't help the hen plant her crops? And then he accepted an invite to dinner and ate food he didn't help grow or pay for?
    Is Donald a Democrat?!
    Ha! Kidding! Kidding! Please, no hate mail. Really, I was just kidding! Really...please don't report me...oh, what's that? You're going to report me anyway?
    I guess there's still Intercot.
  2. Upvote
    whatdimiss reacted to DaveInTN in The Trolls Run from Isaac!   
    I knew I liked you.
    I am always complaining to my wife about those STUPID duckfaces (I never used that term....I affectionately refer to them as the Skankface). Why skankface? Because whenever I see them it always looks like a girl trying to look "sexy". I hate that term...but I don't know how else to describe it. Especially when it's teenage girls, who are being told by society to grow up too quickly and look like sex objects. STOP IT!!! It is so aggravating to me, that if I ever see a Facebook friend of one of my daughters doing the face I tell my daughter to unfriend them. I don't enforce it...and they think I'm joking, but I find the entire development horrific.
    Ok, sorry. Off my soapbox. I'll let you get back to your wannawaffle posting...
  3. Upvote
    whatdimiss got a reaction from stefa70 in Ultimate Bragging Rights! TCD's New Fantasyland Passholder Preview TR   
    TCD, your trip reports are fantastic. Used to lurk and read them on another site (not sure if I can mention names or not, lol). I'm glad I found FF, not least because of your consistently great posts.
    The idea of beer at the MK took me a minute to get used to, but thats partially because I'm more of a fruity drink guy (much to my embarrassment). Since it's in a restaurant at dinner I don't have any worries about Princesses Gone Wild or anything...
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