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Posts posted by WalkerFiend

  1. I'm still getting over my shock at the fact that you used one of your 3 FP+ choices for It's A Small World.


    And that you took the train to Frontierland (there is no stop in Adventureland) to get there.


    Interesting choices.  But, if that's what makes you happy, more power to you.


    For your future reference, there is a 5 minute grace period before your FP+ time and a 15 minute grace period after your FP+ time.


    Carry on.



    Thanks for the correction TCD! On reflection I'm pretty sure we used probably 14 of that 15 minute grace period.

    Yah. And we'll be back to both COP and Small World (but not with another FP)

    Like I said, it's just how we roll! LOL

  2. Tuesday. 6/9 Highlights: 

    -Slow boat to the magic kingdom... 
    -Slow train to Adventure land.
    -It is a small world, unless you are really late!
    -Tomorrow land speedway
    -People mover
    -Lunch at Cosmic Rays starlite cafe.
    -Buzz light years space ranger spin
    -Carousel of prog... Progre…  Progres…
    Today we had moving issues - LOL.  And then the rains came.
    -Slow boat to the magic kingdom... 
    We started the day off promptly at... Well, by 9 we were out of the camper of off to the Marina to wait, and wait, and wait for the boat to MK.  I have no idea why, but we ended up with a 30 min wait for the boat to arrive.  Once we departed the ride across to MK was fine, and we arrived at the entrance after most of the early crowds had surged through, so no worries.   We still had plenty of time to get to our first fast pass ride of the day with time to spare...  
    We thought.  
    All we needed to do was catch the train and take it to Adventure Land station and were good.  Got through security and the gates with not a worry in the world.  Up the stairs to the train and into the queue...
    -Slow train to Adventure land...  
    So we waited and waited and waited for the train and no train came.  Again, no idea and no indication of any issues, no weather...  Just no train.  10, 20' 30 minutes go by and now our comfortable time cushion for getting to our first FP has evaporated...  
    Finally at 40 minutes, in rolls the train as if nothing in the world has ever been an issue.  Heh. Not that I expected any updates.  By this time the queue for the train is HUGE and they are taking their merry time loading every single person they can.  Finally we're off and moving at 7MPH…  I’m afraid we're actually gonna miss our very first FP window...  
    -Its a small world, till you need to be on the other side of it in 5 minutes or less...
    We arrived at Adventure Land Station with about 5 minutes to go till our Fast Pass window closed.  We have about five minutes to get to our ride...  Should be able to make it.  Well, except the waiting and the coffee, and water have taken their toll and some bathroom breaks are needed...  
    All I can say is that one of us had read about the "grace period"...  That you have a few extra minutes before the FP window offically opens and after it closes and this is true.  Or at least it worked for us.  Even thought the window time was officially past we just managed to make it onto the very first ride of our vacation: "It's a small world."  LOL.  Laugh all you want at us for getting a FP for small world. It's just how we roll!   ;)
    -Tomorrow land speedway
    Next up the Tomorrow Land Speedway!  No problems getting here at least!  Abby and I each take a kid and we end up in the far right lane.  Here our transportation issues seem to make a comeback.  I'm no expert in rides at Disney, but these cars are IMPOSSIBLE to drive!  
    At first I thought Ben was just not being a good driver as we bumped and jolted along our way, finally, I decided to give him a helping hand and found out why he could not keep the thing off of the rail.  No matter how much you tried the steering was just horrible.  As you can see we made it though and it was a blast.  
    Abby reported similar issues with their car.  Not sure if it was bad luck or bad lane choice. 
    -People mover
    Then after a short break we finally get to ride I wanted to ride last year.  The People Mover.  Last year it was closed the whole time we were here and I had no chance.  This year we went right up and on.  Cool ride.  Nice break for the feet.  
    -Lunch at Cosmic Rays starlite cafe
    After People Mover, even though it was a bit early for lunch we decided to take a break and stopped in at Cosmic Rays.  Unlike out visit last year we seemed to beat the masses and easily got our food and a place to actually sit and eat it in fairly quick succession. But by the time we were almost done the place was stacked to the rafters.  
    Just as a matter of being polite, I always try to move on quickly when I know others are looking for a place.  So while the girls we're taking a potty break before moving on with our day I noticed a frazzled looking couple with I think three or four littles ones searching for a spot to sit while the rest of their crew continued to place their orders and bring food.  They looked like they might be about to have a minor crisis with food stacked on a tray and little ones squirming...  I caught moms attention and told her that we'd be going in just a few and that if she didn't mind hanging out with us for a couple of minutes they could have our table.  She thought that was a fine idea, and I checked my little good deed for the day off of the list.
