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parrothead7368 aka Norm

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Everything posted by parrothead7368 aka Norm

  1. Ok, Day 2 and we are off to Animal Kingdom, but first a short story. I decided, since we were turning the heat down to 45 at home while we were gone we had better take our hermit crab on the trip with us. Since the weather was so nice in Florida, I decide to put its cage outside evrey morning when we left to guard the place. Well, in the two years that we have had it, it rarely moves, but lo and behold this things went nuts every morning I put it outside. It either loved the weather or it enjoys vacation like the rest of us. Every night we would bring it in and we wouldn't hear from it, but e
  2. Thanks, it's a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H2 6 MP Digital Camera. My wife got it for me back in 2006 for our first anniversary. I always say we should read the book that came with it and we might take some decent pictures. It's funny you should mention the pictures, because we were going through our photopass pictures the other night and I commented that I thought our pictures were better than the ones they took. She was more than excited when we ran into them, I had to hold her back and she almost ran out of her shoes. She was so excited and she wouldn't stop yodeling the whole time we were in line
  3. Ok, let's get this thing going again. Today is Monday and we are headed for the Magic Kingdom for rope drop. I jumped on my mom's ECV and started the ride to the marina. I know I could have taken the bus, but for such a short ride and the hassle to strap it in, it is just easier to ride it down, plus it's actually kind of nice, just cruising along checking out the other campers on the edge of the loops. Anne was very happy though, because she could drive the cart and the girls couldn't wait. I put the pink and purple bandanas on everything that we had that had wheels, much easier to find our
  4. Unfortunately, the ticker is going to disappear until we get dates together for our next trip, but the good news is that I have the first $25 gift card in the drawer to start paying for it. Best Regards, Norm
  5. I'll try and get the next segment up tonight, the girls have/had dance class last night and tonight.
  6. I'll promise no more tearjerker moments. We are headed for the place of fun and happiness, there's no time for crying. Well, we get through these gates.... we take a right and finally get to see this.... We get to the gates, and there was only one other camper, so we drove right up to a window and started checking in. It was only 11AM, so our site wasn't ready yet, but they were going to give us a site on the 1500 Loop and they would text me when it was ready. I was happy we got what I requested, so a little magic happened early. After about an hour wait, we got the text and headed for our n
  7. Well, here is my first trip report. It's going to be a little slow, since I have to watch the girls at night and be forewarned that there aren't a lot of pictures of the Fort, since it was girls first trip to Disney. The cast of characters included myself at the age of 43, my wife Anne who is 34, my 70 year old mother who also name is Anne, and my darling daughters Cadence and Claire who are 4 & 3 respectively. First off, I would like to say, that I had a lot of help from people on this board directly and indirectly. I took in much information over the last few months from this board and p
  8. Thanks Jen, will do!! Wanting a license plate and a sticker, that's it. I will PM you that week. Best Regards, Norm
  9. Bought my wife the V-neck one the day before we left. When the stickers and license platres come out, I hope someone can pick me up a pair and I will send them the money for it. Best Regards, Norm
  10. I ended up getting one form Apple Rental. Good price for the week, $120.00. Thanks Karla. Best Regards, Norm
  11. My mom just sprained her ankle today and is in a walking cast. We are arriving Nov 6th and just in case we need to, is there an outside place to rent an ECV besides the parks? I know they have a limited supply, but if she definitely is going to need one I think it would be easier to rent one for the week and not get stuck with one not being available when we get to the park of the day. Anyone have a clue what the rental is at the park? anywhere else? Thanks. Best Regards, Norm
  12. Well, DACS stands for Digital Animation Control System and the cabin was used for a scene in Zapped! starring Scott Baio. That's as far as my imagination will wander right now. Best Regards, Norm
  13. Fry some fish up, that will definitely get the bacon odor out, but you may have a new problem. Best Regards, Norm
  14. We saw this happen years ago at Atlanta Motor Speedway in the infield back in 1994. A family was in their motorhome and one of their sons pitched a tent behind it where the generator exhaust was. He was drinking and obviously wasn't thinking and the exhaust fumes got him sick and he asphyxiated on his own vomit lke Jimi Hendrix did. The weirdest and saddest part, was that the family couldn't leave the infield, because the motorhome was trapped by other campers, so they stayed and watched the race. Best Regards, Norm
  15. My wife and I drove from NJ to ME and back when my oldest was 8 months old, and she did fine. The last two hours on the way home though were horrible, she had finally had enough of the car seat and wanted out., but all in all it was an ok experience. I think the combination of the car seat than stroller, back to car seat than back to stroller over and over while seeing the sites finally had its toll on her. She definitely would have been better if she had time to roll around on the bed more often and have a little freedom. I would do an overnight to give her the freedom and leave early so you
  16. The number that was posted on old voldy is for Custom Carriage Inc in Orlando. No one knows who this is supposedly, and all those posts have been deleted. Steve's number is (see golf cart information pages for number), which was posted a few days ago as his new number. So if anyone is worried, for a future rental, I would call now and confirm that you are still good with your resi before it's to late. Good luck everyone. Best Regards, Norm
  17. Thanks, I love my moving blanket. In fact right now, it is in the back of my Jeep from when we ent to watch fireworks back in July, it is a very versatile thing. Best Regards, Norm
  18. Babies and kids will grow, I would get the six seater now. Best Regards, Norm
  19. Luckily, I'm headed to Myrtle Beach to our condo for an overnite stop on the way home on the 11/11, so it won't affect me, I'm jumping on 17 at Exit 33 in South Carolina. Best Regards, Norm
  20. We got our pop up at Media Camping Center in Hatfield, but I knew exactly what model I wanted and all I needed was a good price, which I got. The most important thing is to do your research and shop around and look at prices so you can negotiate. Best Regards, Norm
  21. If you have time I would suggest going to the Hershey RV show in September, and leave the kids at home. They have every make and model, and you can walk around there until your head explodes. Here is a link for the dates. America's Largest RV Show We will be there Sunday. Best Regards, Norm
  22. That original post was from March 5, 2011. I think if there were any problems, they would have been found out by now, since I think people here have rented from him since than. Best Regards, Norm
  23. LTD Commodities I did drill a hole on each side and use pegs to keep it upright in bad weather. Best Regards, Norm
  24. You should see some of the poster's I have. A couple of my favorites is a Harry Gant signed "Bandit's Last Ride" that I got at his last race in Atlanta and one with Davey Allison's Texaco Havoline T-Bird signed across the bottom.
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