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Lil Lisa

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Posts posted by Lil Lisa

  1. Phew! I'm finally caught up! What can I say... I noticed those barrels, but I never knew they took quarters... BTW if you ever find yourself torn between clean laundry and barrels, you can always put in an unbalanced load and wait for the spin cycle... Spin cycle!! SPIN CYCLE!!! :rofl2:

  2. I heard the ride audio from Snow White earlier today on Live 365.

    It might be the last time I hear it.

    I'm not sad.

    I have a coworker in Boston that listens to MouseRadio too and whenever COP is on we IM each other.

    And she always recites the "root beer" line.

    Lou would be horrified. :rofl2:

    Gotta love working with other Disney Geeks!!!

    I'm starting to think that Lou doesn't really hate all of the attractions that he says he does. If he did, there would be no reason for him to ever go to the magic kingdom... ;)

  3. This just keeps getting better and better!

    Gotta share my one "what were they thinking???" photo from our last trip...


    Yep. That would be a grown man wearing a Yoda backpack.

    I don't judge... :rofl2:

    I wanted one of those, but Bruce wouldn't let me. I don't understand why...

  4. :rofl2: You know, I had to stop and think...who was wearing diapers?? :rofl2:

    Guess those are PULL-UPS, not easy-ups :well-duh-smiley:

    I'm happy that you finally got to finish. Hoping I have a report with you guys included sometime this year, although the gas situation is going to put a damper on our vacations for the summer. :banghead:

    I'm a big kid now! ;)

    I hope you do too! The trip is still on for now. We've started special savings just for gas. We are about 3000 miles round trip and we get about 10 miles/gallon. That equals a whole lot of dollars! I wish our moving plans would hurry up and come together!

  5. I'm a compulsive planner... can't help it.

    Our first few trips were scheduled practically by the hour because we weren't sure if/when we'd be coming back and we didn't want to miss anything.

    But as time went on and we knew we definitely would be coming back, and our trips got longer and longer, the pressure to plan... well ANYthing really, went away.

    Now I usually have a loose schedule based around the park hours, and a handful of ADRs for places we know we really want to go to.

    Then we get there and I pretty much never look at the schedule again!

    I have the Lines app from Touring Plans, so while we're enjoying a leisurely brunch at the campsite (never quite make it up early enough for breakfast) we scan through what's open when (we like evening EMH), what the crowds levels are predicted to be, what sounds like something fun we'd like to do that day, and we wing it!

    Not only is it a lot more fun, it also makes us feel like we're actually on VACATION - and not doing a Theme Park marathon.

    Having APs really helps too, since park hopping is built in. It gives us the flexibility to do random things like.... go to MK to watch the fireworks, grab a dole whip (of course), poke around some nooks and crannies and leave. Or pop over to Epcot for a meal or HS just for a late night EMH.

    These days our trips are fun and relaxing - and a great vacation all around!!

    That's us too. I don't think that we have ever made it to a park before noon. We have more fun when we take it at a leisurely pace.

  6. Wow, talk about a paradigm shift. It used to be common place for tech support to be handled out of a large call center in Asia somewhere. Now, when I need tech support, I will wonder if the response is coming from an entrepenuer standing in line for fish and chips at EPCOT. :)


    I answered an email while we were in the China pavilion. Does that count? :rofl2:

    Thanks for putting this trip report back on my radar. We still have a few days left. At this rate I should be able to finish this report just in time for my next trip!

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