    -Buzz light years space ranger spin
    Now back to the final FP of the day at Buzz Light Year.
    So, I just have one thing to say about these rides that are kinda interactive target shooting things...  Meh.  I dunno, not that it wasn't fun, it was, it's just not really something I'm really going to get thrilled about.
    -Carousel of prog. 
    -Carousel of Progre..  
    -Carousel of Progress...
    Not quite ready for a break, but it was getting hot and we were not really looking to stand in the now forever long lines at some attractions.  So we ventured over to the Carousel of Progress.  This is another of those attractions that I wanted to visit last year and never made it.  This year we have scheduled more Magic Kingdom days to do the place justice and allow for bad weather.  We missed a lot of things here last year  and I'm already happy about this years more modest pace.  We are climbing aboard a piece of Disney history, something Walt worked on and believed in.  I wanted to see it before it vanishes.  
    In we go, and the transportation gremlin must have decided to ride with us...
    Lots of you will know that the Carousel of Progress is literally a rotating theater, in which the guests rotate around the entire building into four different settings depicting different times ranging generally from 1900 to now(ish).  As each section completes the "cast" sings the "Beautiful Tomorrow" song as the seated guests whip around the theater and into the next time period...  
    Except when you don't.
    Haha, it seems we were suffering some technical issues or something.  The presentation stopped at (I think) four different times.  
    I guess because it is also an older attraction, when they have to do a reset, the presentation starts over from the beginning of whatever section/timeframe you happen to be in when things stopped.  Each of these "reboots" takes about 5 minutes is seems. This happened over and over, I'm pretty sure we saw the C.O.P two whole times in just one sitting!  Oh well.  It was cool inside, and the kids actually thought it was pretty cool anyway.
    -Train back to Main Street 
    After the extended version of C.O.P was done we ventured out into the now oven like FL day and decided to call it a day (or at least afternoon) and head for the Fort and the Pool.  Because Ben normally likes the Train, we ventured back to Fantasy Land station an took the train back to Main Street.  Since we are Ina much more laid back mode this year we ventured down Main to Starbucks for my Venti Vanilla Latte ( I don't care how hot it is - I wanted it and it's vacation!) and the to the confectionary for some sweets before we head back.
    It's really hot now and while we wait for Mom to do some shopping and take a potty break before heading back I had the opportunity to see the Cast of Disney in action when an older lady seemed to start having issues because of the heat.  I'm sure they must see this happen 100 times a day in summer.  It was very interesting to watch, and a bit comforting I'll say to see them quickly, quietly, respectfully, and even I say cheerfully helping this lady.   I know - I could see the calming effect it had on her.  I could tell that these Cast members knew each other, knew what to do and who to call.  I was glad to see it.  Kudos.
    -We got some snacks from confectionery and a Starbucks.  Yes - it’s hot.  Yes. I’m addicted to Venti Vanilla Latte!
    -boat back to campground
    After a easy ride back for the Fort, it's pool time!!!  Well, for 15 minutes and then the whistles blew.  Thunder.  Back to the camper for the afternoon monsoon...
    -After the storm we went back to the pool for another hour, had dinner from the now expanded menu at the snackbar, after some quality swim time, it was time to just relax for awhile at the camper, the kids rode their bikes a little, played on the play equipment a little, hung out a little...  Ahhh...  
    Later on we ventured back to the Meadows to look around.  I found a new Fort T-Shirt, just not in my size (we got lucky and found one that fit later in the trip.)
    Finally at the last second we decided to headed back for the beech for the fireworks.  Tonight we missed the EWP but watched the Fireworks from our cart because of the ongoing drizzle.
    The rain is still stalking us, but we made out fine, the rain kept the temps down some, great day all in all.
    We looped our way back to the camper through the puddles for a good nights rest.
    Pedometer 8484
    Ohhh!  Almost forgot - I had noticed Monday evening that they had cleared out a lot of trees and seemed to be expanding the cart parking at Pioneer.  Since I had so much free time, I checked out FF and couldn't  find any threads about it...  I spent more of my quality marina waiting time figuring out how to post picks of it!  LOL  I had just actually managed to post breaking construction news on FortFiends:  http://www.fortfiends.net/forum/topic/15687-more-cart-parking-across-from-pioneer-hall/  Yay me!  Hahaha.  Not exactly a Walter Cronkite moment - but it was actually fun being able to pass on some news after all I've been able to learn and read here.  My DW thinks I'm crazy, but it made it more fun for me anyway.
  3. We are heading down in three weeks from Friday from Ontario Canada - my hubby wants to know what are the fuel prices like because we take 79 to 77 to the 26 to the 95 so we are on the same route as you for most of the way also what kind of mileage do you get with your truck?

