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Itch's post log to his pre trip report

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      The trip started off very late I got off work at lunch Went home to finalize things , which ended up taking three hours! Oh well nothing could damper our mood we were headed to The Fort.

The trip down was without a doubt the easiest drive I have expierenced in thirty plus years maybe the pixie dust started early. As we pulled around to our site i try To get out of the way for a car and out jumps ......................................MagicBus

What a nice guy talked briefly and we pulled into home (site 318) around three thirty and without a thought grabbed our suits and headed to the pool , after cooling off with twins in the big pool we let run around the splash area and at 6pm everything was shut off, pool sprayland ,bathrooms you get the idea I over heard a CM say with the storms yesterday it was backwashing All the plumbing even 300 loop CS was closed and as we left the big Pool took on a dirty brown appearance So after that is was time for pizza showers and bed Have a good night see you all tomorrow !


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ok so where was I , Saturday started off with the need to run some errands , we wanted to buy a new canopy and Kmart had em on sale for 59.99 so off to Kissimmee. We thought we could get our running around done in two hours the rest of our party was due to check in at 1. So we set off around 10:30. Well lets just cut to the chase we got back here arounf 3:30 just in time to set up our tent thank God the wife thought to ask the Grandma's to take the twins not only did I not have to keep checking where they were but the Grandma's weren't there to add the two cents in to setting up the tent.We then got to  eat and take a shower.

By this time it was off to bed what a wasted day, but  alas it is VACATION !!!

Got to visit with several Fiends and it was wonderful putting faces to names, Got to love this place and the people !!!

Sunday morning we awoke to eat breakfast and go to the pool. As I have said in the past we as a family love to get our exercise in and then go the TE and sit and rock. The G Parents took the kids on their brisk walk and the wife and I went for a run, she is training for her first ever 5k the humidty was getting to her so we ran then walked. We joined our family at Burles but only to find 4 rocking chairs moved to the corner. Luckily our favorite Hostess Josephine was there and she said her new boss was letting campers take em to the cabins, WTH??

She suggested we send an email, oh sweet Josephine we will, we will !!!!!

After taking the twins to the playground we headed to the pool and my youngest made the whole 1,203 miles worth it. He looks at me in the Splash zone and says "Thanks Dad I love Walt Disney World!!"

Yup teary eyed I was !!

After swimming we met some friends from home at check in and went to tye dye some t shirts what a mess and in typical Disney form we paid 19.17 for a T they paid probably less then .50 cents and maybe that in ink if they are lucky. (The Tees did turn out cool though )

After cleaning up a but we went off property for dinner and then back to do some hotel hopping  we went to the Poly to make our own Dole Whip floats and Joe at the bar was nice enough to sell us a glass of pineapple juice with a shot of Malibu Rum, umm note to self find a way to get the rum into MK , all I can say is WOW !!Then it was back to the campfire to watch Toy Story and eat some popcorn.  After the movie we beat it to Clemintines to catch the fireworks. Saying good bye it was off to bed.

Today the rents went to the flee market in Webster so I got the twins up and went on my first photo safari. Found some interesting shots ( those will come when I'm not on a cellular hotspot) We knew that with my parents gone today was going to what i call a vacation day meaning we fly by the seat of our pants. Sooooo we took the twins for pony rides and a nice GC ride then to the pool for some cool down it was 89 degrees today HOT,HOT,HOT. I had promised Finn we go for a bike ride and we rode around the loop. Both of them are getting used to braking the pedal just fine but they forget to slow down or sometimes even stop. After that it was one of our travel families birthday so we came back early to get ready and go to Rain Forest , please some tell me why that place is still busy, to me it's just average food and expensive as hell as well as to damn LOUD!!!

After dinner we took the kids to AK Lodge wow what a beautiful facility, Gracie got to see her Giraffes, she loved it. Found something very interesting in the gift shop at AK, branded items so I took plenty of pictures and plan on send a seathing email. I mean you can see this stuff was so new the wrinkles were still in some of the tees on the hangers, we desrve an explenation !!

Then it was back to the campsite to watch the National Championship. (So far the game is just not holding my interest what a sloppy game )

And with that being said I am off to bed, looking forward to the temp change maybe some rain and a little outlet mall shopping and a trip to my favorite place in Orlando Performance Ski and Surf


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Sounds like a fun weekend so far. Excited to see your pictures. Enjoy the warm weather, after this rain passes it's supposed to be in the 40's at night! :barf:

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Tuesday rooled around way to quickly and as predicted the rain came down hard. Finn and I had just finished our morning shower and were leaving the CS and BOOM it all came hard at once. So being the Dad I am I cover Finn with my towel and ran back to 318 we pack into the rig and wait after a few minutes we decide to head out to the outlet mall but I have to get something out of the tent I volunteer since I'm already wet and find that the windows were not zipped in the hast of avoiding rain so we clean that up, dump the awning that collected like oh I don't know FIVE gallons of water and we are out of there.

