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Posts posted by PureTcrazy...rita

  1. I think Mo should make and send regular batches of rum balls to Rita to help keep Mama in line.  (Don't you dare tell Mama I said so or she'll be on my Fat A**!)



    Marty, I am gonna try to hold back from telling her, but...it would be nice to have you join our family of Fat A**es! :) Mo has given me the recipe for the rum balls! :)


    As for the rum balls... as my lovely southern Womenz would say, bless her heart!


    Those things are not for lightweights.  I didn't measure how much actual rum was in them but I threw away an empty bottle or 2 after I made them, and when I opened a container of them at work, people could smell them down the hall.  8)



    She was pretty laid back while "snacking" on them! :)

  3. you mean like this?




    That is Linda giving her "the finger!" She was telling her to be nice, like that did any good! lol The other Wild Womenz just laughed when she talked about my Fat A**! From reading all this I have realized that y'all are happy she is talking about me and not y'all! Just keep hanging around her, she'll get on your Fat A**'s eventually! Linda used to be "not AS fat," but she has become family and is officially a Fat A** now too! Poor Melissa was a Fat A** the first time they met!

  4. We stopped by to visit, but I'm confused about what day is which! I'm just gonna throw it all on here! We had so much fun visiting with all the ladies. These are a couple of pictures that Nicki took after we had seen Jen and picked up a few items.






    At some point, Monique gave Mama a bucket of Rum Balls. She loved those Rum Balls! Everytime I turned around she was getting a little "snack!"






    She had so much fun seeing all the womenz. I can't tell y'all how much it means to me that y'all include her and make her feel special! Of course, it would be nice if y'all got on to her ole mean butt every now and then! :)

  5. I grew up camping with my parents. We traveled from California to Florida via South Dakota one trip. They had a pop-up. I bought an OLD winnebago and Mama and Daddy had a different pop-up. We camped locally probably half the weekends of the year. I agree that a smaller camper is easier and you're more likely to use it.


    I hope y'all decide to go ahead and enjoy all that camping offers while y'all are young enough to really enjoy it! Bring that baby up right! :)

  6. I wish they would contract someone, like me for instance, to do a 3d computer generated photo-realistic version of the entire model.

    It's entirely possible if there are enough photos around.

    Someone did a tiny portion of it, but IMO, it's amateurish, and it doesn't look real. It's a Mickey Mouse attempt.

    Once the 3d CGI model is created, they could build a 3d virtual ride through the entire city. It could go inside the buildings, ride the monorails, and a lot of other neat stuff.

    Now wouldn't that be neat, instead of some of the crap that they do have at Epcot.

    That would be awesome! Isn't there someway to get your idea to the people that can make decisions?

  7. OK who will be there on or around the 4th of July, we will be there 6'26-7/8 just trying to see who all might brave the heat and crowds with us. I mean we are here for the Christmas New Years madness can it get any worse.

    Yes, it can. The crowds may not be as bad, but that is because 1/2 the people fell dead from the heat! I love my Fiends and I love the Fort, but I swore I would never do the 4th of July again! I do LOVE the fireworks then though!


    I hope y'all have a blast!

  8. I think the problem here is this guy is maybe not the best fit for the position. He yelled at me at Halloween when I tried to turn in the 900 loop. This was our loop. When I started to make the turn he YELLED at me with a very angry tone and expression, "THE LOOP IS FULL, I SAID MOVE ON."  I had not heard or seen him say a thing. Of course, I yelled back, 'THIS IS OUR LOOP." He waved me on in then. Granted it was an insane mess of carts and walkers etc, but the ANGRY YELLING is just not necessary.


    I also think that they need to do more to patrol the children driving carts. I saw many kids driving. Some were doing a good job and had parents with them, others not so much.

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