    Well, right now prices in Ohio are higher because of an issue at a Chicago refinery. ($2.60 - $2.80 a gallon range.)

    I heard a radio report that the lowest price gas in the U.S. As of this morning was Charleston SC at about 2.25 or close.

    As for mileage. Well. The "Blue Monster" as my kids call it gets about 8 or 9 MPG towing the camper. About 12 MPG for my daily driving (13 if I really baby it.) what's worse is the truck is really underpowered for my particular camper (about 9600# loaded for a big trip.) It gets the job done, but I wish I had more power.

  4. Well here we go. I just wanted to take a second and send thanks out to all the Fiends that helped make our trip a great one - even if you didn't know it!  


    I will not even try to reach the EPIC levels of a TCD TR.  Your lowly reporter here is mostly wanting to in some small way repay the community for the wonderful content and fun threads.  I'm also trying to write down some memories for my Wife.  Since I mentioned doing a trip report here she's just decided to wait (and wait and wait on it) instead of trying to journal it all on her own.  She almost never comments on internet postings, but she'll be watching to keep me honest.  I'll share her correction/additions/comments as they happen!  


    Some of the pics will be from last year's trip actually.


    I've been writing this off and on starting from while we were still at the Fort.  Sorry it's taken so long but I wanted to get at least a start before I just randomly posting stuff.  The writing is still in progress, and hopefully making a start of it will inspire me to finish it up before New Years!  Forgive me in advance if work or life gets in the way.  I'll try to keep moving along.


    So for this first installment - here we go in today's episode:


    - About last year.

    - Getting ready.
    - Mickey light.
    - Couch mod.
    - About the Pedometer.
    -The balloon landing
    The trip down: 
    - Arts and craft center in Beckley, WV.
    - Fancy Gap KOA
    - Savannah South KOA
    Arrival at he happiest place on earth:
    -The happiest campsite on earth: Site 1303
    -Pixie dust works on Golf Carts...
    -More Pixie dust...  About those cable modems for the internet addicted...
    About last year:  
    This is actually our second trip to Disney and the Fort.  Here we are last year:


