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Jen and Chris sneak away to see Jeff Dunham

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Background story...

We frequent a local family sports bar called Duffy's here in town and before Christmas, they started advertising who was going to be at the Bank Atlantic Centre in Ft. Lauderdale. They are one of their corporate sponsors, so all the acts that play there are advertised. Mostly I drool because I can't afford tix to people like Neil Diamond and Elton John (which are going to be there soon and I would love to go, but at over $100 a pop, no way) but I saw Jeff Dunham come across the screen. I promptly jumped out of my seat and told everyone in the place I wanted to go, which generated some laughter. So, for a Christmas present, I asked for a pair of tickets, because I knew taking dear old son would be a no-no. (Although I saw people there taking kids younger than him and it really angered me.)

So, Christmas came and went and there were no tickets in my stocking. Disappointed, I understood that maybe they were sold out and I accepted the fact that I would just go buy the DVD. After Christmas, we were at the same family sports bar and the ad popped up on the screens again. Dear old super geek says, "Hey, I forgot to print out your Christmas present and put it in your stocking! You are going to the Jeff Dunham concert!" Elated, I then counted down the days!

Fast forward to yesterday, we drop off Argent and CJ to my moms in hopes that everything will go ok and head down to Palm Beach Gardens for dinner. After filling ourselves silly at Carabbas and milling around in the Gardens Mall at the Apple store, we head down to Ft. Lauderdale. Here is the picture as we are walking in after they took $20 of our money to park!


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Jeff came out and did a picture slide show, like a biography of his life of how many puppets he has used over the years and such. After that, he had Walter and I about peed my pants laughing. I guess it is because we live in South Florida that he had so much material with him. He then did Bubba J's skit and took an intermission. By then it was already 9:40pm.

After intermission, he came out with Achmed the Dead Terrorist and then brought out his son AJ (Achmed's son). He did several stints with two or more puppets and it was very impressive.



Achmed is my favorite. He finalized the show with Peanut and Jose the Jalapeno on a stick. At one point, he had a puppet of himself out there too, so he had three puppets going at once.

All in all, it was fantastic and funny. We had to go and pick up the kid and the dog because the dog wouldn't behave for my parents and got home at 2am.

The end.

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Sounds like a good time. I've watched his skit with the three puppets at once, and he even messed up once or twice. Funny guy.

More funny? Chris forgetting to give your gift to you! :rofl2:

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Looks like much more fun than the repetitive Disney on Ice show we went to this weekend. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

*sigh* one day we'll get to go see real live grown-up shows too...

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If you want to see a little bit of it, google jay leno and watch the February 13th show. He was on it with Walter. Some of the skit was there. The cool thing about the website is that you can fast forward through the show right to the part you want to see!


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