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Disney Theme Parks - Latest Financial Results

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Interesting article that includes some analysis and also some speculation coming out of the release of Disney's Financial Records for the quarter ending January 2nd - which includes the holiday break.


Some interesting excerpts...


...During the first quarter of 2016, despite no new attractions opening at either Walt Disney World or Disneyland resort in the 12 months prior, attendance was actually up year over year during the holiday period. When compared with the first quarter of 2015, combined attendance across the two resorts was up a whopping 10 percent.

...Disney also revealed that guests who visited Walt Disney World during this period spent an average of 7 percent more during their stay than they did during the first fiscal quarter of 2015. 

...hotel occupancy during the first quarter was at 92%, up 3 percent from 2015. In addition, per-room spending during this period increased 9 percent year over year as well. While that impressive figure isn’t exactly a record-breaker, it’s still far above the industry average, and highlights Disney’s need for more room inventory.

Disney COO Tom Staggs acknowledged this issue during the discussion portion of the earnings call, saying that Disney is in fact considering adding more hotel inventory to Walt Disney World in the future.

...Disney has not offered a concrete timetable of either [Star Wars Land] project yet, simply reaffirming during the earnings call that work on both the Disneyland version as well as the Disney’s Hollywood Studios land would kick off later this year.

...Though things are doing very well in the US for Walt Disney World and Disneyland Resort, Disneyland Paris is unfortunately another story. Disney is currently in the midst of a massive rescue plan for this resort, and while it looked like the park was on an upswing for a little while, current events may have derailed these plans, at least during the first quarter of 2016


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Interesting.  Seems like overall the parks are doing good.  Cut Paris some slack... with all of the terror attacks they have had, it's a wonder the government hasn't tried to close it on an emergency basis.

More hotel inventory?  The Wilderness cabanas?  Or do they have plans for cabanas at GF?  Now those would be pricey!

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1 hour ago, Travisma said:

Interesting.  Seems like overall the parks are doing good.  Cut Paris some slack... with all of the terror attacks they have had, it's a wonder the government hasn't tried to close it on an emergency basis.

More hotel inventory?  The Wilderness cabanas?  Or do they have plans for cabanas at GF?  Now those would be pricey!

The Paris park has had problems since day one.  It's gotten a bit better, but I'm sure the terror attacks set them back.  :(

I'm guessing when they say more inventory they're talking bigger volume than the DVC property expansions, but who knows.  Is there room for a decent-sized expansion at the values? Although I'd imagine they'd be looking at adding inventory at the higher price points too.

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