The outlets were disappointing we found some Nikes for Finn for 21 bucks but other than that it all seemed to be regular priced stuff and normal 20% off discounts hell I can get that at home score one for the pocket book. The weather has cleared so we take the kids swimming and walk while they ride their bikes. Dinner with the parentals and turn in early because Wedsday is Magic Kingdom day.

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We used to love the Nike outlets, but we started to feel the same way. Not too much discounted, and not as great a selection as what I remembered.

Sorry to hear about the weather. It was nasty! We just kept looking out the window saying "Boy, I'm glad we were at the fort last week!" :-\ Sounds like you made the best of it though!


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Ok so at the crack of dawn it was time for showers and breakfast for all 15 of us then we beat it to the dock so we could make rope drop. Crowds weren't bad moderate if I had to rate it to past years.

The opening was fantastic and the new Mickey is sooooooo freaking cool. He finally is alive and I can't wait to meet and greet him. We got our group shot and split up. It was Jenn and I with kids and my parents in tow. Our plans for the day were to hit Dumbo first and then only the things for the kids eat lunch at Rays then off to MgM yes I did call it MgM !!

Well that got thrown out the window when I saw Meet Mickey was only a 5 minute wait and the Princess's were 0.

So we get into meet the mouse, what a cool dressing room ,and the sound of the doves was a nice touch.

The princess's line had grown a bit but nothing and bright eyed four year old girl couldn't get through.

First up was Aurora she spoke with Grace and signed her book.

Finn didn't want to meet the Princess's but he did Aurora asked him if he was a prince and he replied "No, I'm a space ranger !" Gotta love the kid !!

Next up was Belle and she got down on the floor with Grace and talked for quit a while she even gave Grace a kiss it was one of THOSE moments.

Next up was Cinderella and Grace loved her she was very nice talked with us and made Grace feel special. Finn hand his blanket with him and introduced (Bill) the blanket to her it was funny.

Side note they all signed their autograph books but Belle signed Grace's "To Princess Grace" Belle deserves a raise!

After this we went and waited 45 minutes to ride Dumbo got some cool shots of the expansion.

After Dumbo we walked towards Buzz Lightyear and Stitch we used the walk between the Hat maker and the Castle to find a very long line so we asked what it was for and it was to meet the Tangled cast, add that to the list.

So after the People Mover and Buzz it was off to Stitch Finn was the only one big enough for Stitch, so Grace and I walked around shopping and we found the trash can. She loved it and was trying to see inside, other kids were kicking it and rocking it back and forth to the point it was on two wheels. I wanted to say something but had to keep my eye on Grace, some parents JEEEZ !!!

We meet back up with Jenn and Finn and head to Rays for lunch (by the way I LOVE Rays, miss Iceberg and the purple mayo). After lunch we go to get in line for Tangled to  learn it was an hour and a half wait so we take turns taking the kids to other things.

I take em to Winnie the Pooh and after Pooh I was able to snap a couple shots of what remains at Toontown.

Jenn takes the kids on Snow White, Finn liked it but Grace thought it was to dark and scary.

By that time we enter Tangled and it is fantastic they casted FlynnRider perfectly and the wife leans over and wispers does Rahpunzel look like Cinderella so I  pull out the camera and look sure does but I think she could be Aurora, so seeing that we are at the end of the line I call over one of the CM's and ask and he says "I can not confirm or deny " "But one might say she looks good in blue and pink !"

We then walked over to see the Parade and quickly to have a Dole Whip and some Pirates. We walk to meet Woody and Jessie but the line was over an hour in the direct sunlight. So we walk through Frontier and to do some Main Street shopping and off to MgM, yes I did it again !

As we get on the bus the driver lets us know that it closes in an hour and a half and that we probably wouldn't make Toy STory Mania so we take his advice and hop on the Tron Monorail Finn loudly proclaimed it "the coolest monorail EVER !!"

We go to The Earth and check Soarin line (way to long) and grab some food we then walk to the Seas and substitute Chat with Crush for Toy Story. Smallest crowd I had ever seen, there might have been 20 families  and Grace gets picked he asks her were she came from and she said "Disney World", which in all honestly is what she calls MK it was funny! He then asked who'd you come with and she said "ummm I don't know" He asked to speak with me and he was onto other kids. We loved it !!

After that we tried to make fireworks at MK but just as we pulled into the station they started so we hopped on the boat and headed back to the Fort. What a great day even if we strayed we shared some precious moments with two special kids.

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