    Last year we suffered from schedule overload and bad weather luck...  We scheduled visits to MK, Hollywood Studios, Epcot, Animal Kingdom.  Then, a day off for a side trip out to Kennedy Space Center to see the Shuttle, a brief (very brief) - like 60 second - visit to the beach (closed due to lightning) so the kids could see the Ocean for the first time. Then at the end of it all we finished with a afternoon at Downtown Disney, due to a ticketing mishap...  
    We cut the beach visit short due to the storm, returned to the MK to see the parade, which was canceled, because of storms, but forgot in the process that we'd used an "entrance" to a park that day that we had not planned for.  
    So, on our last day, oopsy!  We had no entrances left because we'd spent 60 minutes in MK to see a parade that never happened... So we had to improvise...  It all worked out... We're smarter this year... Despite what seemed like never ending rain, by day three of last years visit to the Fort and Disney Abby (DW) ask me: "So what can we cut out so we can afford to come back again next year?"  And so this trip report begins.
    Getting ready:  
    We're in our third season of camping with our setup and we pretty much have the kinks worked out of our system for the most part.  This trip however was going to be the inaugural voyage of one very important new piece of camping equipment, our Mickey light!  
    Last year we saw many of these while out looping and Maddie (DD) wanted one of our own.  Thanks to a quick search on FortFiends, I found the plans and with few modifications that's pretty much the light we built.  Ours has color changing LED strip lighting in the head and ears complete with a remote control.  Haha, gotta have a remote! 🙂  One part of my build I was unhappy with was the base, the fear that it would not stand up to even modest wind, end up falling over and getting busted.  I've been unable to find a milk jug as others had used, ended up rigging up a decent looking base from a planter base...  Still it was a bit flimsy and I worried about it.  As it turns out a solution for this "base" problem presented itself during this second trip to the Fort.  
    The couch mod:
    I said we had pretty much worked out the kinks in our "system". As always though things change and we make adjustments.  The Mickey light being one change, and actually where we could stow it while underway.  Our campers couch turned out to be a prefect place.  This is a pretty boring mod, but it made a lot of dead space much more usable, and provided for a really nice storage spot for the light.
     Bascially I removed the front of the couch and modified it so that the entire thing lifts off of these pegs allowing easy access to the empty space beneath. Then I bent these brackets to fit over the pegs.  Gravity holds the whole thing in place - no problems so far - while under way.
    And now it looks good as new...  Secret Micky hiding place is ready... 🙂
    So with that out of the way.  Let's get moving...  Er...  Wait one more thing, the Pedometer:
    Here's the deal with the pedometer.  I'm no fitness crazed guy, but, my employer was sponsoring a charity event.  Their contribution was influenced by how many steps and other physical activities were recorded by the participants.  So, it was for a good cause, and it's really kinda interesting to see the steps recorded on travel days vs the Epcot days for me personally.  I'm sharing just for the shared experience of foot pain.  Haha...
    So now, finally, let's go…
    Wait one second.  Before we even get out of the driveway this event set the bar for the entire vacation:  A local company flies hot air balloon excursions near our home and seeing a balloon in the air is not uncommon.  In the spring we look forward to these balloons as a sure sign that winter is finally over.  On this evening we had a close encounter when the balloon landed right on our street just a couple of doors down from our house.  
    The kids loved seeing it and the crew even had the kids help put it away.  They are rolling the last of the air out of it here.  The street was completely covered with kids "helping"!  Very fun to watch.
    Abby’s comment was something to the effect of: "Well, we’re done - that makes the whole summer before we even get started.”
    Ok!  Now, really - I promise!  We’re off...
    The trip down:
    This first day was fairly uneventful as travel days are mostly.  We were all packed up and I just needed to fill the Blue Monster's gas tank, hitch up, and we were off!  At the crack of 9:30am (LOL)! The kids kept themselves pretty busy on the iPads, and we make fairly frequent stops.  This in my humble opinion is the great advantage of making this drive (990 +- miles) over three days.  You can easily avoid rush hours, and just plain don't have to hurry.  Our trip today is leaving the Columbus, OH area on RT 33E - Bypassing Lancaster, through Athens, and on to I77S after crossing the Ohio River and into WV near Ravenswood.  
    Our lunch and first fuel stop are at Loves near Fairplain (exit 132).   I'm not sure that I'd stop here if I knew a had the fuel range to go on.  The gas islands can be a little tricky to navigate with nearly 60 total feet of rig, but we managed.  After fueling up, if you want to eat here and have a large rig, parking seems to be pretty much limited to around the corner in the Truckers parking and fueling area.  This necessitated an exit from the lot, down the street, and reentering the center at the truckers entrance.  Ehh...  Oh well, at least there were plenty of spaces when we were there and we had a simple (and a bit of a noisy) lunch in the camper.  Again, I think if I had it to do over again, I’d get back on the freeway and stop for lunch at the next rest area, or just eat inside as we’d done last year.
    Next stop: Beckley, WV Artisan center:
    If you are in need of fuel, a bite to eat, just a rest stop in Southern WV on the Turnpike this is the place.  Easy fueling at the travel plaza, and ample RV parking at the Artisan center.  
    Relax for awhile and eat in your RV, or visit the food court.  Take in some WV history, crafts, food...  
    It's a great place, I'm sure I'm not doing it justice.
    And finally our day one destination and overnight stay:
    Fancy Gap KOA (VA):
