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Posts posted by Memphis

  1. When we tent camped we kept our food stuff in a Rubbermaid bin with snap-on top in the back of the truck. My trucks have always had either a topper or tonneau cover so items are out of the weather and secure.  We do have a Tupperware bread keeper but it is more to keep the bread from being squished than to keep it fresh.  Squirrels and brides are the biggest food thefts I have encountered at FW.  There are armadillos, bunnies, deer, turkeys, beer stealing otters and you would think raccoons but I have never seen one in the campground.  I don't know if Disney has a program to remove them or not. But thank goodness coons  are not the problem they are at say Fort Desoto or other state parks in the area. Coons at Fort Desoto can open a safe inside an armored car.

  2. I am gonna mention the "danger" that having an AP brings...you end up saying to yourself, "Well, I do have an AP and I want to get my money's worth so I need to plan a few more trips!" Everytime we buy AP's we end up making at least 4-5 trips. This year I have already been twice on my AP and we have 4 more trips planned!  :rofl2: :rofl2: We are lucky to live close enough to do this!

    This is a gigantic  MOUSE TRAP for semi locals. When we had PAPs the cost of the tickets was nothing compared to the cost of all the extra trips. Gas, lodging, food, golf cart rentals, souvenirs.  Not to mention the feeling that you HAVE  to go to WDW every time you get any time off.  That mouse is a sly one.  Be afraid.  Be very, very, afraid for your wallet. 

  3. Considering that warm air rises, if a man builds up gas and the ambient temperature is less than his body temperature, does he weigh less than when he does not have gas? If he ate a pound of beans, would he weigh more or less? Going further, if one ate enough gaseous food, would they ultimately float off into space?


    No doesn't work that way Bob.  I tried.  On a side note, I can turn any tub, pool, or lake for that matter into a bubble bath / whirlpool.


  4. We had a guy that thought it would be a good idea to use a circular saw to cut up palates to use as fire wood.  Of course he waited till night time to start his fire and then every 45-60 minutes he would fire that thing up and make about a dozen cuts.  Finally, about 10 o'clock the park ranger showed up to see what construction was going on that late at night. 

    Also had a guy with a chainsaw one time. I explained to him he really should not be using a chainsaw at night, especially in a campground, and doubly  especially, YOU DON'T CUT DOWN LIVE TREES FOR FIRE WOOD. 

    I hate camping on Holiday Weekends but when you work and have kids in school you just have to.

  5. Another great tip for using the crock pot is to use the liners.  Some of the meals we even put together in the liner at home and then put in a zip loc bag. When you're ready to cook just take out of the zip loc drop the liner with meal already in it in the pot, add any liquids needed and your off in less than a couple of minutes. Great to have a meal waiting on you when you get back to camp. Super easy clean up too.

  6. We usually get there early.  They will go ahead and check you in and give you all your paperwork  and keys to the kingdom cards. You can leave them your  cell number and they will text you your site number when it becomes available.  You can either park in the overflow lot and catch a bus to anywhere on Disney property or break out the bikes and go exploring, put on your swim suites and hit the pool, or go make your supply run to Wally world or a grocery store.  Of course if your site is ready they will let you in early but I would have a backup plan ready. 

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