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Posts posted by Memphis

  1. I like to use extra thick sliced bologna slit the meat so it does not curl. When the meat is done I make a grilled cheese on white bread with the fried bologna. It is also great fixed on toast with bacon, lettuce, tomato and fried bologna. Where I come from almost everything is better fried and with bacon.

  2. We have the kindle, kindle Fire, and an iPad. All 3 have good points. It really depends on how you use the device. If you want mostly a reader for daylight hours I would get the Kindle. It’s lightweight, inexpensive, and easily read in direct daylight. It also has a much longer battery life than either of the other two devices. If you are reading mostly in the dark or want to read magazines or adds that are in color or use for lite surfing of the internet I would get the kindle Fire. The iPad is too heavy and expensive to use just as a reader. Don’t get me wrong I love my iPad and I do use it for reading sometimes but that is not my iPad’s principal function.

  3. The bus system is so easy. All you have to do is get on the first bus you see and wait for the dirver to close the door and start to pull away. Then you yell out where is this bus going and if it is not going where you want to go ask the driver how to get where you want to go, where you have to go to catch the bus and most importantly how long will it be until that bus gets here and how long it will take to get you where you want to go. Then spend 10 min gathering your kids and stuff to get off the bus.

    Easy as pie. No chart needed. At least how is the people do it on the busses I have been on.

  4. The ice out of the comfort stations vending machines is at 32 deg so it can be dispensed. So it is at melting temps. From the get go. Pre bagged ice can be frozen to a lower temp. and so last longer.

    We use block ice I make in my own freezer at -5 deg. that will easily last 10 days in a good cooler.

    We have used dry ice on a 2 week trip to keep only frozen meat in for the second week. Everything in the cooler was hard frozen from the start and layered in the cooler with dry ice. We did not open the cooler until the start of the second week and everything was still frozen even though the dry ice was gone. However, unless I was going somewhere with no place to refill provisions I don’t think it is worth the cost, extra effort and precautions. Besides, I much prefer fresh to frozen meat, especially steaks.

  5. For us it depends on how crowded it is. When it is not crowded it’s a lot of fun. But most of the time it was crowded to packed and having to wait in line for everything gets old fast. If it’s a choice between DQ or a water park I would go with water park every time. DQ does have some very cool games you will not find anywhere else. If you are the type that loves video games and don’t mind having to wait you will love it.

    Yes you can come and go but because of the way they let you in, it’s a pain to have to go through the “pre show”. It kind of cool the first time but once is enough.

    I don’t think we ever spent more than 4 hours at a time at DQ. I could not imagine staying all day at but a water park can easily take all day.

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