    - To me this is a very Non-KOAish, KOA.  Even though there are sites located close together, the elevation changes make it feel much less like a parking lot and much more like a state park or similar setting, very friendly, family owned and operated, great base for exploring the Blue Ridge.
    It's odd because you feel like you are in the middle of nowhere, but you can still hear some occasional road noise.  Now, this is not noise like sitting next to an interstate, not sure where it came from.  Also, it was no kind of issue for my ears anyway, it was just unexpected.  
    The owners host a Saturday evening Ice Cream Social.  For the cost of a donation, you can sit on their new patio, and have a nice visit with some fellow campers and enjoy some pretty good ice cream.
    I normally shy away from commercial campgrounds, but, I really enjoyed our stays here.  It's not posh, but it is obvious the owners have pride in their business, are very nice, personable people.  The kids enjoyed the pool for awhile, but it was bit too chilly for me air temperature wise.
    And day one was done!  We had a very nice pull through site, so we didn't even unhitch.  Put down the tounge jack enough to take some load off of the truck, put down the stab jacks all around, relaxed, and off to bed... 
    Pedometer: 9079
    Today we continue (starting again after 9!!!) south on I77 dropping down out of the mountains (what an awesome view on a clear morning as you enter NC!)  
    We continued through Charlotte, and onward to Columbia SC where we picked up I26 and crossed over to I95.  Then on south into GA (skirting thunderstorms the whole afternoon it seems) for our second overnight stop at the Savannah South KOA (GA):
    - It's not as nice as Fancy Gap IMHO, the sites are downright cramped, but we have no complaints either when you consider that we are stopping overnight. Again, we didn't unhitch.  We've arrived in the South and it's HOT!  So,  the pool alone (which was spotless and just generally nice) is worth it.  It's location next to a pond is nice.  I think this might also work out well as a base for exploring downtown Savannah as our camping neighbors were planning to do. You do hear some road noise, but unless you are sleeping in a tent or pop up this shouldn't be a real issue.  We turned in early after a few hours in the pool to relax.
    Pedometer: 6905
    Monday. 6/8
    Today it's I-95, to I-4, to Disney and the Fort! 🙂  Except for food and gas we tried to stay  moving as much as possible.  This year we did take the time to stop in at the FL welcome center for a cup of OJ and our lunch in the Camper.  The kids are wearing their cool Monorail t-shirts.
    We ran into some rain on I-4 but we moved along and by 3:30 or so had the Fort in our sights!  
    We'd put in a fairly open ended site request via online checkin and basically just ask for something in either the 1300 or 1400 loops.  We'd stayed in 1408 last year, knew we'd love it there, liked the looks of 1300, kinda hoped we'd get back into the 1400 anyway. As it turned out we were assigned 1303.  Man, what a score!  Although I wasn't so sure at the time.  We ventured back, found it, nice easy drivers side back-in right across from the comfort station, nice, awesome, loved that spot.  
    We spent just a little while unpacking the truck and getting the camper set and then it's off to the bus stop to get our Golf Cart.
    -Pixie dust works on Golf Carts...
    We rode the bus (Ben loves riding on pretty much any form of Disney Transportation, so this was an event...  Got to the Cart stand and let the attendant know we were ready to pick up our cart. Now, this may sound strange, but the guy says, well, we're going to give you a little extra magic today and upgrade your cart to one of the brand new ones!  He was pretty excited to tell us this.  He was so friendly and honest about it I couldn't help feeling a little extra loved and cared for, thanked him extra nice for the "upgrade", and in fairly short order we were riding one of the kids favorite rides in the whole place! 🙂  Gotta admit, I'm right there with them.  Folks, say whatever you want about bikes, or walking, but with two little pairs of legs, two ummm more mature pair of legs, long days in the park, sometimes rain, sometimes just for the sheer joy of looping...  You just can't beat a cart.  I know, I know, they are not strictly needed...  But dang it!  It's vacation and we love them!  LOL!
    Next we take our new found little plastic and lead acid battery filled hunk of joy back to the meadows to look for some fresh bananas for Ben, and a cable modem for me!
    -Pixie dust works for Internet modems.
    Well, this probably stretches the Pixie dust thing some (if the cart hasn't already) but as it so happens I get to the counter at the trading post with exactly one gentleman ahead of me and he's doing guess what?  Yep, returning a modem.  I walk up and say "I'd like on of those please." and about 90 seconds later I've got it.  Just mentioning this because I've seem many stories of long waits to get these, I'm not here at a really busy time of the year, and it's Monday, so perhaps that why I've had no issues needing to wait on one either trip.  Back to the camper for some more rest.
    Back at the camper we spent some more time unloading and unpacking stuff like the chairs and  the kids bikes and all of a sudden it's time for dinner.  I think we're just happy to be in a place for awhile after three longish days on the road and just decided to hang loose at the Fort for the evening and grab some take out from Trails End.
    After some food the kids decided that this would be a perfect time to try out the pool, and since it wasn't raining like it seems to have done every day last year, I decided that we'd better get them in there!  Enjoyed the pool which was busy, not crowded, and just relaxed.
    Later, it's back into the cart and off to the beach for the EWP and Fireworks.  Perfect ending to a long day.  I made myself a little extra special drink to relax, the kids were out like a light in thirty seconds.  
    Perfect.  We've had a good day.
    Pedometer 7210
    Wel - there it is - the first thrilling chapter...  Here's peek at tomorrow - I's seen something on our first day and did't realize I'd have breaking news for the Construction board....



  5. Wow, 2 flats in 2 days... hope you can get it worked out.

    PS - If you need anything while you are in my neck of the woods just holler, I'm not too far away from you guys.

    Hey thanks! As it turns out - believe it or not - it's the wheel and not the tire! Somehow it has developed a crack and so now I get to spend another extra night in the Smokys waiting for its replacement in the AM. Three different tire places said they had never seen anything like this before! LOL. Only me! Again, God was good and let me find it before I left town thinking I had a good spare, when it was really bad...
  6. I think God was watching over me! Pulled into my campsite in Gatlinburg last night and I had a flat tire on the camper. No sign of any issues all day and I walk around at every fuel stop and potty break. Went out to open the gray tank gate valve a couple of hours after arriving and it was flat as a pancake... Since we decided to extend things by a couple of days and come here instead I was able to take my time and get a new tire. We're back on all four wheels now. Sometimes the little voice that tells you to "go a different way" really knows what it's talking about! :)

  7. Getting ready to leave... It's sad, but, just for fun...

    You might have had a good time at the fort if...

    You decide poop in the pool is just part of the experience...

    You can't remember what day it is, you just know it's going to fast...

    Kids go to bed of their own free will, sometimes without even telling you..

    Your little Girl sobs when she learns we have to leave and go home...

    Your kids ask why we can't have a Golf Cart at home...

    You try to use your Magic Band PIN to unlock your truck...

    I'll remember more, or feel free to join in and add your own. Keep us in your thoughts as we travel home!

  8. Well, at the rate they are moving I think you have quite awhile before the new area is completely finished. ;)

    But it seems it would be pretty simple at that point to just install posts to block the way over to the marina when they do, and it would be a done deal. The cart path would basically dead end into that parking area, no more parking at the Marina. Unless that is there is another way to get over there that I have not seen?

  9. Yes they have!!!

    Not sure if they are in all Comfort Stations yet, but in the 1700/1900 Comfort Station they were.....

    There is a website somewhere that shows the locations of the machines, and their current "use" status....

    Found it...


    They are in the 1200/1300 station as well. Worked fine for us this week. I think only one washer and two of the dryers still take quarters. The rest require you to use a debit card. (I'm pretty sure).

  10. Good question. This year twice I've forgot to charge mine overnight and we went anyplace we wanted for two days with no problem. The battery indicator never has shown anything except fully charged. But we were told that we have one of their newer carts.

    Last year the Cast Member that gave us the cart went out of his way to tell us to plug it in whenever we could do so.

    So, not sure. I'm thinking that not all carts are alike in age or battery condition/capacity...

    LOL! Quoting myself now - need more coffee...

    As a question of ratio of carts to plugs. I can say, if you happen to find yourself in a position where you need to charge away from your site... The likelihood of finding a plug you can use is going to be pretty low when this place is busy.

  11. How many of the outlets are really needed? Our GC will run for days without charging, so just running around the Fort does not make us need an outlet until we get back to our site. And score points for gwen. It's COKE, not soda or pop. Where did those terms come from anyway?

    Nor ranting, just curious.

    Good question. This year twice I've forgot to charge mine overnight and we went anyplace we wanted for two days with no problem. The battery indicator never has shown anything except fully charged. But we were told that we have one of their newer carts.

    Last year the Cast Member that gave us the cart went out of his way to tell us to plug it in whenever we could do so.

    So, not sure. I'm thinking that not all carts are alike in age or battery condition/capacity...

  12. I think it was Hoop De Doo. When we went back for the Parade and Fireworks it seemed pretty much back to what I was used to seeing. Tomorrow is "Fort Day" for us. Nothing planned at all after breakfast. I'm ready to just be lazy for a day. :)

    So, hijacking my own thread - haha. Anything we shouldn't miss doing at the Fort on our "day about nothin"? Lots of pool time I think for sure if they can keep the poop out of the pool that is. Hah!

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